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Teori Dasar Sistem (IS1223)
Prasyarat: Pengantar Sistem Informasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Mempelajari pengertian sistem dan model, karakteristik sistem, hubungan sistem dan model, klasifikasi sitem, proses analisis dan pemodelan. Pada bagian akhir disampaikan salah satu bentk pemodelan SI.
Referensi Skittner, Lars, General System Theory: Problems, Perspectives, Practice- 2nd Ed., World Scientific Publiching Co. Pte. Ltd, 2005 Simatupang, Togar M., Teori Sistem Suatu Perspektif Teknik Industri, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta, 1995 Carmona, Dougglas H., General System Theory: A Focus on Computer Science Engineering-Segunda Edicion, Paperback, Krishnamurthy, Nikhiles, and Saran, A., Building Software: A Practitioner's Guide, Auerbach Publications, New York, 2008 Simatupang, Togar M., Pemodelan Sistem, Penerbit Nindita, Klaten, 1995 Kendall, Kenneth E., and Kendall, J. E., System Analysis and Design-8th ed., Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2011 Valacich, Joseph, et al., Essentials of System Analysis and Design-5th ed., Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey , 2012 Satzinger, John W., et al., System Analysis and Design in a Changing World-5th ed., Nelson Education Ltd., Canada, 2009
Strategi Pedagogi Student Centered Learning
Sistem Penilaian B A C Default Basic requirement
Active, outstanding, leading Well prepared, well managed C Struggle to reach basic requirement Score for effort
Skala Penilaian ≥ 80 A 70 – 79 B 60 – 69 C 50 – 59 D
Proporsi Nilai UTS: 30% Tugas-tugas dan Quiz: 40% UAS: 30% Quiz: 20%
Kehadiran Mahasiswa 75% - 80% Dosen 90% - 96% Waktu perkuliahan:
20 sesi Kuliah 8 sesi Responsi Quiz Pembahasan Tugas Presentasi 1 UTS 1 UAS 1 Ujian remedial (kehadiran 75%, nilai maks: C)
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