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2 BACAAN Economics, Husted,Steven and Michael Melvin; International Economics, sixth edition, pearson Addison-Wesley:2004 Salvatore,Dominick;International Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall Int’l:1995

3 RUANG LINGKUP Perdagangan Internasional
Pengertian Ekonomi Internasional Mengapa terjadi PErdagangan Internasional Tools memahami perdagangan internasional Teori-teori perdagangan internasional Kebijakan Perdagangan internasional Lembaga-lembaga perdagngan internasional Keuangan Internasional Transaksi ekonomi internasional (TEI) Neraca Pembayaran (Balance of Payment) Pembayaran Internasional (Letter of Credit) Pasar Valas Kurs Mengatasi resiko kurs (interest and purchasing power parity)

4 PENGERTIAN Internaional economics deals with the economic interdependence among nations It analyzes the flows of good, services, and payments between a nation and the rest of the world, the policies directed at regulating this flow, and their effect on the national welfare (DS:p7)

5 PENGERTIAN Internaional economics deals with the economic interdependence among nations It analyzes the flows of good, services, and payments between a nation and the rest of the world, the policies directed at regulating this flow, and their effect on the national welfare (DS:p7)

6 PENGERTIAN Internaional economics deals with the economic interdependence among nations It analyzes the flows of good, services, and payments between a nation and the rest of the world, the policies directed at regulating this flow, and their effect on the national welfare (DS:p7)

Economics is the study of how men choose to use scarce or limited productive resources (Land, labor, capital goods and technical knowledge) to produce various commodities and to distribute them to various members of society for their consumption (Samuelson:2000) Scarce (kelangkaan) faktor faktor produksi, Choice (efektif dan efisien) Distribution/allocation (a fair) Mengapa perlu perdagangan internasional: Kelangkaan faktor produksi yang dimiliki (SDA, SDM, Kapital, Enterprenuership/Teknologi) Q = f (R,L,K,E) Kebutuhan akan produk yang tidak dapat dihasilkan Perbedaan harga

8 INDEX OF OPENESS A measure of the importance of international trade to an economy. Calculated as the ratio of exports over total domestic production Case (diskusikan)

9 Relative Price is a ratio of two product price
Tools Mempelajari Perdagangan Internasional 1. Relative Price vs Nominal Price Relative Price is a ratio of two product price Nominal Price is a price expressed in terms of money Grafik price Line Barang X Price Line Barang Y

10 RELATIVE PRICES All economic decision(decision to produce or to consume) are based on relative price rather than nominal price A relative price refers to a price ratio, say PS/PT: if PS/PT = k then 1 unit of S = k unit of T or 1 unit of T = 1/k unit of S Sebagai contoh : 1 bushel of soybeans(S) cost $10 and 1 yard of textiles (T) cost $5 the relative price of S interms of T (PS/PT)=10/5= $2 So if the farmer produced 1000 unit of S and taken this amount to the market to sell, what would be the maximum amount of T he could purchase. The answer is 2000 units. Hence, the end points of the price line would be 1000 on the S axis and 2000 on the T axis. The price line tells us at what rate that good could be exchange in the market for the other

11 RELATIVE PRICES Suppose that PS/PT rises from 2 to 3 what will be the effect on the price line? (it will get steeper). It means that the same amount of S now trades for 3 unit of T rather than 2 units. T has become relatively cheaper and S become relatively more expensive. Semakin tegak garis harganya semakin mahal barang di horisontal (S) dan semakin murah barang yang divertikal, demikian sebaliknya. Dengan demikian harga suatu barang dibanding barang lain tidak bersifat statis tetapi berubah-berbah demikian uga garis harganya. Price line menunjukkan terms of trade dari relative price.

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