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Install wood bekisting

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Presentasi berjudul: "Install wood bekisting"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Install wood bekisting
Conduct preparatory work for the bekisting column, beam, and floor plate

2 Learning Objectives: Students can specify the materials for making bekisting column. Students can specify the materials for making bekisting beam. Students can specify the materials for making bekisting plate floor. Konstruksi kayu

3 Materials for making bekisting column
Board, 2-3 cm thick, cm wide. Rafter 5 / 7 cm. Paku reng. Paku usuk. Konstruksi kayu

4 Materials for making bekisting beam
Board, 2-3 cm thick, cm wide. Rafter 5 / 7 cm. Paku reng. Paku usuk. Bamboo / wooden pole as a buffer. Konstruksi kayu

5 Materials for the making of the floor plate bekisting
Board, 2-3 cm thick, cm wide. 12-18 mm thick Multiplek. Rafter 5 / 7 cm. Paku reng. Paku usuk. Bamboo / wooden pole as a buffer. Konstruksi kayu

6 Daftar Pustaka Soetjipto Konstruksi Beton Bertulang 1. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Suratman Petunjuk Praktek Bangunan Gedung 2. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Purwoko, Timbul Petunjuk Praktek Batu dan Beton 1.Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Thank You Konstruksi kayu

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