Pertemuan Kesepuluh Data Analysis

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pertemuan Kesepuluh Data Analysis"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pertemuan Kesepuluh Data Analysis
Matakuliah : MN J0412/ Riset Pemasaran Tahun : 2007 Versi : Pertemuan Kesepuluh Data Analysis

2 Mahasiswa dapat menciptakan analisa data
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat menciptakan analisa data

3 Materi 3: Simple Regression Materi 4: Multiple Regression
Outline Materi Materi 1: Editing Materi 2: Coding Materi 3: Simple Regression Materi 4: Multiple Regression

4 - Coding Closed-Ended Items - Coding Open-Ended Items
Data Analysis Editing - Field Edit - Central-Office Edit 2. Coding - Coding Closed-Ended Items - Coding Open-Ended Items - Building the Data File

5 Data Analysis 3. Regression Analysis:
Is a statistical technique that is used to relate two or more variables (Aaker, Kumar & Day) Estimasi Parameter Model:

6 Data Analysis Estimasi Standar Kesalahan/Eror:
The standard error of the estimate is interpreted to mean that, for any given value of the independent variable Xi, the dependent variable tends to be distributed about the predicted value Yi, with a standard deviation equal to the standard error of the estimate (Aaker, Kumar & Day)

7 Data Analysis Estimasi Parameter:
Pengujian Signifikansi Variabel Bebas: Koefisien Determinasi:

8 Data Analysis 4. Regresi Berganda: Modelnya: Standar Deviasi:
Uji Signifikansi : Standar Deviasi:

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