Fundamentals of Perception Psychology

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1 Fundamentals of Perception Psychology
Marina Wardaya,

2 Class Objective Students know what inspire the psychology science
Students understand various types of psychology perspective and it’s impact

3 Psychology 101

4 History of Psychology Europe History Psychology Ancient Greek Roman Empire to middle ages Renaissance Post Late 19th century 20th Century Psychology as part of philosophy and pseudo science Modern science Natural science Psychology as part of medical science Lab Leipzig Psychology as independent science Functionalism Behaviorism Psychoanalysis Schools of thought

5 History Psychology as a science started in 1800 and considered as a young science. There are numerous philosophers in the 17th and 18th century like, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, and Hume formed the basic of psychology. Psychology is established as a science in the late 19th century. sejak zaman filsuf-filsuf besar seperti Socrates ( SM) telah berkembang filsafat mental yang membahas secara jelas persoalan “jiwaraga”. Rene Descartes ( ) mengemukakan bahwa manusia memiliki dimensi jiwa dan raga yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Pada awal abad XIX psikologi mengalami kemajuan yang cukup pesat, Gustaf Tehodore Fechner ( ) dan Ernest Heinrich Weber ( ) menemukan suatu hukum penginderaan melalaui eksperimen yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 1860 dalam buku Element of Pschology. Puncaknya adalah ketika Wilhem Wund ( ) pada tahun 1979 mendirikan laboratorium psikologi pertama di Leipzig Jerman dan peristiwa ini menandai psikologi sebagai ilmu mandiri.Tahun 1883 berdiri laboratorium serupa di Uiversitas John Hopkins. Tahun 1890 terbit buku The Priciples of Psychology karangan William James ( ) yang setahun kemudian menjadi profesro psikologi dan sejak itu hampir semua universitas di Amerika memiliki fakultas yang mandiri. Di Indonesia perkembangan psikologi dimulai pada tahun 1953 yang dipelopori oleh Slamet Iman Santoso dengan mendirikan lembaga pendidikan psikologi pertama yang mandiri dan pada tahun 1960 lembaga tersebut sejajar dengan fakultas-fakultas lain di Universitas Indonesia dan kemudian dikembangkan di UNPAD dan UGM.

6 What is a Perspective? A guidance to one’s thinking. It is also considered as a lens that influences how someone views a particular situation. Example: wearing a red sunglasses will give you different view from wearing the green or any other colors.

7 What is Perception? “Perception is a process of creating understanding from an outside stimuli which came from objects, events or interrelation of event which is being capture by our senses…”

8 Perspectives in Modern Psychology
Psychodynamic Behavioral Humanistic Physiological Gestalt Cognitive Socio-Cultural

9 Psychology Perspectives

10 Psychodynamic Developed by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
It emphasizes the early childhood experiences on adjustment in adulthood

11 Psychodynamic perspective
Perspective that emphasizes the importance of early childhood experience and the unconscious in our everyday lives.

12 Behavioral Discovered by a scientist named John Watson (1878-1958)
states that behaviors are influenced by environment

13 Behavioral Perspective
Perspective that focuses on the behaviors that can be seen by other.

14 Humanistic Develop in reaction to the older 2 perspectives

15 Humanistic Perspective
Perspective that focuses on the individual as someone with potential who is constantly striving to reach that potential.

16 Physiological Karl Lashley ( ), is considered as one of the pioneer scientist who work on brain function Relationship between body and mind People use computerized tool (CAT scan,MRI, EEG) to study the works of brain and its connection to the body.

17 Physiological Perspective
Perspective that examines the connection between body and mental health.

18 Gestalt Pioneered by Max Wertheimer (1880-1943).
Seeing the world (the surrounding) as a whole or a sum of its part.




22 Gestalt Perspectives Perspective that focuses on the individual’s perception of the world.

23 Cognitive About the importance of thought. Changing thoughts can drive to changing behavior. For human, this can mean learning from the experience so that the behavior is changed / modified.

24 Cognitive Perspective
Perspective that states our behaviors are influenced by our thoughts about a particular situation.

25 Socio-Cultural Lev Vygotsky ( ) started to see the environment and cultural influence to human behavior There is great diversity in our country and psychology has started to recognize the important role that culture plays in shaping who we are.

26 Socio-Cultural Perspective
Perspective that emphasizes on how culture determines our behavior.


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