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Diterbitkan olehM Fakhrul Rivaldo Harahap Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
Angga Handia Gregorius Cornelis M. Abizar Fahrivan M. Fakhrul Rivaldo
Future Continuous Tense : It is used to express a continued or an ongoing action in future. For example, “I will be waiting for you tomorrow”, it conveys ongoing nature of an action (waiting) which will occur in future. Rules : Auxiliary verb “will be” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb + ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence. ACTIVE SENTENCE ACTIVE SENTENCE Formula : 1.Sentence Future continuous tense positive (+) Subject + will + be + verb-ing + object 2.Sentence Future continuous tense negative (-) Subject + will + not + verb-ing + object 3.Sentence Future continuous tense interrogative (?) Will + subject + be + verb-ing + object
www.free-ppt-templates.com Some More Examples : Positive sentences : We will be shifting to a new home next year. He will be flying a kite. It will be raining tomorrow. She will be enjoying her vacations. He will be expecting honesty from his employee. She will be delivering a speech to people.
www.free-ppt-templates.com Negative sentences : We will not be shifting to a new home next year. He will not be flying a kite. It will not be raining tomorrow. She will not be enjoying her vacations. He will not be expecting honesty from his employees. She will not be delivering a speech to people.
www.free-ppt-templates.com Interrogative sentence : Will we be shifting to a new home next year? Will he be flying a kite? Will it be raining tomorrow? Will she be enjoying her vacations? Will he be expecting honesty from his employees? Will she be delivering a speech to people?
PASSIVE SENTENCE Formula : 1.Sentence Future continuous tense positive (+) O+ Will + Be + Being + V3 + S 2.Sentence Future continuous tense negative (-) O + Will + Not + Be + Being + V3 + S 3.Sentence Future continuous tense interrogative (?) Will + O +Be + Being + V3 + S
www.free-ppt-templates.com Some More Examples : Positive sentences : a. The food will be being cooked by mother for her husband. b. Many books will be being brought by her. c. Sandwich will be being eaten by me. Negative sentences : a.Those flowers will not be being watered by Jihan. b.Many problems will not be being solved with him. c.Cats will not be being fed by me. Interrogative sentence : a.Will those computers be being repaired when I will come? b.Will many books be being brought by her? c.Will many problems be being solved with him?
www.free-ppt-templates.com Exercise : 1. Peggy.......... to the party on Saturday. (to come) 2. We ………. him tomorrow. (to meet) 3. This time next week he ………. to South Africa. (to fly) 4. At 6 o'clock on Friday they ………. the new song. (to sing) 5. It ………. when I reach Bangkok. (to rain/probably) 6. Tomorrow at nine I ………. a test. (to write) 7. Andy ………. a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch)
www.free-ppt-templates.com 8. You ………. pizza soon. (to eat) 9. She ………. when you telephone her. (to sleep) 10. They ………. in Budapest just about now. (to arrive)
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