Task of the Philosophy Of Vocational Education Thanks To : Prof. Jalius Jama,M.Ed., Phd By : M. SABIR RAMADHAN

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1 Task of the Philosophy Of Vocational Education Thanks To : Prof. Jalius Jama,M.Ed., Phd By : M. SABIR RAMADHAN 17193056

2 1. HABIT 1 : BE PROACTIVE HABITS are activities that are done without the need to think first and the 7 most effective habits according to Stephen R. Covey are: Habit 1 is about how we taking responsibility for our own life. We can't keep blaming everything on our parents or grandparents. We don't blame genetics, circumstances or our condition We know we choose our behaviour. So be proactive means being responsible for our own behavior (in the past, in the present, or in the future) and making choices based on principles and values rather than on moods or circumstances.

3 2. HABIT 2 : BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND Habit 2 means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of our desired direction and destination. To incorporate habit 2 into our life is with develop a personal mission statement. It focuses on what we want to be and do. It is our plan for success and moves our ideas into the real world. Our mission statement makes we the leader of our own life. We create our own destiny and secure the future we envision. So begin with the end in mind is that we can concentrate and consider all consequences before acting, so that it can be productive and successful.

4 3. HABIT 3 : PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST Habit 3 means organizing and executing what has been created in habit 2 such as our goals, our vision, our values and our priorities. Secondary things do not take precedence. The main things are not overcome. We focus our attention on what's most important, whether urgent or not. The point is to make sure the main thing first. So if habit 2 is a mental activity, then habit 3 is a physical activity of habit 2

5 4. HABIT 4 : THINK WIN-WIN Thinking win / win is a way of thinking that seeks to achieve mutual benefits, and is based on mutual respect in all interactions. Thinking win / win means not thinking selfish (win / losing) or thinking like a martyr (losing / winning). In working and family life, members think interdependently - with the term "us" instead of "me". Thinking win / win encourages conflict resolution and helps each individual to seek mutually beneficial solutions.

6 5. HABIT 5 : SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD If we listen carefully, to understand others, rather than to respond, it means we begin true communication and build relationships. When others feel understood, they feel affirmed and appreciated, willing to open up, so the opportunity to speak openly and understandably happens more naturally and easily. 6. HABIT 6 : SYNERGIZE Synergize is about generating a third alternative - not my way, not your way,but a better third way than our own. So synergize means utilizing the differences that exist in overcoming the problem, take advantage of opportunities.

7 7. HABIT 7 : SHARPEN THE SAW Sharpen the saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset we have. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual. Here are some examples of activities: Physical: Beneficial eating, exercising, and resting Social/Emotional: Making social and meaningful connections with others Mental: Learning, reading, writing, and teaching Spiritual: Spending time in nature, expanding spiritual self through meditation, music, art or prayer.

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