Dasar-Dasar Sistem Informasi

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1 Dasar-Dasar Sistem Informasi
Tradition of Excellence Dasar-Dasar Sistem Informasi Information SySTEM DEVELOPMENT Oleh : Fajrin Nurman Arifin, S.T., M.Eng

2 A. Alasan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi
Tradition of Excellence A. Alasan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi A way to get some information for our business A way to solve our problem in organization business/activity As a strategic way

3 B. Pendekatan Sistem dalam memecahkan masalah
Tradition of Excellence B. Pendekatan Sistem dalam memecahkan masalah 1. Recognize and define a problem or opportunity using systems thinking. 2. Develop and evaluate alternative system solutions. 3. Select the system solution that best meets your requirements. 4. Design the selected system solution. 5. Implement and evaluate the success of the designed system.

4 C. Analisis dan Desain Sistem
Tradition of Excellence C. Analisis dan Desain Sistem activities that include the identification of business problems the proposed solution the form of an information system (IS), to one or more of the problems identified the design and implementation of that proposed solution to achieve the desired and stated goals of the organization

5 D. System Development Life Cycle
Tradition of Excellence D. System Development Life Cycle

6 E. Starting System Development Life Cycle
Tradition of Excellence E. Starting System Development Life Cycle E.1. Feasiblility of the Department Because the process of development can be costly, the systems investigation stage typically requires the development of a feasibility study. a preliminary study that determines the information needs of prospective users and the resource requirements, costs, benefits, and feasibility of a proposed project. Then a team of business professionals and IS specialists might formalize the findings of this study in a written report that includes preliminary specifications and a developmental plan for a proposed business application.

7 E.1. The Benefit of the system to the Department
Tradition of Excellence E.1. The Benefit of the system to the Department

8 F. Analisis Sistem terhadap Organisasi
Tradition of Excellence F. Analisis Sistem terhadap Organisasi Analisis sistem adalah aktifitas yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan fungsional dari sistem yang akan dikembangkan. Analisis sistem juga digunakan sebagai dasar dalam pengembangan sistem. Beberapa hal yang dibahas/dipelajari dalam analisis kebutuhan sistem antara lain: Kebutuhan dari organisasi/user terhadap informasi yang diinginkan Aktifitas, sumber daya, dan produk apa saja yang nantinya terlibat atau dihasilkan oleh sistem informasi Kemampuan dari sistem agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan stakeholder yang menggunakan sistem tersebut. Aktifitas analisis sistem yang dilakukan melibatkan 2 aktifitas, yakni analisis organisasi dan analisis dari sistem yang saat ini digunakan oleh organisasi/perusahaan.

9 G. Desain Sistem Tradition of Excellence
logical model of the current system is modified until it represents the blueprint for the new system. This version of the logical model represents what the new system will do. During the physical design portion of this step, users and analysts focus on determining how the system will accomplish its objectives. This point is where issues related to hardware, software, networking, data storage, security,etc. As such, systems design consists of design activities that ultimately produce physical system specifications satisfying the functional requirements that were developed in the systems analysis process.

10 Tradition of Excellence
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