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Persiapan Kegiatan PMR Kelompok Kerja Industri:

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1 Persiapan Kegiatan PMR Kelompok Kerja Industri:
“Penyusunan dan Pengembangan Sisem MRV Pelaporan Emisi GRK” Bogor, 18 – 20 September 2017 Penyusunan Baseline Industri Pulp dan Kertas: Pembelajaran Dari Studi NAMAs oleh Retno Gumilang Dewi dan Edzard Ruehe

2 Role Of Pulp And Paper Industry IN THE NATIONAL GHG EMISSION
ENERGY RELATED ACTIVITY Source 1st BUR, MoEF, 2015 Industry/Manufacture

3 Gambaran Kapasitas Produksi Industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia
1 Produksi, Energi, Limbah dan Emisi GRK

4 Karakteristik Industri Pulp Kertas Indonesia
No Jenis Industri Jumlah Perusahaan 1 Pulp Kertas Terintegrasi 4 2 Pulp Tissue Terintegrasi 3 Pulp Tissue 11 5 Kertas Rokok & Kertas Khusus (Specialty Paper) 6 Writing/Printing/News Paper 10 7 Carton/Cardboard 8 Sack/Kraft 21 9 Kraft Fluting /Liner 24 TOTAL 81 Sumber: Diolah dari data-data Directorate General Agro Industry, APKI dan Industri, 2015

Sumber: Diolah dari data-data Directorate General Agro Industry, APKI dan Industri, 2015

6 Karakteristik Industri Pulp dan Kertas
Kategori Industri Production Capacity, M ton/year Energy Intensity, TJ/t product % biomass % use of electricity (3rd party) Carbon intensity Stationary Fossil t CO2/t prod Integrated Pulp and Paper 2 – 3 0.03 – 0.05 64-83% - Integrated Pulp and Tissue < 1 0.043 74% 1 – 1.12 Wet Pulp 2.0 – 3.0 0.0215 1.137 Dry Pulp 1.5 – 1.8 0.0239 1.254 Tissue 0.2 – 0.7 0.004 – 0.014 Kertas Cigarette 0.02 0.01 – 0.045 1.2 Writing, Printing, News Paper 0.251 12% 1.56 Carbon Less & Specialty Paper 0.08 0.34 0.034 Carton Box and Industrial Board 165 0.01 1.15 – 1.38 Kraft Paper Fluting and Kraft Liner 0.68 – 1.5

7 Sumber-Sumber Utama Emisi GRK
2 Industri Pulp dan Kertas

8 Sumber-sumber Utama Emisi GRK Industri
Tidak signifikan Industri Pulp Kertas ENERGY Scope 1 Direct Emission from Fossil Fuels Combustion Scope 2 Indirect Emission from Electricity Utilization Biomass Utilization WASTE Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Sludge Treatment and Handling Solid Waste Treatment and Handling IPPU Industrial Processes Product Utilization


10 Kontribusi Industri Pada (Indirect Emisi GRK Penggunan Energi
Petrochemicals Iron and Steel Aluminum Textile F/B Indirect Emission sector industri ,,, ?




14 IPPU (industrial Process and Product Use)
36.12 Ggram CO2e [2010] 43.15 Ggram CO2e [2015] Total Ggr CO2e (2014) Kontribusi Emisi GRK dari Industri Kertas tidak signifikan

15 GHG From Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)
CPO Vegetable Fruits and Juices Starch Pulp and Paper Source 1st BUR, MoEF, 2015

16 Solid waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) handling in the pulp and paper industry


18 GHG Emission Baseline and Mitigation Scenario
Base year (2010) 2020 2030 Baseline Scenario Mtigation Scenario GHG Emission Level Baseline is a forecast of GHG emissions level scenario in the absence of specific measures and policies or regulations that lead to the occurrence of the reduction of GHG emission or the enhancement of GHG sequestration Baseline = which is expected to occur if no mitigation actions Mitigation a forecast of GHG emissions level scenario if there are efforts, specific measures and policies or regulations that lead to the occurrence of the reduction of GHG emission or the enhancement of GHG sequestration GHG Reduction = Baseline – Mitigation Precondition: The number and quality of products and services from development activities in baseline scenario is not diminished by mitigation activities 1818

19 Penurunan Intensitas EMISI GRK AKSI MITIGASI
Base year (2010) GHG Emission Reduction Baseline GHG Emissions level 2012 Mitigation Year -n GHG Emission Intensity Baseline GHG Emission Intensity Mitigation (from GHG Inventory) Baseline (refer to international technology)

20 Baseline Untuk Penghitungan Reduksi Emisi GRK
Penghitungan pengurangan emisi GRK kegiatan mitigasi membutuhkan: baseline emisi GRK, yaitu kondisi/skenario yang secara rasional menggambarkan proyeksi emisi GRK yang timbul jika tidak ada kegiatan mitigasi yang direncanakan estimasi tingkat emisi GRK setelah mitigasi dilaksanakan. Baseline emisi GRK  inventarisasi pada base year dan proyeksi potensi emisi GRK sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan. Emisi GRK skenario mitigasi adalah tingkat emisi GRK setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan mitigasi yang direncanakan Pengurangan/reduksi emisi GRK adalah selisih antara emisi baseline dan emisi GRK setelah mitigasi dilaksanakan.

21 Baseline Emisi GRK Industri Pulp Kertas

22 GHG Emission Projection and Mitigation
Parameter Utama Untuk suatu fasilitas pengolahan limbah, tingkat emisi GRK diperkirakan berdasarkan dua parameter utama, yaitu Data Aktivitas (AD) dan Faktor Emisi (EF). Emisi CH4 = Data Aktivitas (AD) x Faktor Emisi (EF) AD mewakili besaran kegiatan antropogenik yang potensial dalam menghasilkan emisi GRK, yaitu jumlah (massa) limbah yang diolah di fasilitas pengolahan selama satu tahun. EF mewakili jumlah CH4 yang dihasilkan dari setiap unit AD; nilai EF bergantung pada karakteristik dan teknologi pengolahan limbah. GHG Emission Level = Activity Data (AD) x EF Provide by sector GHG Emission Projection = AD (projection) x EF Sectoral Projection  provide by sector

Production - Pulp - Paper - Chemical/Other Product ENERGY and Carbon Emissions Energy (fossil fuel sources) TJ Energy Intensity GJ/t product Emission from power generation on site t CO2e Emission from purchased electricity (national grid) tCO2e Total emissions Total Carbon Intensity per ton pulp tCO2e/t pulp Total Carbon Intensity per ton paper tCO2e/t paper Total Carbon Intensity per ton product tCO2e/t

24 Tambahan

25 Diagram alir proses produksi kertas kraft, dan potensi emisi GRK
Emisi GRK dari penggunaan bahan bakar Emisi GRK dari pengolahan limbah

26 Diagram alir proses pabrik pulp - unit recausticizing
Emisi GRK dari penggunaan bahan bakar Sumber emisi CO2: pembakaran lumpur kapur dalam kiln utk menghasilkan CaO CaCO3 + heat  CaO + CO2 Reaksi Causticizing Na2CO3 + Na2S + Ca(OH)2  NaOH + Na2S + CaCO3 Reaksi Slaking CaO + H2O  Ca(OH)2

27 Net GHG Emissions = Direct Emissions + Indirect Emissions - Offsets
IPCC 2006: Inventarisasi GRK nasional hanya direct emission Sub-Nasional: Inventarisasi GRK mencakup direct/indirect emission

28 GHG Emission Boundary Direct indirect Direct Faktor Emisi SCOPE 1
GHG Emission Coverage: - Scope 1 Scope 2 Biomass Direct ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION POWER PLANT SCOPE 2 SCOPE 1 ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION indirect Direct Konsumen energi industri, bangunan, dll captive (PLTD, PLTG, PLTU) Source: Siagian, 2011

29 SUMBER Emisi GRK Pengolahan Limbah (IPAL) Industri

30 Emisi GRK Pengolahan Limbah (IPAL) Industri
GHG of industrial liquid-waste processing: CH4 and N2O CH4 Emissions COD inlet WWT facility COD outlet Sludge recovery CH4 emission : CH4 emissions per annum, kg CH4/year TOW : total organics content of liquid-waste, kg COD/year  (COD inlet – COD outlet) S : organic content removed as sludge, kg COD/year i : industry sector j : processing system/disposal channel R : CH4 recovery per annum, kg CH4/year EFj : emission factor, kg CH4/kg COD MCFj : methane correction factor, fraction Bo : maximum production capacity of CH4, kg CH4/kg COD Pi : total industrial product of industry i, ton/year Wi : wastewater generated or liquid-waste produced, m3/ton of product COD : chemical oxygen demand (plant specific)

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