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Pengantar Teknologi Informasi
Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer
Sistem Komunikasi Data
Melibatkan minimal 2 simpul Simpul bisa berupa komputer maupun peralatan lain Simpul berperan sebagai pengirim dan/atau penerima data Dihubungkan oleh media transmisi Data yg ditransmisikan berupa isyarat listrik
Gangguan Komunikasi Data
Data yg sampai kepada penerima bisa tidak sama dg yg disampaikan pengirim Penyebab Utama Atenuasi Pelemahan sinyal akibat jarak Distorsi Tunda Pengaruh pada waktu penerimaan Derau Penambahan data yg tidak perlu pada saat transmisi data
Arah Transmisi Menyatakan arah isyarat dalam media transmisi
Simplex / One way Tidak dapat bertindak sebagai pengirim dan penerima sekaligus Half-Duplex Mengirim dan menerima data bergantian Full-Duplex Mengirim dan menerima data berbarengan
Media Transmisi Penghubung antara pengirim dan penerima u/ melewatkan data Media kabel Media nirkabel Media Kabel Twisted Pair Cable UTP STP Coaxial Fiber Optic
Jaringan Komputer Hubungan dua atau lebih komputer yang bertujuan u/ melakukan pertukaran data Memungkinkan berbagi sumberdaya Jenis jaringan menurut rentang geo LAN Mencakup area yg terbatas (<1 Km) MAN Mencakup area dg rentang satu kota (10-45 Km) WAN Menghubungkan antar kota atau lebih luas lagi.
Topologi Jaringan Susunan komputer secara fisik dalam suatu jaringan
Bus Ring Star Extended Star Hierarchial Mesh
Bus Topology All of its nodes connected directly to one link
No other connections between nodes Each host is wired to a common wire. One advantage of this topology is that all hosts are connected to each other, and thus, can communicate directly. One disadvantage of this topology is that a break in the cable disconnects hosts from each other. Enables all networking devices to see all signals from all other devices Traffic problems and collisions are common.
Ring Topology Single closed ring consisting of nodes and links.
Each node connected to only two adjacent nodes. All devices wired directly to each other. In order for information to flow, each station must pass the information to its adjacent station.
Star Topology Has a central node with all links to other nodes radiating from it and allows no other links. Its primary advantage is that it allows all other nodes to communicate with each other, conveniently. Its primary disadvantage is that if the central node fails, the whole network becomes disconnected.. The flow of all information would go through one device.
Extended Star Topology
Repeats a star topology, except that each node that links to the center node is, also, the center of another star. The advantage of this is that it keeps wiring runs shorter, and limits the number of devices that need to interconnect to any one central node. An extended star topology is very hierarchical, and information is encouraged to stay local
Hierarchical Topology
Similar to the extended star topology uses a trunk node from which it, then, branches to other nodes. The trunk is a wire that has several layers of branches. The flow of information is hierarchical.
Mesh Topology Every node is linked directly to every other node.
The advantages are that Should any link fail to function, information can flow through any number of other links to reach its destination. Allows information to flow along many paths on its way through the network. The primary physical disadvantage is the amount of media for the links, and the amount of connections to the links becomes overwhelming. Depends greatly on the devices used.
Perangkat Interkoneksi Antarjaringan
Hubungan antara dua buah jaringan atau lebih. Perangkatnya Repeater Bridge Router Switch / Hub
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