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Disampaikan oleh: Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi
Differentiated Instruction Disampaikan oleh: Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi
Tujuan Instruksional:
Setelah sesi ini, peserta diharapkan mampu. . . Memahami apakah itu differentiated instruction Menjelaskan prinsip dasar dari differentiated instruction Menjelaskan bagaimana melaksanakan differentiated instruction Memodifikasi strategi mengajar berdasarkan differentiated instruction
What is differentiation?
Differentiation is classroom practice that looks eyeball to eyeball with the reality that kids differ, and the most effective teachers do whatever it takes to hook the whole range of kids on learning. -Tomlinson (2001) Show overhead 7-if time
Differentiated Instruction
“Differentiated instruction is a teaching philosophy based on the premise that teachers should adapt instruction to student differences. Rather than marching students through the curriculum lockstep, teachers should modify their instruction to meet students’ varying readiness levels, learning preferences, and interests. Therefore, the teacher proactively plans a variety of ways to ‘get at’ and express learning.” Carol Ann Tomlinson
Differentiation is responsive teaching rather than one-size-fits-all teaching.
Dalam satu kelas (sekitar 30 siswa)
Guru/Dosen akan mendapati sejumlah keragaman yang melekat pada setiap diri siswa. Pendekatan pengajaran yang menyamaratakan bagi setiap anak didik (one-size-fits-all) tentu tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan bagi setiap anak didik, karena kebutuhan mereka juga beragam. Pendekatan pengajaran one-size-fits-all perlu dikaji ulang. Karena itu dibutuhkan pendekatan pengajaran yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan setiap anak didik.
Setiap anak didik memiliki keunikan
Keunikan dan keragaman yang melekat pada diri setiap anak diantaranya adalah: Gaya belajar anak (contohnya gaya belajar auditory, gaya belajar visual, gaya belajar kinestetik), Kemampuan akademik (kemampuan akademik tinggi, kemampuan akademik sedang, kemampuan akademik rendah), Kecepatan dalam memahami pelajaran (ada siswa yang cepat dalam memahami pelajaran, ada yang sedang, bahkan lambat), Orientasi belajar (mastery, performance approach, performance avoidance) Motivasi (tinggi, sedang, rendah), Self-efficacy (tinggi, sedang, rendah), Minat (minat pada pelajaran tertentu, misalnya matematika, bahasa, atau science) Kepribadian (misalnya introvert atau extrovert), Status sosial ekonomi/SSE (SSE tinggi, sedang, tinggi).
One-Size-Fits-All vs Diferensiasi Pengajaran
Pendekatan “One-Size-Fits-All” Diferensiasi Pengajaran Guru menjawab semua pertanyaan. Guru mengarahkan pertanyaan kepada siswa. Setiap siswa menulis pada topik yang sama. Siswa memilih dari berbagai topik. Bentuk semua soal adalah pertanyaan pilihan ganda. Bentuk soal memiliki bagian yang berbeda yang dapat menawarkan beberapa cara untuk menunjukkan pembelajaran. Semua orang membaca buku yang sama Siswa memilih buku sesuai dengan minat mereka dan level bacaannya. Untuk sebagian besar waktu kelas, guru berada di depan ruang kelas dan langsung mengajar semua siswa dengan materi yang sama. Guru membimbing siswa melalui berbagai kegiatan dan bukan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya menyampaikan materi pelajaran.
One-Size-Fits-All vs Diferensiasi Pengajaran
Pendekatan “One-Size-Fits-All” Diferensiasi Pengajaran Guru hanya memberikan arahan secara verbal/lisan. Guru memberikan arahan baik lisan maupun tulisan, guru memberikan contoh dari suatu project sehingga siswa dapat melihat hasil kerja yang diharapkan. Waktu belajar di kelas dihabiskan untuk melakukan satu jenis aktivitas sepanjang waktu. Waktu belajar di kelas dibagi menjadi tujuh sampai sepuluh menit bagian waktu dengan kegiatan baru untuk setiap bagian. Guru dipandang sebagai orang yang memiliki otoritas untuk semua pengetahuan. Guru meminta masukan dari siswa tentang pelajaran, topik, dan project. Siswa membaca di kelas dan mengerjakan project di luar kelas. Siswa bekerja dengan orang lain di kelas dan melakukan hal-hal yang dapat mereka lakukan sendiri ketika mereka tidak di kelas. Siswa hanya memiliki satu kesempatan untuk mengerjakan tugas, biasanya dalam bentuk jenis tes kumulatif pada akhir unit pembelajaran. Siswa diberikan contoh tentang kualitas hasil kerja yang diharapkan, dan pekerjaan siswa selalu diperiksa dan diberi kesempatan untuk merevisinya.
Differentiation doesn’t suggest that a teacher can be all things to all individuals all the time. It does, however, mandate that a teacher create a reasonable range of approaches to learning much of the time, so that most students find learning a fit much of the time. “Differentiation is making sure that the right students get the right learning tasks at the right time. Once you have a sense of what each student knows and what he or she needs in order to learn, differentiation is no longer an option; it is an obvious response.”
Is it fair?
Differentiation Is a teacher’s response to learner’s needs
Guided by general principles of differentiation Meaningful tasks Flexible grouping Continual assessment Teachers can differentiate through Building Community Quality Curriculum Content Product Affect/Environment Process According to students’ Readiness Interest Learning Profile Through a variety of instructional strategies such as: Flexible Grouping…Graphic Organizers…Scaffolding …Learning Contracts….Tiering… Learning/Interest Centers… Independent Studies…Intelligence Preferences...Complex Instruction…ETC.
Guru dapat melakukan diferensiasi berdasarkan kesiapan, interes dan profile belajar siswa pada:
Content- apa yang dibutuhkan siswa untuk belajarnya, atau bagaimana siswa dapat mengakses informasi Process- aktifitas agar siswa terlibat dalam upaya memahami pelajaran Products- karya siswa sesuai dengan yang dipraktekkan/dipelajari Learning Environments- pelaksanaan KBM di kelas
Contoh diferensiasi “content”
Providing digital and print materials Emphasizing vocabulary at the readiness level of students Presenting the lesson through different modes: visually, auditory, and kinesthetically Small groups to re-teach or to extend thinking What will your students learn? How will you teach? Tomlinson, C. (2000). What is Differentiated Instruction? Reading Rockets. Accessible at
Contoh diferensiasi “process”
Anchoring activities; tiered activities Interest centers/stations Learning contracts Hands-on support; manipulatives Extended time How will your students learn the concepts and skills presented? Tomlinson, C. (2000). What is Differentiated Instruction? Reading Rockets. Accessible at
Contoh diferensiasi “products”
Using rubrics that extend students’ skill levels Providing options to work alone or in small groups Choice of product assignments Options of expressing mastery of GLE’s Challenge, variety, and choice How will students show what they have learned? Tomlinson, C. (2000). What is Differentiated Instruction? Reading Rockets. Accessible at Stephanie Dixon, Instructional Specialist
Possible Products Map Diagram Sculpture Discussion Demonstration Poem
Profile Chart Play Dance Campaign Cassette Quiz Show Banner Brochure Debate Flow Chart Puppet Show Tour Invention Lecture Editorial Painting Costume Placement Blueprint Catalogue Dialogue Newspaper Scrapbook Questionnaire Flag Graph Debate Museum Learning Center Advertisement Book List Calendar Coloring Book Game Research Project TV Show Song Dictionary Film Collection Trial Machine Book Mural Award Recipe Test Puzzle Model Timeline Toy Article Diary Poster Magazine Computer Program Photographs Terrarium Petition Drive Teaching Lesson Prototype Speech Club Cartoon Biography Review
Contoh diferensiasi “learning environment”
Quiet areas of the room Process in place for collaborative activities Available materials and resources Routines for assistance Opportunities for kinesthetic activities Is your classroom conducive to customizing instruction? Tomlinson, C. (2000). What is Differentiated Instruction? Reading Rockets. Accessible at
Key Principles of a Differentiated Classroom
The teacher is clear about what matters in subject matter. The teacher understands, appreciates, and builds upon student differences. Assessment and instruction are inseparable. The teacher adjusts content, process, and product in response to student readiness, interests, and learning profile. All students participate in respectful work. Students and teachers are collaborators in learning. Goals of a differentiated classroom are maximum growth and individual success. Flexibility is the hallmark of a differentiated classroom.
Differentiation is a Response to Beliefs About Teaching and Learning
We probably underestimate the capacity of every child as a learner Students should be a the center of the learning process. All learners require meaningful, powerful, and engaging schoolwork to develop their individual capacities so that they can become fulfilled and productive members of society A major emphasis in learner development is competition against oneself and not against someone else for progression
Hasil riset implementasi differentiated instruction di Indonesia
The math performance in post-test shows higher performance than in pre-test. The post-test math performance in grouping condition shows significantly different than grouping+MCI and control condition
Differentiation Strategies
Tell participants they are now going to look at some strategies in more depth. Go to the next slide.
Strategies to differentiate instruction
Flexible grouping Task cards Learning centers Digital portfolios Learning contracts Concept Mapping Pre-assessment Peer-tutoring Independent study Fist of five Tiered assignments Task-oriented interviews Choice cards Graphic organizers Socratic dialogue Thumb-it
Flexible Grouping Students are part of many different groups (and also work alone) based on the match of the task to student readiness, interest, or learning style. Teachers may create skills based or interest based groups that are heterogeneous or homogeneous in readiness level. Sometimes students select work groups, and sometimes teachers select them. Sometimes student group assignments are purposeful and sometimes random.
Learning Contract #1 Name _______________________
My question or topic is: To find out about my question or topic… I will read: I will look at and listen to: I will write: I will draw: I will need: Here’s how I will share what I know: I will finish by this date:
Learning Contract #2 To demonstrate what I have learned about ____________________, I want to _ Write a report _ Put on a demonstration _ Set up an experiment _ Develop a computer presentation _ Build a model _ Design a mural _ Write a song _ Make a movie _ Create a graphic organizer or diagram _ Other This will be a good way to demonstrate understanding of this concept because ______________________________________________________________ To do this project, I will need help with My Action Plan is________________________________________________ The criteria/rubric which will be used to assess my final product is _________ My project will be completed by this date _____________________________ Student signature: ________________________________ Date __/__/__ Teacher signature: ________________________________ Date __/__/__
Yes/No Cards YES NO Using a 4x6 index card the student writes YES on one side and NO on the other. When a question is asked the students hold up YES or NO. Ask the students if they know the following vocabulary words and what they mean. Call out a word. If a student is holding a YES they may be called on to give the correct answer. Remind them that if they don’t know the words it is OK because they will be learning them. You can do the same thing with conceptual ideas, etc. Gregory, G.H. & Chapman, C. (2001). Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All. Thousand Oaks CA: Corwin Press.
Thumb It! Up Sideways Down
Have students respond with the position of their thumb to get an assessment of what their current understanding of a topic being studied. Where I am now in my understanding of ______? Up Sideways Down I know a lot I know some I know very little Gregory, G.H. & Chapman, C. (2001). Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All. Thousand Oaks CA: Corwin Press.
Fist of Five Show the number of fingers on a scale, with 1 being lowest and 5 the highest. Ask, How well do you feel you know this information? I know it so well I could explain it to anyone. I can do it alone. I need some help. I could use more practice. 1. I am only beginning. Gregory, G.H. & Chapman, C. (2001). Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All. Thousand Oaks CA: Corwin Press.
Differentiated Instruction itu laksana “Great Equalizer”
Foundational Transformational Concrete Abstract 3. Simple Complex 4. Single Facet Multiple Facets 5. Small Leap Great Leap 6. More Structured More Open 7. Less Independence Greater Independence 8. Slow Quick Information, Ideas, Materials, Applications Representations, Ideas, Applications, Materials Resources, Research, Issues, Problems, Skills, Goals Directions, Problems, Application, Solutions, Approaches, Disciplinary Connections Application, Insight, Transfer Solutions, Decisions, Approaches Planning, Designing, Monitoring Pace of Study, Pace of Thought
Reform must come from within, not from without.
WE, are the Agents of Change… nothing can change unless we change ourselves and our ways of teaching James Gibbons
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