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Presentasi berjudul: "PENGUKURAN RISIKO PENYAKIT"— Transcript presentasi:

Oleh Nugroho

2 Pengantar Kejadian Penyakit
Insiden Prevalensi Epidemiologi Deskriptif (Frekuensi Penyakit) Rate Ratio Proporsi Epidemiologi Analitik Odd Rasio Risiko Relatif

3 Kejadian Penyakit (Insiden)
Insiden merupakan kejadian kasus baru selama masa pengamatan.


5 Question What is the ratio of males to females?
What proportion of infants lived? What proportion of infants were delivered in a delivery room? What is the ratio of operating room deliveries to delivery room deliveries?

6 Answer a. 5 males, 6 females. male:female = 5:6. Ratio of males to females is 5 to 6; 0.83 to 1 b. 9 lived, 2 died. proportion lived = lived / all case = 9 / 11 = Proportion of infants that lived is 82%or 8.2 out of 10 c. 5 delivery room, 5 operating room, and 1 emergency room delivery. proportion delivery room deliveries = delivery room/ all cases =5/11 = Proportion of infants delivered in delivery room is 45% or 4.5 out of 10 d. 5 delivery room and 5 operating room deliveries. delivery room:operating room = 5:5 = 1:1 Ratio of operating room deliveries to delivery room deliveries is 1 to 1.

7 Prevalensi

8 Insiden and prevalence

9 Question Assume that we begin a study of 100 persons free of disease on January 1, and that on the last day of each month throughout the year, we will be given a count of new cases of disease in this population. Assume that over the course of a full year, 10 of these persons develop disease, and that 2 of these cases were reported on March 31, 3 more cases on June 30, 3 cases on September 30, and 2 cases on December 31. How many person-months did the study members contribute (assume patients became cases on the last day of the month).

10 Answer (90 patients x 12 months) + (2 patient x 3 months) + (3 patients x 6 months) + (3 patients x 9 months) + (2 patients x 12 months) = 1155 person-months

11 Hubungan insiden dan prevalensi

12 Epidemiologi Analitik
Odd Rasio Risiko Relative

13 Odds Ratio Digunakan dalam penelitian case control
Menilai perbandingan atara kasus dan kontrol Tidak mampu menilai laju risiko penyakit Rumus

14 Relatif risk Menilai laju kecepatan penyakit
Tepat digunakan pada desain penelitian kohort Risiko relatif yang dinilai Rumus

15 Latihan Penelitian dilakukan di A 9 jika dari 30 mahasiswa didapatkan pada pertemuan 1, ada 4 mhs tdk masuk pertemuan 2 didapatkan 5 mhs tidak masuk Pertemuan ke 3 terdapat 7 mahasiswa tidak masuk. Pertemuan ke 4 terdapat 9 mahasiswaw tidak masuk. Pertanyaan.. Berapa jumalh mahasiswa-pertemuan….?



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