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FLUID MECHANICS MM091333 Diah Susanti, Ph.D.

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1 FLUID MECHANICS MM091333 Diah Susanti, Ph.D

2 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Memberi pengertian kepada mahasiswa tentang macam-macam fluida, ruang lingkup mekanika fluida, konsep-konsep dasar mekanika fluida, teori dan pemecahan persoalan statika fluida, persamaan- persamaan dasar dalam bentuk integral untuk volume atur dan pengenalan analisa differensial gerakan fluida, aliran tak kental dan tak termampatkan, aliran kental untuk aliran internal dan aliran external, analisa dimensi dan keserupaan

3 KOMPETENSI: Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menghitung persoalan-persoalan di dalam mekanika fluida: teori fluida, fluida statis, persamaan dasar dalam bentuk integral untuk suatu Control Volume, analisa diferensial untuk pergerakan fluida, dan analisa dimensi dan keserupaan

4 SILABUS: Konsep dasar mekanika fluida Fluida Statis
Persamaan dasar dalam bentuk integral untuk suatu Control Volume Pengenalan analisa differensial gerakan fluida Incompressible Inviscid Flow Analisa dimensi dan keserupaan

5 SUMBER BAHAN AJAR: Robert W. Fox & Alan T Mc Donald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Fourth Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, (main reference) Frank M. White, Fluid Mechanics, second Edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1986 Irving H.Shames, mechanics of fluids, third edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1992 dll

6 BAHAN AJAR (FOX Chapter 1: Introduction (week 1)
Chapter 2: Fundamental Concepts (week 2, 3) Chapter 3: Fluid Statics (week 4, 5, 6) Chapter 4: Basic Equations in Integral Form for a Control Volume (week 7,8,11) Mid-term exams (week 9, 10) Chapter 6: Incompressible Inviscid Flow (week 12,13,14) Chapter 7: Dimensional Analysis and Similitude (week 15, 16) Final exams (week 17, 18)


8 EVALUASI: Tugas-tugas: PR, Quiz 30% ETS 35% EAS 35%
Sifat ujian: Open Note Kehadiran Mahasiswa: min 85% = 3x absen (Peraturan Akademik ITS) Kehadiran dosen: min 90% Kehadiran dan keaktifan membantu penilaian

9 STRATEGI BELAJAR: Punya sumber belajar.
Rajin mengulang materi kuliah di rumah. Mengerjakan tugas dan memahami tugas. Mengerjakan soal-soal secara mandiri tanpa diminta dosen. Mengerjakan dan mempelajari soal-soal tahun sebelumnya. Belajar bersama asisten mata kuliah Belajar bersama teman.

10 KONTRAK KELAS: Maximum keterlambatan adalah 15 menit dari jadwal yang disepakati. Ruangan akan dikunci setelah 15 menit. HP dan seluruh alat elektronik lain di-silence selama kuliah. Dilarang keluar-masuk kelas selama kuliah, kecuali diijinkan oleh dosen. Keterlambatan di dalam mengumpulkan tugas tidak dapat ditoleransi. Harus membawa kalkulator dan alat tulis sendiri. Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan non-scientific calculator termsk hp, dsb. Harus membawa sumber bahan ajar dalam bentuk fisik (hard copy) selama kuliah. Segala bentuk kecurangan di dalam pelaksanaan ujian akan menyebabkan pembatalan mata kuliah. Dilarang berbuat onar di kelas. Pelanggaran dari ketentuan di atas akan menyebabkan Anda diperkenankan untuk belajar sendiri di luar kelas.


12 Therefore fluids comprise the liquid and gas phases.
Fluid mechanics deals with the behavior of fluid at rest and in motion. A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the application of a shear (tangential) stress no matter how small the shear may be. A solid can resist shear stress by a static deformation; a fluid cannot. Any shear stress applied to a fluid will result in motion of that fluid. Therefore fluids comprise the liquid and gas phases. Static deflection free surface solid liquid gas

13 F F plate t1 t2 >t1>to solid liquid to t2 plate Behavior of (a) solid (b) liquid, under the action of a constant shear stress. A solid deforms when a shear stress is applied, but its deformation does not continue to increase with time. The deformation is proportional to the applied shear stress,  = F/A, where A is the area of the surface in contact with the plate. When the force applied to the upper plate, the fluid element continues to deform increasingly as long as the force is applied. The fluid in direct contact with the solid boundary has the same velocity as the boundary itself; there is no slip at the boundary.

14 Logical Steps in solving problems:
State briefly and concisely the information given. State the information to be found. Draw a schematic of the system or control volume to be used in the analysis. Give label to the boundaries of the system or control volume. Give the appropriate mathematical formulation of the basic laws to solve the problem. List the appropriate assumptions. Complete the analysis algebraically before substituting numerical values. Substitute numerical values using a consistent units. Check the answer. Label the answer.

15 Fluid mechanics lecture gives knowledge and understanding of the basic principles and concepts of fluid mechanics to analyze any system in which a fluid is the working medium. The basic laws which are applicable to any fluid, are: The conservation of mass. Newton’s second law of motion. The principle of angular momentum. The first law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics.

16 Methods of Analysis System and control volume.
A system is defined as a fixed, identifiable quantity of mass; the system boundaries separate the system from the surroundings. The boundaries of the system may be fixed or movable; however, there is no mass transfer across the system boundaries. However, in fluid mechanics we normally are concerned with the flow of fluids through devices such as compressors, turbines, pipelines, nozzles, and so on. In these cases it is difficult to focus attention on a fixed identifiable quantity of mass. It is much more convenient, for analysis, to focus attention on a volume in space through which the fluid flows. Consequently, we use the control volume approach.

17 piston System boundary gas A system Flow direction Control surface Control volume

18 Closed System - usually referred to as a System or a Control Mass
Closed System - usually referred to as a System or a Control Mass. This type of system is separated from its surroundings by a physical boundary Open System - usually referred to as a Control Volume. In this case, in addition to work or heat, we have mass flow of the working fluid across the system boundaries through inlet and outlet ports.

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