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VO2 Max/ Cardiorespiratory Fitness Test Presented on Safety Talk 2 September by Rudi Nurcahyo (from various sources)
Definition VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake or aerobic capacity) is the maximum capacity of an individual's body to transport and utilize oxygen during incremental exercise, which reflects the physical fitness of the individual.
ml/kg/min VO2 max is expressed
Milliliters (of Oxygen)/kilogram (of body weight)/minute (per minute of exercise)
Men: 111.3 – (0.42 x HR BPM) Women: 65.81 – (0.1847 x HR BPM)
VO2 Max Men: – (0.42 x HR BPM) Women: – ( x HR BPM)
Oxygen deficit/oxygen debt
Oxygen Deficit. While exercising intensely the body is sometimes unable to fulfill all of its energy needs. Specifically, it is unable to intake and absorb enough oxygen to adequately 'feed' the muscles the amounts of energy needed to adequately perform the tasks the athlete is requesting from the body. In order to make up the difference without sacrificing the output, the body must tap into its anaerobic metabolism. This where the body goes into a mix of aerobic and anaerobic energy production. While not hugely detrimental, oxygen deficits can grow to a level that the anaerobic energy system cannot cover. This can cause performance to deteriorate. Oxygen Debt. This term describes how the body pays back its debt incurred above after the exercise is over. You will notice that even after you are done racing you will continue to breath hard. At this point your body is still trying to repay the oxygen debt that was created when you were working hard. Technically, it is excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption.
Oxygen deficit/oxygen debt
Factors affecting VO2 max
Heredity Age sex Body size and composition Training status Types of muscle fibers used during the exercise Altitude Temperature
Factors affecting VO2 max
Heredity It is well established that the limits for developing fitness capacity are linked to genetic endowment. Genetic effect is currently estimated at approximately 20-30% for VO2 max, 50% for maximum heart rate, and 70% for physical working capacity.
Factors affecting VO2 max
Age Children Absolute values for girls and boys are similar until age 12 At age 14 VO2 max value for boys 25% > girls and by age 16, the difference exceeds 50%. Relative values for boys VO2 max remains level at about 52 ml/kg/min from age 6-16
Factors affecting VO2 max
Adults After age 25 its all down-hill (VO2 max declines at a rate of 1% per year after age 25) BUT ones habitual level of physical activity has far more influence on aerobic capacity than age!
Factors affecting VO2 max
Sex Even among trained endurance athletes, the sex difference for VO2 max = 15-20% mainly due to differences in: • Differences in body composition •Hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying red pigment of the red blood corpuscles) concentration
Age and VO2max in Healthy Subjects
Factors affecting VO2 max
Body size and composition An estimated 69% of the differences in VO2 max scores among individuals can be explained by variations in body mass Mode of exercise Highest values are generally found during treadmill exercise, lowest on bicycle ergometer test; specificity is very important Muscle fiber type Slow oxidative fibers – highest oxygen consumption
Exercise and VO2 max Moving from rest to exercise = energy requirements Metabolism increases in direct proportion to rate of work As demand for energy increases so does oxygen consumption (remember the role of oxidation to produce ATP to do work) VO2 eventually peaks = VO2 max VO2 may remain constant at max or drop slightly even through work intensity continues to increase. Increased O2 consumption with increasing power output
Other factors affecting VO2max
Altitude Low partial pressure of O2 in the atmosphere Lower partial pressure of O2 in the arterial blood Lower hemoglobin saturation Temperature Higher temperature – higher oxygen consumption Normal Heart 40% Larger Heart
Why VO2 testing? A measure of cardiorespiratory endurance gives us an indication of the individual’s aerobic fitness. Endurance athletes generally have a larger capacity for aerobic energy transfer. VO2 max is generally lower (10-20%) for females than males.
Predictive test for aerobic capacity
Although there are many predictive tests available we only focus on those used most commonly in the lab The treadmill test YMCA stationary bicycle protocol Bench step test
Relationship between HR and VO2
CALCULATING HEART RATE umur. Nilai prediksi ini merupakan rujukan untuk 100%
Calculating VO2max The formulas: Male:
– [lbs./2.2 (0.1636)] – [time (1.438)] – [HR (0.1928)] Female: 100.5 – [lbs./2.2 (0.1636)] – [time (1.438)] – [HR (0.1928)]
Prediction equations for bench step
Men VO2max = – (0.42 x HRREC) Women VO2max = – ( x HRREC) HRREC = 15 second recovery HR (bpm)
Your maximal oxygen consumption
VO2 Max The single best indicator of your cardiovascular fitness
Steve Prefontaine, U.S. Runner: 84.4
Frank Shorter, Marathon Winner: Paula Ivan, 1500M Record Holder: Lance Armstrong, Cyclist: Indonesian Athlete: 63 (Average 53)
Normative Data for VO2max
Male (values in ml/kg/min) A mean value of VO2 max for male athletes is about 35 ml/kg/min and for female athletes it is about 27 ml/kg/min. Female (values in ml/kg/min) Male (values in ml/kg/min)
Cara Meningkatkan Volume Maksimal VO2 max / gaine vo2 max
Latihan aerobik dengan intensitas 85 persen sebagai tahap pertama dalam meningkatkan VO2 max-nya. Artinya, sang atlet harus terus dilatih agar mampu melakukan lari dengan kecepatan 85/100 x 4 meter per detik atau 3,4 meter per detik, selama satu jam. Ini untuk meningkatkan daya tahan Memberikan latihan kepada atlet dengan intensitas mencapai 95 persen. Ini artinya sang atlet diharuskan mampu berlari dengan kecepatan 3,8 meter per detik selama setengah jam. Ini untuk meningkatkan vo2 max.
Latihan secara ekstrem kepada atlet dengan intensitas antara 105 persen-125 persen. Tentu ketiga latihan ini harus diberikan secara bertahap sehingga atletnya dapat mengikuti dengan mudah.setelah mendapat latihan terakhir ini, atlet akan memiliki stamina yang andal. Dengan begitu, sang atlet akan cepat mengalami pemulihan dari kelelahan yang dialaminya. Tentu, dengan stamina yang istimewa, sang atlet juga akan memiliki daya tahan yang istimewa pula Sekalipun memiliki stamina yang istimewa, atlet tetap harus memiliki penguasaan teknik dengan baik. Sebab, dengan teknik yang baik, sang atlet akan efisien dalam bertarung. Artinya, sekalipun lawannya memiliki stamina yang istimewa, tetapi teknik pas-pasan, atlet kita yang bakal menang. Latihan untuk meningkatkan VO2 max ini harus dilakukan. Karena semakin cepat tingkat pemulihan diri atlet dari kelelahan yang dialami, berarti atlet kita tetap tampil prima hingga selesai.
3 Climbers on Camp IV (South Col) of Mt. Everest in 26 April 1997
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