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2 Creative When what you do is new, different, and helpful (Goman, 2000)
There is no simple definition of “creativity” that encompasses all the various dimensions of this phenomenon. there is no agreement as to whether creativity is an attribute of people or a process by which original ideas are generated. (UNCTAD, 2010) As an object : a deviation from conventional tools and perspective (sesuatu yang benar2 berbeda dari yang sebelumnya sudah ada) Proses memproduksi sesuatu yang original dan berharga INDSTRY

3 People (characteristic)
Creative People (characteristic) Industry Creative in advertising The ads itself / itselves

4 Advertising creativity
is the ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to communications problems To be appropriate and effective, a creative idea must be relevant to the target audience. Advertising creativity (belch and belch, 2003: h 241)

5 Note : advertising creativity is not the exclusive domain of those who work on the creative side of advertising. The nature of the business requires creative thinking from everyone involved in the promotional planning process. Agency people, such as account executives, media planners, researchers, and attorneys, as well as those on the client side, such as marketing and brand managers, must all seek creative solutions to problems encountered in planning, developing, and executing an advertising campaign.

6 vs Innovative, artistic or aesthetic value and originality.
Creative standpoint in advertising: Innovative, artistic or aesthetic value and originality. Sells product vs Good creative strategy and execution can often be central to determining the success of a product or service or reversing the fortunes of a struggling brand. Just because an ad or commercial is creative or popular does not mean it will increase sales or revive a declining brand. (belch and belch, 2003:)

7 CREATIVITY Most people have their own definition of creativity , which is very subjective Originality : Ex : Mickey mouse Appropriateness : Beauty standard in asia Artistry : Combination of pink , brightness, smile, beautiful talent and copy

8 Creative Idea (Harris and Sherblom, 2005: pp 197-209)
Creativity : result of Looking at things in a new way Synthesizing two or more previously unrelated phenomena : Steak for your ears Harley davidson Modifying something that already exist (Harris and Sherblom, 2005: pp ) Creative Idea

9 Idea? Idea is a thought or a concept in the mind.
It’s formed by mentally combining pieces and fragment of thoughts into something that conveys a nugget of meaning It’s a form of construction  A MENTAL CREATION

10 Idea is a new or unexpected combination of thought
The ability to make new combinations is heightened by an ability to see relationships An idea then is a “thought that comes from placing two previously unrelated concept together” (James Web Young - Young and Rubicam agency)

11 BIG IDEA A theme or central concept (creative concept)
Ex : marlboro Man with its conotation of western independence and self reliance A theme comes along with concept – Concepting : the process of coming up with a new idea

Which one? Combining several topics / idea ; based on trend / trending topics. ORIGINAL Ex : MISS UNIVERSE ?

ROI CONCEPT (according to DDB philosophy) Relevant Something to target audience Original One of a kind – novel, fresh, unexpected, unusual – (could get attention) Impact Makes impression on the target audience (it’s not return of investment)

14 HOW CREATIVITY WORK ? 3 Ps of creativity
Place Person Process or model output

15 Creative element : 3 Ps Place – environmental models
Where you can get ideas Workplace situation Person– individual models -Internal level of creativity personality and motivation  passion to create Process or model output Focus on creative product /outcome  the actual campaign (how to make it and finished it)

READING ALL PRODUCTS/ENTITIES INFORMATION BRAINSTORMING WITH OTHERS (INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL) ENGINEER, CLIENT, SALES DIVISION, CONSUMERS RTC AWARE of SOMETHING HAPPENING PRODUCT TESTING (USING/TRYING PRODUCTS) UNDERSTANDING THE CLIENT BUSINESS Membaca segala hal yang berhubungan dengan produk atau pasarnya, misalnya artikel penelitian, informasi perdagangan, laporan penelitian, dll. Bertukar pikiran dengan semua pihak yang terlibat dengan informasi produk, misalnya para designer, engineer, bagian sales, dan konsumen. Memperhatikan topik-topik apa yang banyak diperbincangkan. Misalnya dengan mengunjungi pusat pertokoan, mall, restoran, café, dan tempat lainnya. Selain itu juga memperhatikan suara klien, yang seringkali justru lebih tahu banyak tentang produk dan pasar. Menggunakan produk atau jasa tersebut dalam kehidupan nyata sehingga kita menjadi lebih familiar dengan produk itu. Akhirnya kita menjadi lebih tahu dan bisa berpendapat tentang produk atau jasa tersebut. Mempelajari bisnis klien sehingga lebih mengerti tentang audience yang akan diraih.

17 CREATIVE CONCEPT a thought or a concept in the mind 
is a thought that comes from placing two previously urelated concepts together . Ex: harley davidson – steak for your ears idea : process of coming up with a new idea, how concept branding leads to ideas that mean something to consumers and create identification with the brand Concepting :

18 connotation of western independence and self reliance
marlboro man connotation of western independence and self reliance Advertising big idea (creative concept)  Relevant,Original, and has Impact The ROI of creativity ROI Relevant : something to the target audience Original : one of a kind – its novel, fresh, unexpected, and unusual Impact : it makes an impression on the audience

19 The creative leap divergent thinking (right brain thinking)– a style of thinking that explores possibilities rather than using rational thinking to arrive at the “right” or logical conclusion  intuitive, holistic, artistic, and emotionally expressive thinking (in contrast to left brain thinking– logical, linear <inductive or deductive> and orderly ) THINKING OUT OF THE BOX We all use different ways of thinking in different situation process of jumping from the rather boring business language in a strategy statement to an original idea –unexpected, original and interesting The creative leap 


21 Creative strategy development

22 Creative Strategy Development
a strong idea, as it is the central message that will be communicated in all the advertising and other promotional activities. AKA Big Idea Campaign theme is a set of interrelated and coordinated marketing communication activities that center on a single theme or idea that appears in different media across a specified time period Advertising Campaign The creative aspect of advertising and the development of the campaign theme is guided by specific goals and objectives. A creative strategy that focuses on what must be communicated will guide the selection of the campaign theme and the development of all messages used in the ad campaign. 9/8/2018

23 Creative Strategy Development
The creative aspect of advertising and the development of the campaign theme is guided by specific goals and objectives. A creative strategy that focuses on what must be communicated will guide the selection of the campaign theme and the development of all messages used in the ad campaign. 9/8/2018

24 Creative Strategy Development
identification of the target audience the basic problem, issue, or opportunity the advertising must address the major selling idea or key benefit the message needs to communicate; and any supportive information that needs to be included in the ad The creative strategy is based on several factors: 9/8/2018

25 Creative Strategy Development
Advertising campaign plans are short- term in nature and, like marketing and IMC plans, are done on an annual basis. campaign themes are usually developed with the intention of being used for a longer time period of time. Many campaign themes last only a short time, usually because they are ineffective or market conditions and/or competitive developments in the marketplace change. While some marketers change their campaign themes often, a successful campaign theme may last for years. Ex : Philip Morris: Marlboro Country (40 years) BMW: The Ultimate Driving Machine (1974) 9/8/2018

26 Top 10 Ad Slogans of the Century

27 Brainstorming – Brainstorming: useful for attacking specific (rather than general) problems and where a collection of good, fresh, new ideas (rather than judgment or decision analysis) are needed. a group (6-10 people) work together to come up with ideas  the group become an Idea factory

28 BRAINSTORMING Brainstorming Rule Suspend judgment Think freely
Tag on or build on ideas of others Quantity of ideas is important Methodology: Choose a recorder Organize the chaos Keep the session relaxed and playful Limit the session Make copies Add and evaluate ideas Ideas of immediate usefulness Areas for further exploration New approaches to the problem Variations: Stop and Go Sequencing (1-2-3)

29 Practical tips : How to finding creative idea
The first exercise is left brain and asks you to come up with a list of facts about a n object (a things, product, someone) Ex : girl – hair, smell, lips, family, care, boyish, where she grow up, Pet – cat, selfish, Facts Chek it out. Find a simmiliarites and dissimiliarities between dissimiliar objects. Connect them Ex : tooth – white – bright – sun =close up = bright teeth like the sun Similarities Try to create new names Ex : cat woman New Names Flowering the idea

30 Creative Process Immersion Ideation Brain fag Incubation Illumination
Read, research and learn everything you can about the problem Immersion Look at the problem from every angle, develop ideas, generate as many alternatives as possible Ideation Don’t give up if –and when-you hit a blank wall Brain fag Try to put your conscious mind to rest to let your subconscious take over Incubation Embrance that unexpected moment when idea comeas, often when your mind is relaxed and you’re done something else Illumination Does it work? Is it on strategy? Evaluation Proses di mana para praktisi kreatif mengkonsep sebuah iklan mulai dari mempelajari produk atau jasa yang akan diiklankan Di dalam proses ini seorang kreatif mulai memunculkan ide–ide yang nantinya akan dipakai pada sebuah iklan. 1. Immertion (keterlibatan diri) Pada tahap ini, pencapaian inti pesan dilakukan melalui pelibatan kedalam permasalahan melalui riset. 2. Incubation (proses inkubasi) Dalam tahap ini dilakukan peletakkan masalah di luar pikiran sadar kita dan mengubah informasi ke dalam pikiran bawah sadar untuk melakukan pekerjaan. 3. Iluminasi Kreatifitas seseorang seringkali muncul pada saat manusia meninggalkan permasalahannya. 4. Verifikasi Dalam tahap ini dilakukan evaluasi terhadap gagasan/ide yang didapatkan. Dilakukannya kegiatan mempelajari ide atau gagasan untuk menentukan apakah ide atau gagasan itu sudah bagus dan/atau mampu menyelesaikan masalah, juga bersama-sama orang lain.

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