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Diterbitkan olehSusanto Wibowo Telah diubah "6 tahun yang lalu
Supply Chain Management (2nd Edition)
Bab 1 Pengantar Supply Chain Introductions – Names, prior work experience including summer, what do students hope to get from class? Mention some prototypical supply chains we will use repeatedly in class – Wal-Mart, 7-Eleven, Dell and Compaq, Amazon and Borders, Supermarket and e-grocer, W.W. Grainger and McMaster Carr - our goal is to identify factors that drive supply chain success and make a comparison between different supply chains. Administration of course - We will discuss concepts and methodologies for supply chain management. The context within which both will be learnt and discussed is provided by cases. Discuss role of case packet readings, cases and book. 5 cases due - 10% for each case 25% for final project 20% for final exam 5% for electronic posting Discuss key dates for submitting project. Three groups will be selected to present. Show course web page and its organization
Materi Perkuliahan Pengantar Supply Chain
Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope Penggerak & hambatan dalam supply chain Mendesain Jaringan Distribusi dalam Supply chain Desain Jaringan Supply Chain Desain Jaringan Dalam Lingkungan Ketidakpastian Peramalan Permintaan Dalam Supply Chain Perencanaan Agregat dalam Supply Chain Perencanaan Supply dan Demand dalam Supply Chain: Mengelola Predictable Variability Pengelolaan Skala Ekonomi Pada Supply Chain Pengelolaan Ketidakpastian dalam Supply chain: Safety Inventory Penentuan Level Ketersediaan Optimal Dalam Supply Chain Keputusan Sourcing dalam Supply Chain Transportasi dalam Supply Chain
Aturan Perkuliahan & Evaluasi
Absensi: Maksimal 25% absen tanpa keterangan. Keterangan ijin absen paling lambat diterima sesaat sebelum perkuliahan dimulai Evaluasi UTS & UAS = 25% Tugas (terjemah buku) = 25% Tugas (riset) = 25%
Pandangan Tradisional: Logistik pada Perusahaan Manufaktur
Profit 4% Biaya Logistik 21% Biaya Pemasaran 27% Biaya Manufaktur 48% Profit Biaya Logistik Biaya Pemasaran Notes: Key message here is that logistics costs are a significant fraction of the total value of a product. The problem here is that this a purely cost based view of the supply chain and drives a firm to simply reducing logistics costs. This is an incomplete picture. Biaya Manufaktur
Definisi Manajemen Logistik & SCM
Manajemen logistik: bagian dari proses supply chain meliputi merencanakan, mengimplementasikan dan mengontrol aliran barang, jasa dan informasi secara efisiensi dan efektif mulai dari point-of-origin hingga ke point-of-consumption dgn tujuan memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen (Council of Logistics Management). SCM: Integrasi dari proses bisnis utama mulai dari end user hingga original supplier untuk menyediakan produk, jasa, & informasi yang bernilai tambah (added value) bagi konsumen/stakeholder lainnya. (Lamber, Cooper, Path, 1998)
What is a Supply Chain? Semua aktivitas yang terlibat, secara langsung atau tak langsung, dalam memenuhi permintaan konsumen Meliputi pabrikan, supplier, transportasi, gudang, retailer (pengecer), konsumen Pada tiap perusahaan, supply chain meliputi semua fungsi yang terlibat untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen (pengembangan produk, pemasaran, proses operasi, distribusi keuangan, pelayanan konsumen) Tidak semua stage ada pada jaringan supply chain (Mis: tidak ada retailer atau distributor di Dell)
What is a Supply Chain? P&G or other manufacturer Wal-Mart or third
party DC Wal-Mart Store Customer wants detergent & goes to Wal-Mart Plastic Producer Tenneco Packaging Chemical manufacturer (e.g.Oil Company) Notes: Supply chain involves everybody, from the customer all the way to the last supplier. Key flows in the supply chain are - information, product, and cash. It is through these flows that a supply chain fills a customer order. The management of these flows is key to the success or failure of a firm. Give Dell & Compaq example, Amazon & Borders example to bring out the fact that all supply chain interaction is through these flows. Chemical manufacturer (e.g.Oil Company) Paper Manufacturer Timber Industry
Aliran Supply Chain Information Product Customer Funds Supply Chain
Tahap Keputusan Supply Chain
Sasaran Supply Chain Sumber pendapatan supply chain: konsumen Sumber biaya supply chain: aliran informasi, produk atau biaya antar stages di supply chain Maksimasi total supply chain profitability Tahap Keputusan Supply Chain Strategi atau desain Supply chain Perencanaan Supply chain Operasional Supply chain
Strategi Supply Chain Penentuan struktur supply chain dan proses yang akan dilakukan pada tiap stage Keputusan strategis supply chain Lokasi dan kapasitas fasilitas Produk yang akan dibuat atau disimpan Moda transportasi Sistem informasi Keputusan rancangan supply chain berlaku untuk jangka panjang dan perlu biaya mahal
Perencanaan Supply Chain
Keputusan perencanaan : Pasar mana yang akan disuplai & dari lokasi mana Rencana penambahan inventori Subkontrak, lokasi cadangan Kebijakan inventori Promosi Harus mempertimbangkan ketidakpastian permintaan, nilai tukar, persaingan selama horizon waktu perencanaan
Operasional Supply chain
Horizon waktu bersifat mingguan atau harian Keputusan diambil berdasar order tiap konsumen Menyusun kebijakan operasional Menerapkan kebijakan seefektif mungkin Alokasi order, menetapkan duedate, kontrol data gudang, mengatur jadwal pengiriman Faktor ketidakpastian makin sedikit
Tinjauan Proses Supply chain
Cycle view serangkaian siklus yang terjadi antar stage dalam supply chain Push/pull view merespon order konsumen (pull) atau mengantisipasi order (push)
Cycle View Customer Retailer Distributor Manufacturer Supplier
Customer Order Cycle Retailer Replenishment Cycle Distributor The supply chain is a concatenation of cycles with each cycle at the interface of two successive stages in the supply chain. Each cycle involves the customer stage placing an order and receiving it after it has been supplied by the supplier stage. One difference is in size of order. Second difference is in predictability of orders - orders in the procurement cycle are predictable once manufacturing planning has been done. This is the predominant view for ERP systems. It is a transaction level view and clearly defines each process and its owner. Manufacturing Cycle Manufacturer Procurement Cycle Supplier
Push/Pull View of Supply Chains
Procurement, Customer Order Manufacturing and Cycle Replenishment cycles PUSH PROCESSES PULL PROCESSES In this view processes are divided based on their timing relative to the timing of a customer order. Define push and pull processes. They key difference is the uncertainty during the two phases. Give examples at Amazon and Borders to illustrate the two views Customer Order Arrives
Push/Pull View of Supply Chain Processes
Proses supply chain tergolong pada salah satu dari dua kategori menurut pada waktu pelaksanaan terhadap permintaan konsumen Pull: pelaksanaan dilakukan menurut inisiatif dalam merespon order konsumen (reaktif) Push: inisiatif pelaksanaan dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi order konsumen (spekulatif) Batas Push/pull memisahkan proses push dengan proses pull
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