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Chemistry of Carbon From group 3
Contents UsesCarbon cycle Compounds of carbon Allotropes Properties of carbon
Carbon Elements The elements in group 4 and second period of the periodic table, on the right, are called the carbon.
Ditemukan oleh seorang ilmuwan bernama Antoine Lavoisier. Kemudian, ia menetapkan bahwa karbon sebagai unsur kimia (1789). HISTORY Carbo (Bahasa Latin) : Karbon Arti : Batubara
Termasuk gol.: IV A Nomor atom: 6 Konfigurasi e - : 1s 2 2s 2 2p 2 Massa Ar: 12,011 Jari-jari atom: 70 pm Titik didih: 4827 C Titik lebur: 3825 C Elektronegatifitas: 2,549 Energi ionisasi: - Tingkat oksidasi Max.: +4 Wujud pada suhu ruangan: padat
Carbon 2, 4 Carbon have four elecrons in it’s outer shell Electron structure of carbon
The properti es of carbon Non metal Has propensity for bonding to itself in chains or rings Can make single bonds (C-C) multiple bonds (C ═ C or C C) The Allotropes’s colour of carbon : is white bright. is black. Graphite
Allotrope of Carbon Diamond Diamond is another important allotrope of carbon. In diamonds, each carbon atoms has sp 3 hybridization and forms covalent bonds with four other carbon atoms at the corners of the tetrahedral structure.
Sifat – Sifat Diamon Intan merupakan mineral alami yang paling keras. Memiliki titik lelh yang sangat tinggi yakni 4827 0 C. Tidak larut dalam air Tidak dapat menghantarkan arus listrik.
Grafit Graphite is a soft, black and slippery solid. Graphite has a unique honeycomb layered structure. Each layer is composed of planar hexagonal rings of carbon atoms in which carbon-carbon bond length within the layer is 141.5 picometers.
Sifat – Sifat Grafit Grafit memiliki titik leleh yang tinggi. Memiliki sifat lunak, terasa licin dan digunakan pada pensil Tidak larut dalam air Jika dibandingkan dengan intan, grafit memiliki massa jenis yang lebih kecil. Dapat menghantarkan listrik
Fullerence fullerene is a molecule of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere. Fullerenes are similar in structure to graphite, which is composed of a sheet of linked hexagonal rings, but they contain pentagonal (or sometimes heptagonal) rings that prevent the sheet from being planar.c
Sifat – Sifat Fullurena Tidak larut dalam air, tetapi larut dalam pelarut organik. Sebagai superkonduktor atau penyerap panas yang baik.
Carbon Nanotube Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure.
Sifat karbon nanotubes Sifat konduktivitas listrik dan panas, juga memiliki kekuatan maknetik.
OxideCyanogenidesCyanidesSulfidesHalidesCarbides Compounds of Carbon
1 Carbon monoxide (CO) 2 Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) Oxide of carbon
CO formed when carbon is burned in limited supply of oxygen. It also present in the exhaust fumes of cars due to the incomplete combustion of petrol. Carbon monoxide (CO) Colorless and odorless toxic gas
CO 2 formed in all forms of combustion of carbon and carbon compound in excess of O 2. It is involved in geochemical cycle as well as photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) Colorless and odorless gas and nontoxic
Cyanogenides Example: Cyanogens ( (CN) 2 ) 2 Cu 2+ + 4 CN - 2 CuCN + (CN) 2 Toxic and extremely flammable gas It can be obtained from CN - by aqueous solution using Cu 2+
HCN is a covalent molecular substance but capable of dissociation in aqueous solution. It is a colorless gas having the aroma of bitter almonds. This gas is extremely poisonous. Hydrogen cyanide can be prepared by treating sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide with acid Cyanides NaCN + HCl NaCl + HCN Cyanide ions are extremely toxic because they bind almost irreversibly to Fe(III) ion in cytochrome oxidase, a key enzyme in metabolic processes
Carbon disulfide is made by heating CH4 with sulfur. CH 4 + S CS 2 + 2 H 2 S Compound with C-S bond. Sulfide highly toxic liquid with pale yellow color and extremely flammable Example : carbon disulfide (CS2) Sulfide
Halides Ex : CCl 4 Colorless liquid and produced by the sequence reaction in which CS2 is recycled CS2 + Cl2 CCl4 + S2Cl 2 CCl 4 had been widely used as solvent and for the chlorination of inorganic compounds. CCl 4
CARbIDeCARbIDe Ionic carbides Interstitial carbides Covalent carbides
Karbida Ionic carbides are formed by metals from group IA, IIA, and aluminum, for example Na 2 C 2, CaC 2, and Al 4 C 3 Transition metals with r rmetal < 130 pm,e.g. Cr give carbides that are intermediate between typically ionic and interstitial carbides. The name of this typical is cova;ent carbides Interstitial carbides are formed by heating C with d-block (transition group) metals having r rmetal > 130 pm, e.g. Ti.
All living things on Earth contain carbon. But, what is carbon? Why is it important?
Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is a gas found in our atmosphere. It is colorless and odorless.
CO 2 helps insulate the Earth and keep our atmosphere at just the right temperature for life to exist.
People and animals all contain carbon. We get our carbon from eating plants or other animals. We breathe in oxygen which mixes with the carbon and then we breathe out carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
Like people and animals, fish and other sea creatures breathe in oxygen. Their oxygen is found in the oceans water. Just like animals and people, they also breathe out CO 2 (carbon dioxide).
Plants get carbon by taking carbon dioxide out of the air or water. All green plants breathe, except they breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
– http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geophysics/earth3.htm
Plants that live in water also use photosynthesis to make their own food. They take in carbon from the water and release oxygen.
Plants and animals eventually die and decay on the earth or in water. Carbon now enters the earth or the water.
Over millions of years the decaying plants and animals became oil, coal, and natural gas. We call these fossil fuels. We drill, dig, and pump these fuels out of the earth to use them for powering things that need energy.
By burning fossil fuels to energize our lives we add carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere. The cycle starts over.
The uses of carbon Used as a decorative tool in jewelry items Carbon is used as a base for the ink that is used in inkjet printers. Uses for fotosintesis Use for respiration
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