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I. BACKGROUND Kualitas SDM Terobosan SDM Business Units:

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1 I. BACKGROUND Kualitas SDM Terobosan SDM Business Units:
Jl. Pertamina Raya No ... Babelan Kota Bekasi Utara, Jawa Barat – Indonesia Tel/ fax: (021) Website: I. BACKGROUND Kualitas SDM Terobosan SDM Business Units: IHR Professional Training Center IHR Professional Services IHR Labor Supplies IHR Book Publication

2 II . BUSINESS UNITS IHR Professional Training Center
Specific Competence Academic Competence Professional Services Translation, Proofreading, Corp. media monitoring & clippings Konsultasi SDM; others related Labor Supplies PJTKI (Overseas Labor Supplies). Administratif, PRT, office boys, dll Book Publication Author’s Book, buku terjemahan Buku Manual AMECO. Buku pelajaran, dll.

3 III . MODAL DASAR Modal Dasar Rp1,5 miliar:
tanah 400 juta/m2=Rp800 jt Gedung 2 lantai Rp700 juta Konversi Modal menjadi 400 LUS Rp3,75 juta/ LUS 1 LUS = 1 m2 tanah LUS dapat diperjual belikan Nominal LUS Rp3,75 juta Representasi nilai komersial pasar Σ LUS = Σ kepemilikan luas tanah m2 Kepemilikan gedung dan fasilitas proporsional dengan Σ LUS.

4 IV . PENDIRI AWAL 1. ………………. 2………………… 3………………… 4. ………………. 5. ………………. dst
Memiliki min 10% LUS = 40 LUS 40 m2 kepemilikan tanah dikonversikan menjadi 40 LUS Tanah SHM ditawarkan Rp1 juta per m2 kepada Pendiri Awal Pendiri Awal berhak membeli max 80 jt dicicil hingga batas waktu tertentu (Perjanjian Terpisah). Min Pendiri Awal 5, Max 9 dengan perhitungan: max (400 LUS:40)-1=9, min 400 LUS: 80= 5. LUS diperjualbelikan sesuai harga kesepakatan (harga pasar) LUS memiliki Privileges a.l. VOTE & VETO LUS dipecah jadi 100 LUSU LUSU tak memiliki Privileges (VOTE & VETO) LUS jatuh ke Ahli Waris

Profesional, transparan, kompetitif. Prinsip Akuntansi profesional. Pemeliharaan “Data Base” Perusahaan. Konflik: amicably or Voting. Capable Personnel (Manager/ Director) Salary and fringe benefits based on professionalism and business feasibility.

Terminologi Pelaporan: 1. ASSETS: Cash Account Receivables (A/R) Office Supplies (stationeries) Land (Rp ,-) Building (Rp700,000,000,-) Accumulated Depreciation Office Equipment Vehicles Other Assets

7 Professional Revenues Labor Revenues Book Revenues
2. LIABILITIES: Loan & Interest Account Payable (A/P) Other Liabilities Capital (Rp ,-): LUS and/ or LUSU 3. REVENUES: Course Revenues Professional Revenues Labor Revenues Book Revenues Office-Rent Revenues Other Revenues

8 Professional Cost & Exp. Labor Cost & Exp. Book Cost & Exp.
4. EXPENSES: Salaries/ Wages Course Cost & Exp Professional Cost & Exp. Labor Cost & Exp. Book Cost & Exp. Office Expenses Depreciation Expenses Other Expenses

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