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Nur Kholifatun Nisa ( ) Ika Wahyuni ( )

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Presentasi berjudul: "Nur Kholifatun Nisa ( ) Ika Wahyuni ( )"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Nur Kholifatun Nisa (120210153092) Ika Wahyuni (120210153041)

2 Classification Hyphochytridiomycete s Order Hyphochytriales Family Anisolpidiaceae Family Rhizidiomycetaceae Rhizidiomyces, Reesia, Latrostium Family Hyphochytriaceae Hyphochytrium, Cystochytrium, Centeriomyces

3 Characteristics Hyphochytridiomycetes are aquatic, freshwater or marine chytrid-like fungi Motile cells are anteriorly uniflagellate, Tinsel type flagellum Parasitic on algae, saprobic on plant and insect debris in the waters in which they live. The walls of all species contain chitin. Cellulose is present in some

4 Continue… The thallus wich may holocarpic or eurocarpic - in holocarpic species the thallus is endobiotic and is converted into zoosporangium - in eucarpic form the thallus may consist of a single reproductive organ bearing a branched rhizoidal system, or may be polycentric and consist of branched hyphae with some septa. holocarpic eucarpic

5 Continue.. The zoosporangia are inoperculate and release their zoospores through discharge tubes. The zoospora germinate and reproduce the thallus. Sexual reproduction is known only in the genus Reesia, whose systematic position is still uncertain and whose morphology requires reinvestigation.

6 Rhizidiomyces The thallus is monocentric, consisting of a single cell that bears a system branched rhizoids sunken into substratum. Sexual reproduction has not been observed Example Rhizidiomyces apophysatus

7 Life Cycle of Life Cycle of Rhizidiomyces apophysatus Parasitic on the oogonis of water molds of family Saprolegniaceae or on the green alga Vaucheria. But, it also Isolated from soil and pine pollen. Zoospore bears a tinsel flagellum

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