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Task Analysis.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Task Analysis."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Task Analysis

2 people perform tasks to achieve goals

3 Tools enlarge the possibilities in performing tasks

4 DEFINITION the process of analysing the way people perform their jobs and it is important to the software designer because a major part of the design will focus on supporting the jobs people do [McCauley, 1995]

5 DEFINITION the process of learning about ordinary users by observing them in action to understand in detail how they perform their tasks and achieve their intended goals. (, 2017)

6 "Task Analysis“ is not a term with a fixed and agreed meaning
"Task Analysis“ is not a term with a fixed and agreed meaning. It is a means to collect information about a task, organise it, and then use it to make various judgements or design decisions. The term task analysis covers a range of methodologies, methods and techniques used by managers, trainers, procedures writers, safety assessors, ergonomics practitioners, system designers and human factors specialists Renardus M.M. Scheffer

7 a simple exercise that UX designers can undertake during the definition of a problem, which can help not just in identifying where opportunities to improve the UX

8 Source: Mayhew, D.J. (1992)


10 TASK ANALYSIS, why ? designer assumption all users are the same
all users are the same as me can design a good interface without the need to understand the us

11 TASK ANALYSIS, why ? Human elements must be optimized and potential errors must be minimized To include human element directly on the design, systematically and openly so it can be checked very carefully

12 Who is USER ? Individual Group Operator Administrator


14 Complete Address

15 Techniques Task Analysis

16 1 Task Decomposition Proses dekomposisi (pemecahan suatu task menjadi beberapa sub-task) ini sering juga disebut sebagai Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA). Hasil output dari HTA ini adalah suatu hierarki dari task dan sub-task dan juga suatu rancangan urutan (plan) dan syarat dari sub-task sub-task tersebut.

17 hierarchical task analysis provides an understanding of the tasks users need to perform to achieve certain goals



20 Task Analysis Methods: Data Gathering
Banyak metoda task analysis Tidak ada yg 100% memuaskan Metoda umum Questionnaires and Interviews Observational studies Experimental data collection

21 Knowledge Based Analysis
2 Knowledge Based Analysis Knowledge Based Analysis dimulai dengan mengidentifikasikan semua objek dan aksi yang terlibat dalam task, dan kemudian mengembangkan suatu taxonomi dari semuanya. Hal ini mirip dengan taxonomi dari cabang ilmu biologi (klasifikasi hewan/tumbuhan).

22 Kitchen item AND /- shape XOR
/ | mixing bowl, casserole, soucepan, soup bowl, glass / |_ flat / plate, chopping board, frying pan /_ function OR {_ preparation { mixing bowl, plate, chopping board {_ cooking { frying pan, casserole, soucepan {_ dining XOR |_ for food plate, soup bowl, casserole |_ for drink glass

23 User Task Contoh : Kasir (task) : Entry penyewaan VCD
Menerima pembayaran Cek keterlambatan Entry pengembalian Perhitungan denda

24 Use Model Example: A software interface contains menubars, toolbars, work areas,etc A properly designed use model assures that each of these components is properly placed within the system such that a user can easily understand how the information is arranged, what actions they can perform a use model is said to be the mapping of the user's cognitive model onto the system.

25 User Model Styles : Menu Form filling Command languange
Direct manipulation Pilih 4 pola sesuai dengan Task & User Profile dan Goal hendak dicapai

26 User Model Menu, karena banyak perbedaan tugas yang harus dikerjakan oleh kasir Form filling, untuk entry sewa, pengembalian

27 GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection)
adalah tujuan dari user, menerangkan apa yang hendak dicapai oleh user. Dalam GOMS, goals ini dipakai sebagai pedoman untuk user untuk mengevaluasi apa yang hendak dicapai (tujuannya) dan untuk titik tolak dimana user harus kembali jika terjadi error dalam proses desain.

28 GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection)
adalah kegiatan dasar yang harus dilakukan oleh user untuk menggunakan sistem. Operators bisa mempengaruhi sistem (misalnya, tekan tombol ‘x’) atau hanya mental state dari user (misalnya, baca dialogue box).

29 GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection)
cara untuk mendekomposisi goal  sub-goals. Misalnya : window manager, bisa ditutup dengan 2 cara, yaitu dengan memilih option ‘close’ atau dengan menekan kombinasi tombol Alt-F4.


31 GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection)
Dari contoh diatas, kita bisa melihat pemakaian kata ‘select’ pada saat memilih method. GOMS tidak hanya menggunakan pilihan acak, tapi juga berusaha untuk memperkirakan method apa yang hendak digunakan.

32 Example: *Goal: create a Word document Goal
* * GOAL: create new document *** choose new doc icon *** set font *** set font size *** type document text ** GOAL: save document *** SELECT save icon File then save from menu *** complete save dialogue box ** GOAL: print document *** SELECT print icon File then print from menu Goal Sub-goal Operator Su-goal operator

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