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Animasi PPT DEVIANA PRAMITA SARI ~ 132010108.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Animasi PPT DEVIANA PRAMITA SARI ~ 132010108."— Transcript presentasi:


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9 Rolling

10 Balap Mobil 1

11 Daun Ketiup Angin

12 Pivot X

13 Pivot 2 X Normal Spin Effect

14 Pivot Lagi.. X X

15 Pipott X X

16 Trigger Klik “Tampil” untuk memunculkan Klik “Hilang” untuk menyembunyikan

17 Click the Enlarge Button . . !!!!
Trigger 2 Close X +Enlarge Click the Enlarge Button . . !!!!

18 Explode

19 Text Highlight Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 1 Point 2

20 T h e E n d T h e E n d T h e E n d T h e E n d T h e E n d
Terima Kasih ~ By: Deviana Pramita sari / _ UKSW Salatiga

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