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Panduan Menyusun Iklan TV
Prepared by Oktaviana Purnamasari, S.Sos, M.Si April 11, 2011
60” or 30”? Tidak ada panjang durasi yang ideal dalam iklan TV. Tapi sebaiknya sependek mungkin dan tidak lebih dari 60”, karena semakin panjang durasi iklan TV, semakin mudah orang untuk mengganti saluran /channel ketika menontonnya. “There isn’t an ideal length,” maintains John Hegarty. “It should be as short as it can be. I think there is a great mistake in our business that length equals better, when in fact the whole driving force of advertising is about reduction. I get seriously, seriously worried if anything goes longer than sixty seconds…”
How to sustain interest
Untuk memperhatahankan atensi audience terhadap iklan kita, sebaiknya jangan melakukan hal-hal yang berlebihan. Dalam arti: Gunakan single idea saja namun kuat pada cerita Jangan terlalu banyak menggunakan cut to cut Generally speaking, I find it’s good to sustain their interest by not doing terribly much”, reflects Hunt. “ Commercials I don’t like are those without much of an idea, that have shot after shot, cut after cut, multi-scene commercials which seem to me to be a total waste of money. As the great British art director David Holmes said, what’s wrong with a match striking for thirty seconds? It takes thirty seconds to strike and burn a match.
VO or no VO? Beberapa pakar iklan berpendapat, penggunaan super sebaiknya tidak digabung dengan VO. Sebaiknya dipilih salah satu saja, super atau VO yang dikombinasikan dengan gambar. “There’s nothing wrong with words in a commercial, there’s nothing wrong with dialogue in a commercial, and there’s nothing theoretically wrong with voice-overs”, Hunt says the best commercials are a combination of words and pictures. He expresses concern when voice-overs and supers are used to explain what’s going on, “because the commercial isn’t really working. If they’re used as a crutch like that, it’s a mistake.
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