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The value of Business/IT and Alignment of IT/Business

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Presentasi berjudul: "The value of Business/IT and Alignment of IT/Business"— Transcript presentasi:

1 The value of Business/IT and Alignment of IT/Business
Tradition of Excellence The value of Business/IT and Alignment of IT/Business Oleh : Windy Eka Yulia Retnani, S.Kom, M.T Fajrin Nurman Arifin, S.T., M.Eng Beny Prasetyo, S.Kom, M.Kom

2 A. Konsep Tradition of Excellence New Strategic Initiatives
IT Competencies New Strategic Initiatives IT/Business Value Strategic of IT/Business Business Competencies Satisfy Market Need

3 A. Konsep Tradition of Excellence Value of IT
Keunggulan atau nilai yang berasal dari keterlibatan IT di dalam proses bisnis organisasi/perusahaan Value of Business Suatu nilai yang berasal dari tindakan/kebijakan bisnis yang diambil untuk meningkatkan performa dari bisnis organisasi/perusahaan diskusi : bagaimana memunculkan value dari IT terhadap business organisasi/perusahaan ???

4 B. Hubungan IT dengan Business (cara mengukur value)
Tradition of Excellence Tradition of Excellence B. Hubungan IT dengan Business (cara mengukur value)

5 B. Hubungan IT dengan Business
Tradition of Excellence B. Hubungan IT dengan Business

6 C. Alignment of Business/IT
Tradition of Excellence C. Alignment of Business/IT The alignment between business and IT strategies improves business performance  Chan et al. And Sabherwal and Chan (2001) Organizations with high alignment between business and IT strategies on the one hand and business and IT operational processes on the other ultimately achieve better outcomes  Bergeron et al. (2003)

7 Tradition of Excellence
C. Alignment of Business/IT

8 Tradition of Excellence
C. Alignment of Business/IT

9 Tradition of Excellence
Terima kasih

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