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Diterbitkan olehVera Atmadja Telah diubah "6 tahun yang lalu
Operations Management Design of Goods and Services
Humor of Product Design
Keinginan konsumen/Pelanggan © T/Maker Co. Interpretasi Pemasar © T/Maker Co. Divisi Operasi Mendesain © T/Maker Co. Desain Para Insinyur © T/Maker Co.
Product & Service Design
Proses penentuan sejumlah karakteristik unik dari penawaran product & service perusahaan Bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan pelanggan utama perusahaan, citra, dan pertumbuhan masa depan
Products versus Services
Tangible offerings Dimensions, materials, tolerances & performance Services: Intangible offerings Physical elements + sensory, esthetic, & psychological benefits
Apakah Produk itu? Penawaran pemenuhan/pemuasan Need-Wants oleh organisasi Contoh: P&G tidak menjual laundry detergent P&G menjual manfaat dari pakaian bersih Pelanggan ‘membeli’ kepuasan, Dalam bentuk produk; barang atau jasa This slide provides an opportunity to introduce the complex nature of a product. There are a number of examples one can discuss here: McDonald’s/ Burger King/Wendys (their product is more than hamburgers); your particular college or university; Microsoft; auto manufacturers.
Strategic Importance of Design
Apa yang ditawarkan harus mendukung strategi bisnis perusahaan Jika tidak, perusahaan akan kehilangan pangsa pasar dan kerugian bisnis muncul Desain difokuskan pada ‘produk inti’ Opsi strategi operasi dalam desain: unik/beda, biaya, atau waktu
Product Components Product Brand (Name) Product Idea Package Physical
Good One might remind students that a product is defined not only by what it has, but also by what is missing. Features Quality Level Service (Warranty)
Product Life Cycle Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
This slide begins an in depth study of the product life cycle.
Product Life Cycle Introduction
Persiapan Penelitian & pengembangan produk Modifikasi & peningkatan kemampuan Pengembangan jaringan pemasok
Product Life Cycle Growth
Penerimaan produk mulai stabil Peramalan kapasitas dan strategi flexibility menjadi penting
Product Life Cycle Maturity
Kompetitor mulai muncul Volume tinggi; produksi inovatif mulai diperlukan Strategi efisiensi biaya dan fleksibilitas mulai digencarkan
Product Life Cycle Decline
Pilihan: Jika laku: a) produk dipertahankan; b) modifikasi minor; c) penambahan atribut servis, diskon, dsb Jika tidak laku: a) modifikasi besar (ubah total); b) ganti produk baru
Product Life Cycle Cost of development and production Sales revenue
Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Sales, cost, and cash flow Cost of development and production Sales revenue Net revenue (profit) Cash flow Loss Negative cash flow
PLC Cost Costs committed Costs incurred Ease of change 100 – 80 – 60 –
Concept Detailed Manufacturing Distribution, design design service, prototype and disposal Percent of total cost 100 – 80 – 60 – 40 – 20 – 0 – Costs committed Costs incurred Ease of change
Percent of Sales From New Product
This slide suggests that product innovation is a “way-of-life” for industry leaders. Does this suggest that one of the most important activities in which a company engages is that of “adaptation”? If so, will this become more or less of an issue in the future?
Product Life Cycle: Gadgets
Growth Decline Time Sales Virtual reality, game console Smartphone Tablet PC, Laptop Personal Computer Introduction Maturity This slide gave a reasonable depiction of the growth stage for these products when it was created. Does it still? Ask students to consider the length of the lifetime of each of the products listed. Are the lifetimes similar? What ranges of lifetime would they estimate for these products?
Product Development System
Evaluation Introduction Test Market Functional Specifications Design Review Product Specifications Customer Requirements Ability Ideas Scope of product development team Scope for design and engineering teams
Steps in Product Design
Idea Development: Kebutuhan-keinginan diidentifikasi, & ide produk mulai digabungkan Product Screening: Ide-ide awal dievaluasi kesulitan produksi dan keberhasilan Preliminary Design & Testing Tes pasar & pengembangan prototip Final Design Product & service characteristics are set
Idea Development Existing & target customers Benchmarking
Customer surveys & focus groups Benchmarking Studying “best in class” companies from your industry or others and comparing their practices & performance to your own Reverse engineering Disassembling a competitor’s product & analyzing its design characteristics & how it was made Suppliers, employees and technical advances
Product Screening Operations: Marketing: Finance:
Are production requirements consistent with existing capacity? Are the necessary labor skills & raw materials available? Marketing: How large is the market niche? What is the long-term potential for the product? Finance: What is the expected return on investment?
Preliminary Design & Testing
General performance characteristics are translated into technical specifications Prototypes are built & tested (maybe offered for sale on a small scale) Bugs are worked out & designs are refined
Final Design Specifications are set & then used to:
Develop processing and service delivery instructions Guide equipment selection Outline jobs to be performed Negotiate contracts with suppliers and distributors
Desain Berbasis QFD Quality Function Developtment proses penetapan keinginan pelanggan dan menerjemahkan keinginan tersebut ke dalam atribut yang dapat dipahami dan dilaksanakan oleh setiap bagian fungsional organisasi Tim anda diminta untuk membuat produk kamera ‘Alat’ House of Quality matrik yang menghubungkan antara keinginan konsumen dengan bagaimana perusahaan memenuhi keinginan konsumen
Quality Function Development
Identify customer wants Identify how the good/service will satisfy customer wants Relate customer wants to product hows Identify relationships between the firm’s hows Develop importance ratings Evaluate competing products Compare performance to desirable technical attributes
House of Quality HouseofQuality.ppt
Sequential & Concurrent Design
Concurrent Engineering Benefit
Pendekatan desain multi/lintas fungsi, yang secara simultan/bersama-sama mendesain produk dan proses Menggantikan pendekatan tradisional yang berbasis ‘sekat/batas’ desain antar tim (layaknya pendekatan sequential) Waktu dan biaya pengembangan bisa dikurangi Menekankan pada ‘problem-solving’ atas desain
ROBUST DESIGN disain yang dapat memproduksi sesuai dengan persyaratan, meskipun dalam kondisi tidak layak MODULAR DESIGN komponen produk yang disub-subkan dalam modul yang mudah digantikan atau ditempatkan, customize, misal perakitan modular pada Harley davidson yang dengan mudah dimodifikasi, restauran swalayan dll COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN (CAD) penggunaan komputer untuk mengembangkan dan mendokumentasikan produk COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM) penggunaan teknologi informasi untuk mengontrol mesin ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY DESIGN mengembangkan produk yang aman, bisa didaur ulang meminimumkan pemborosan, mendeferensiasikan produk dengan pesaing, menambah biaya untuk memenuhi aturan keselamatan lingkungan
Kompetisi berdasar waktu dalam hal kecepatan pengembangan produk, dan melempar ke pasar Membeli teknologi dengan menguasai sebuah perusahaan Joint ventures (join kepemilikan untuk mendapatkan produk baru) Aliansi (membuat kesepakatan kerja sama saling menguntungkan)
Service Design Service typically includes direct interaction with the customer Increased opportunity for customization Reduced productivity Cost and quality are still determined at the design stage Delay customization Modularization Reduce customer interaction, often through automation
Service Design (a) Customer participation in design such as pre-arranged funeral services or cosmetic surgery Service typically includes direct interaction with the customer Increased opportunity for customization Reduced productivity Cost and quality are still determined at the design stage Delay customization Modularization Reduce customer interaction, often through automation (b) Customer participation in delivery such as stress test for cardiac exam or delivery of a baby (c) Customer participation in design and delivery such as counseling, college education, financial management of personal affairs, or interior decorating Figure 5.12
TERIMA KASIH Tugas Kelompok Buat Product Life Cycle untuk produk jasa
Gunakan skenario pendekatan House of Quality untuk mendesain sebuah produk jasa TERIMA KASIH
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