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Tahun : <<2006>> Versi : <<1/1>>

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Presentasi berjudul: "Tahun : <<2006>> Versi : <<1/1>>"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Matakuliah : <<M0264>>/<<Sistem Manajemen Basis Data>>
Tahun : <<2006>> Versi : <<1/1>> Materi Pendukung Pertemuan <<8>> Pemulihan kerusakan sistem

2 Crash Recovery: Big Picture
Start from a checkpoint (found via master record). Three phases. Need to: Figure out which Xacts committed since checkpoint, which failed (Analysis). REDO all actions. (repeat history) UNDO effects of failed Xacts Oldest log rec. of Xact active at crash Smallest recLSN in dirty page table after Analysis Last chkpt CRASH A R U

3 Additional Crash Issues
What happens if system crashes during Analysis? During REDO? How do you limit the amount of work in REDO? Flush asynchronously in the background. Watch “hot spots”! How do you limit the amount of work in UNDO? Avoid long-running Xacts.

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