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A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus

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2 A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
1. Pangarayow kow di Yesus I Tuhan tasawat. Yalo no raja mantad kikiawi ot raja. Kayow no bo, minlalanu tokow no Dot otomon o ginawo. A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus

3 A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
2. Pangarayow kow di Yesus I Tuhan tawasi. Yalo mongogompi daton Dot sodoy-adlaw no. Indukutay Okoy tanak nu Tuhan Om potomon di ginawo A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus

4 A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
3. Pangarayow kow di Yesus Yalo no kolid nu. Yino no moongopud Di tongo tinanom tokow. Unsongong po Kukuoyon koh di Tuhan Ong monokiambabaya. A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus

5 A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
4. Pangarayow kow di Yesus I dolow totonuw. Dot eensasanan i ginawo Mamantug dialo. Soro'o no, I tongo kowosian; Yino no ot nontodonon. A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus

6 A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
5. Pangarayow kow di Yesus, I Tuhan ki-kuasa. Tu ong ki-sarup tologod Yalo not kotonos. Ong dontolon Tokow dot kosusa'an I Yesus no ot mangapad. A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus


8 Dan jiwa ku tambahlah nyanyian mu Allah mu baik dan setia
1. Puji-lah Tuhan mu Raja yang maha mulia Langit dan bumi hendak Mempertinggikan dia Dan jiwa ku tambahlah nyanyian mu Allah mu baik dan setia A29M Pujilah Tuhan Mu

9 Dengan segala mukjizat Dan tanda kuasa
2. Puji-lah Tuhan yang T'lah memenui angkasa Dengan segala mukjizat Dan tanda kuasa Hikmat besar, Firman adil dan benar P'rintahkan saat dan masa A29M Pujilah Tuhan Mu

10 Yang sebelum engkau minta T'lah mengetahui Susah dan duka dan cinta
3. Pujilah Tuhan mu Yang sebelum engkau minta T'lah mengetahui Susah dan duka dan cinta Harap tetap, Siang dan malam gelap Bapa mu yang memerintah A29M Pujilah Tuhan Mu

11 Pemimpin bintangan dan awan Tidak pernah niat Kasih-nya dapat dilawan
4. Puji-lah Tuhan Pemimpin bintangan dan awan Tidak pernah niat Kasih-nya dapat dilawan Yang berserah pada pertolongan-nya Sungguh tak usah merawan A29M Pujilah Tuhan Mu

12 Sekali 'kan nyata benar-nya Nama-nya Bapa Mahkota segala gelar-nya
5. Amin, ya amin Sekali 'kan nyata benar-nya Nama-nya Bapa Mahkota segala gelar-nya Kau bertekun, Engkau didukung-nya pun Sampai ke tempat gemar-nya A29M Pujilah Tuhan Mu


14 A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty
The king of creation! O my soul, praise Him, For He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, Now to His temple draw near; Praise Him in glad adoration. A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty

15 A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty
2. Praise to the Lord, who over all things So wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under His wings, Yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen How thy desires ever have been Granted in what He ordaineth? A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty

16 A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty
3. Praise to the Lord, who hath fearfully, Wondrously, made thee; Health hath vouchsafed and, when Heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee. What need or grief Ever hath failed of relief? Wings of His mercy did shade thee. A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty

17 A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty
4. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper Thy work and defend thee; Surely His goodness and mercy Here daily attend thee. Ponder anew What the Almighty can do, If with His love He befriend thee. A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty

18 A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty
5. Praise to the Lord, who, when Tempests their warfare are waging, Who, when the elements madly Around thee are raging, Biddeth them cease, Turneth their fury to peace, Whirlwinds and waters assuaging. A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty

19 A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty
6. Praise to the Lord, who, when Darkness of sin is abounding, Who, when the godless do triumph, All virtue confounding, Sheddeth His light, Chaseth the horrors of night, Saints with His mercy surrounding. A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty

20 A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty
O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, Come now with praises before Him. Let the Amen Sound from His people again, Gladly for aye we adore Him. A29E Praise to the Lord the Almighty

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