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PowerPoint® Slides to Accompany

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Presentasi berjudul: "PowerPoint® Slides to Accompany"— Transcript presentasi:

1 PowerPoint® Slides to Accompany
A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computers and the Internet (2nd Edition) by Sara Baase San Diego State University PowerPoint slides created by Sherry Clark Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall

2 A Gift of Fire Unwrapping the Gift
Langkah dan perubahan komputer yang sangat cepat Examining the Gift: Pengenalan terhadap beberapa isu dan Tema Nilai dan manfaat

3 The Ubiquity of Computers and the Rapid Pace of Change
Have you used a computer today? You have if you used… an ATM, a CD-player, a cell phone, Alat alat modern an electronic device.

4 Examining the Gift: An Introduction to Some Issues and Themes
Some Negative Impacts of New Technology: Unemployment/pengangguran Alienation/pemindahan hak milik kepada orang lain Poor Customer Service. Crime. Loss of Privacy. Errors. Q: Which negative aspects of new technology have you experienced?

5 Examining the Gift: An Introduction to Some Issues and Themes
Some Positive Impacts of New Technology: Convenience – menghemat waktu /efisien New types of jobs. More options for transactions. Improvements in crime-fighting/memberantas tindak kejahatan Small error rate Q: Which positive aspects of new technology have you experienced?

6 Examining the Gift: An Introduction to Some Issues and Themes
Sources for Solutions to Problems: Technology. Management. Law. Education. The market. Q: Describe how one of the above provides a solution to a problem created by new technology.

7 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits of Computer Applications Pengembangan yang lebih baik. Time-saving. Cost-saving. Less effort than older technologies. Development of better sound quality. Creation of computer-generated art and special effects. Improved accuracy. Improved customer service/satisfaction. Entertainment/fun. Q: How have these benefits aided your peers?

8 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits Computers Bring to Communication Non-invasive; read at recipient’s convenience. Time-saving. Access to vast amounts of information. Text, graphics, and sound can be combined. Much information on WWW is free. Public forums not limited to geographic boundaries. More independence. More options for communicating. Remote access available. Batasan batasan yang merupakan masalah tradisional bukanlah hambaran. Q: bagaimana manfaat komputer ini dapat membantu bisnis kecil?

9 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits Computers Bring to Transportation Navigation. Diagnostics. Safety. Hybrid engines. Efficiency of fuel-burning. Traffic pattern studies. Q: jelaskan bagaimana hal tersebut diatas dapat membantu dalam kehidupan disekitar anda? jelaskan

10 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits Computers Bring to Education and Training Language acquisition – penguasaan bahasa Spelling. Literacy. Distance learning – metode belajar jarak jauh Modeling. Simulations. Speech recognition – pngenalan suara Speech synthesis – suara sintesis/buatan Q: bagaimana manfaat-manfaat diatas dapat membantu sekolah lokal? Jelaskan!

11 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits of Computers in Fighting Crime Laporan peningkatan tindak kejahatan. Pencarian lebih cepat terhadap file dan dengan cepat mengidentifikasi sidik jari. Remote access to records and reports, EX : mobil patroli Peningkatan arsip (sidikjari dan photo). Akses terhadap databases lebih banyak peningkatan sensor, monitor, and peralatan pengawasan Q: jelaskan bagaimana komputer bermanfaat dalam membantu mengurangi tindak kejahatan dalam komunitas anda

12 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits Computers Bring to Medicine Sophisticated imaging – mampu menampilkan gambar yang rumit Mengurangi watu perawatan Patient monitoring. Early ambulation. Peningkatan perawatan Fewer errors – lebih sedikit kesalahan Q: bagaimana cara dokter anda menangani anda dengan menggunakan teknologi komputer

13 Appreciating the Benefits
Arsip Pasien/Rekam Medis Lebih jelas. Dapat diorganisasi lebih baik. Dapat diakses dimana saja, secara serempak. Tersedia seketika – real time Peningkatan riset statistik Q: Bagaimana klinik kesehatan yang sering anda kunjungi menggunakan teknologi komputer?

14 Appreciating the Benefits
Medical Diagnosing Hasil diagnosis yang efektif Peningkatan ketelitian. Mengurangi kebutuhan biopsy. Improved screening and predictions. Q: bagaimana komputer dapat membantu mendiagnosis penyakit ?

15 Appreciating the Benefits
Telemedicine Akses yang luas untuk bantuan medis Lebih murah Expands consultations beyond rural/remote sites – memperluas konsultasi diluar jangkauan Q: jelaskan bagaimana orang orang militer menggunakan telemedicine untuk kesehatan mereka?

16 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits Computers Bring to Automation Mengorganisir dan mengakses inventori yang besar/luas Meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Cost-saving. Time-saving. Pekerjaan yang membosankan, dilakukan oleh mesin. Meningkatkan keselamatan ditempat kerja. Q: What task would you like replaced by an automated system?

17 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits Computers Bring to Identification Time-saving. Accuracy. Mudah digunakan Cost-saving. Lebih aman Customizable. Bisa dipercaya

18 Appreciating the Benefits
Computers Monitor Environment and Materials Temperature. Acceleration - akselerasi Stress in materials – tekanan dalam material Emissions - emisi Dangerous substances in the air – unsur yang berbahaya di udara Moisture - kelembaban Acidity – kadar keasaman Q: How might tree farmers use computers to monitor their crops?

19 Appreciating the Benefits
Applications of Computers in Tracking Rare plants and animals. Migration habits. Stolen goods. Lost pets or people. Q: How might scientists track Antarctic ice floes?

20 Appreciating the Benefits
Benefits of Computers in Reducing Paper Use and Trash Send/receive digital documents instead of hardcopy. Read, write, and edit online. Cost-saving; smaller storage needed. Mengurangi bahan beracun dalam pembuan kertas Q: Have computers reduced paper use in your school or workplace?

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