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An assessment of Pedestrian Ways in Unsyiah

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1 An assessment of Pedestrian Ways in Unsyiah
Presented by : Hanani Yasmin ( )

2 background Global warming is the hot issue nowadays. Most of people around the world aware of it. There are a lot of things that they did to save the world from the global warming. The easiest thing that we could do to save the world is by walking. Walking is the activity that we do to move from one place to another places. By walking, we could make our body being healthier and also reduce the air pollution because we do not need to take gasoline. If we choose to walk, so we need the walking facilities. That is called as pedestrian ways. The pedestrian way is one of the elements in urban design. Pedestrian way can be places anywhere. Usually, people called this way as trotoar. The people who usually walk are students. There are a lot campus in Indonesia who already made a program called “walk to campus”. At the University of Syiah Kuala, a lot of students use the car or motorbike to go to campus. Maybe, Less than a half of students using public transport, bicycle or they just walk to campus. So, because of this background. I am interested to do a research about the pedestrian ways in campus Unsyiah.

3 problems The problems that attracted me to do an assessment of pedestrian ways in unsyiah are: (1) the pedestrian way itself is one of the way to gather people around the campus and to make them socialize. Because most of the students are using the private transport, so there is a gap between the private transport students and the public transport students; (2) Unsyiah has the pedestrian ways in some points and they usually use it. But, there is also a street where there are a lot of students walk through it but it does not have the pedestrian facilities. Pedestrian at Jl. Tgk. Nyak Arief Pedestrian at Jl. Putroe Phang

4 Object description THE CROWDED POINT
JL. T. Nyak Arief JL. Tgk Syekh Abdurrauf – Jl. Putroe Phang Jl. Tgk. Syekh Abdurrauf – Jl. Meureubo Jl. Tgk Syek Abdurrauf There Are Three Location That I Choosed As My Object Study For This Research. ZONA A : Jl. T. Nyak Arief ZONA B : Jl. Putroe Phang ZONA C : Jl. Tgk. Syekh Abdurrauf

Pedestrian pathways

6 Method This research were proceed by two ways, qualitative and quantitative. Overall, this research called as case study research. Using some location sample as the research object and did an interview with the respondent. After that, the respondent filled the questioner that already prepared. When all of the data and documentation were gathered, continued by organized and analyzed it.

7 Jl. Tgk. Syekh Abdurrauf (C)
The research 1 Seberapa sering anda berjalan kaki? Tanggapan Frekuensi Presentase Selalu 10 77% Sesekali 3 23% Jarang - Tidak pernah Tanggapan Frekuensi Presentase Jl. T. N yak Arief (A) 2 15% Jl. Putroe Phang (B) 6 46% Jl. Tgk. Syekh Abdurrauf (C) 5 38% 2 Jalur manakah yang biasa anda gunakan ?

8 3 4 Apakah anda nyaman menggunakan jalur tersebut ?
Bagaimana tanggapan anda terhadap jalur yang sudah ada saat ini ? Tanggapan Frekuensi Presentase Sangat bagus 2 15% Bagus 6 46% Kurang bagus 4 31% Tidak Bagus 1 8% Tanggapan Frekuensi Presentase Sangat nyaman - 0% Nyaman 6 46% Cukup nyaman 3 23% Tidak nyaman 4 31% 4 Apakah anda nyaman menggunakan jalur tersebut ?

9 5 Apa yang anda harapkan terhadap jalur yang ada saat ini ? Tanggapan
Frekuensi Presentase Didesain ulang 3 23% Dipertahankan 5 38.5% Diperbaiki saja 5 Apa yang anda harapkan terhadap jalur yang ada saat ini ?

10 The result From the research sample at three location of pedestrian ways, about 77% of the respondents are using the pedestrian ways and most of them are students from outer of Banda Aceh. Putroe Phang Street is the way that they use the most. But, at that way there is no pedestrian facilities. Their opinion about the pedestrian ways at campus Unsyiah is comfortable enough to use, but they need to take care of it because some of the pedestrian ways already broken.

11 conclusion The conclusion from this research is the pedestrian way is one of the elements in urban design and it is an important element to provide the students activities also to build social interactions between the students all over the campus area. A good design of pedestrian ways will give you an easy access, comfortable, and good interaction to the users. The time we decide to use the pedestrian ways, so we will walk. It is better than we use the motorbike or car to go to campus, unless you reduce the air pollution in the campus area. The pedestrian ways in campus Unsyiah are usually used by the students from outer of Banda Aceh. The street that they use the most is at Putroe Phang Street which there is no facilities in it.


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