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VOS ( Voice Of Computer Science ) _ Nearer My God To Thee

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2 Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Ya ALLAH Aku Mau, Nearer To Thee ! Datang Dekat !

3 E’en Tho It be A Cross Jikalau Salib Pun That Raiseth me ; Ku Mau Angkat

4 Still All My Song Shall Be, Inilah Doaku, Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Hampir Kepada-Mu

5 Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Hampir Kepada - MU, Nearer To Thee ! Ya Allahku

6 Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Ya ALLAH Aku Mau, Nearer To Thee ! Datang Dekat !

7 E’en Tho It be A Cross Jikalau Salib Pun That Raiseth me ; Ku Mau Angkat:

8 Still All My Song Shall Be, Inilah Doaku, Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Hampir Kepada-Mu

9 Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Hampir Kepadaku ! Nearer To Thee ! Ya Allahku!

10 Still All My Song Shall Be, Inilah Doaku, Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Hampir Kepada-Mu

11 Nearer, My GOD, To Thee, Hampir Kepada - MU, Nearer To Thee ! Ya Allahku

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