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Interactive Multimedia of Report Text for 11th Grade Students Choose of menu that you want W E L C O M E T O I M P O R T User Guide Let’s Read! About Grammar Corner Quiz Learning Indicator Warming Up Vocab ulary List Let’s Exercise! Let’s Study!
about Click for Author’s Profile This media is named “IMPORT”. It stands for Interactive Multimedia of Report Text. IMPORT is used for the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Kota Serang About Warming Up Learning Indicator User Guide
EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT ABOUT ME Hello everyone! My name is Rahmi Amalia. You can call me Rahmi. I am one of English Education Department students at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten – Indonesia. I am the fifth child (last child). I have 4 elder brothers, 3 sisters-in law, and a cute nephew. In the daily activity, I have some hobbies such as: watching a news program on TV, playing the badminton, jogging, writing a poem, etc… The further information abut me will be presented below : ADDRESS JL. KM. Idris No. 07 RT.01/RW.12 Serang Banten - 42117 phone +6281911089494 Social media rahmiamalia03@gmail.com rahmiamalia05.facebook.com / Rahmi Amalia @rahmi_am EXPERIENCES
ABOUT ME EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT kindegarten (2001 – 2002) TK. Islam Al – Musyawarah Serang – Banten Elementary school junior high school senior high school (2002 – 2008) SD Negeri Serang 2 (2008 – 2011) SMP Negeri 1 Kota Serang (2011 – 2014) SMA Negeri 1 Kota Serang UNIVERSITY (2014 – Now ) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (English Education Dept.) EXPERIENCES
ABOUT ME EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT Mei 2013 The Third Winner of Quick & Smart Competition (LCC 4 Pilar RI) in the Province Stage which held by MPR RI June 2013 The First Winner of Speech Competition in the Province Stage which held by BKKBN The Second Winner of Debate Competition in the Province Stage which held by Diksatrasia Department of Untirta August 2013 The Runner Up of Speech Competition in the National Stage which held by BKKBN April 2015 The Runner-up of English Speech Competition in ESA Carnival which held by English Department of Untirta April 2017 The First Winner of English Speech Competition in ESA Carnival which held by English Department of Untirta EXPERIENCES
ABOUT ME EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT EXPERIENCES COURSE & TRAINING EXPERIENCES Secretary of Musyawarah Perwakilan Kelas ( MPK ) SMAN 1 Kota Serang The Vice Leader of Youth Red Cross in SMAN 1 Kota Serang The Leader of Committee in Blood Donor Program SMAN 1 Kota Serang The commitee of PIK-MA Sehat Tirtayasa at Untirta Moderator of International Seminar on English Language Teaching (ISELT) by English Department English Course at National English Centre ( NEC ) Serang BBC Scholarship’s award for English Training Specialist of Intensive Dynamic Conversation at BBC Lingustics Course by The Linguistic Society of Indonesia (MLI) Workshop of Maximizing the Tools in Microsoft Office for Writing Research Paper by Lecturer Team of English Education Department of Untirta The participant of Annual International Seminar on ELT (AISELT) 2017 Pre – Service Teacher Training Program (PPLK) at SMAN 1 Kota Serang
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The Concept L anguage Features Generic Structures The Examples Let’s Study! LET’S WATCHING TOGETHER!LET’S WATCHING TOGETHER!
The Concept Language Features Generic Structures The Examples Use General Nouns Use the linking Verbs Use Action Verbs Use Technical Terms Use Present Tense To describe noun generally. Ex: Hunting Dog, Birds, Durian To describe the features, e.g. is, am,are,look,seem To describe the subject scientifically or technically, e.g.: reptiles, vertebrate, warm-blooded To indicate the habit or fact. Ex: Shark often lose teeth while eating. Language features of Report Text Let’s Study! To describe the behavior, e.g. fly, breathe,cultivate
The Concept Language Features Generic Structures The Examples Definition of Report Text Report text is a kind of text that describes something which can be observed such as animals, plants, planets, and natural disasters. Purpose of Report Text Report text is used to describe the way things are with reference to arrange of natural, manmade, and social phenomenon in our environment Let’s Study!
The Examples Language Features Generic Structures Description The Concept STEP 1 : Introducing the topic of the report text generally or think that will be talked about STEP 2 : Elaborating & reporting the subject in detail or specific information such as : the shape, parts, behavior, habitat, way of survival General Classification Let’s Study!
The Concept Language Features Generic Structures The Examples A. Read and understand the following text! KANGAROO A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour. The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life. Taken from: Peter Haddock Ltd., Ref.083 General Classification Description Click ! Let’s Study!
Concept Language Features Generic Structure The Examples A. Read and understand the following text! General Classification Description of habit Description of physical features Description of behaviors Noun PhraseAction Verb Relating VerbTechnical Term Let’s try! KANGAROO A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour. The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life. Taken from: Peter Haddock Ltd., Ref.083 Let’s Study!
Action Verbs Relating / Linking Verbs Noun Phrases Technical Terms eat They’ve very strong back legs and a The largest kangaroos the Great Grey Kangaroo Great Grey Kangaroo and is very tiny A baby kangaroo very tiny A kangaroo an animal A kangaroo is female kangaroo has an external It has a smaller relative, called a run crawls isare is an animalRed KangarooA baby kangaroo Wallabypouch tail Read Text B. Fill the appropriate words based on the text you’ve read into the box below! Kangaroos grass and plants They can also It at once Check
Action Verbs Relating / Linking Verbs Noun Phrases Technical Terms eat They’ve very strong back legs and a The largest kangaroos the Great Grey Kangaroo Great Grey Kangaroo and is very tiny A baby kangaroo very tiny A kangaroo an animal A kangaroo is female kangaroo has an external It has a smaller relative, called a run crawls isare is an animalRed KangarooA baby kangaroo Wallabypouch tail Read Text B. Fill the appropriate words based on the text you’ve read into the box below! Kangaroos grass and plants They can also It at once Back
K angaroo /kæŋ.ɡəˈruː/ Kanguru Part 1Part 2 Wallaby /ˈwɑː.lə.bi/ Walabi Carnation /kɑːˈneɪ.ʃən/ Bunga anyelir Island /ˈaɪ.lənd / Pulau Tail /teɪl/ Ekor Landslide /ˈlænd.slaɪd/ Tanah longsor Earthquake /ˈɜːθ.kweɪk/ Gempa bumi Marsupial / mɑːˈsuː.pi.əl/ Hewan berkantung Pouch /paʊtʃ/ Kantong perut Pomegranate /ˈpɒm.ɪˌɡræn.ɪt/ Buah delima Volcano /vɑːlˈkeɪ.noʊ/ Gunung berapi Crawl /krɔːl/ Merayap Let’s Read! Read the following words with the right pronunciation! Part 3Part 4
River /ˈrɪv·ər/ Sungai Part 1 Part 2 Tributary /ˈtrɪb.jʊ.tər.i/ Anak sungai Lake /leɪk/ Danau Agriculture /ˈæɡ·rɪ·kʌl·tʃər/ Pertanian Transportation /ˈtræns·pɔːteiʃən/ Transportasi Tourism /ˈtʊə·rɪz·əm/ Pariwisata Wheat /wiːt/ Terigu Sorghum /ˈsɔː.ɡəm/ Tanaman biji Sugarcane /ˈʃʊɡ·ərkeɪn/ Tebu Cotton /ˈkɒt·ən/ Kapas Adventure /ədˈven·tʃər/ Petualangan Let’s Read! Read the following words with the right pronunciation! Part 3Part 4 Ocean /ˈəʊ.ʃən/ Lautan
Geography /dʒiˈɒɡ.rə.fi/ Geografi Part 1Part 2 Assignment /əˈsaɪn.mənt/ Tugas Encyclopedia /ɪn saɪ.kləˈpiː.di.ə/ E nsiklopedia Composer /kəmˈpəʊ.zər/ Pencipta Coconut /ˈkoʊ.kə.nʌt/ Kelapa Trunk /trʌŋk/ Batang (pohon) Seismic /ˈsaɪz.mɪk/ Gelombang gempa Husk /hʌsk/ Kulit sabut (kelapa) Shell /ʃel/ Tempurung (kelapa) Fluid /ˈfluː.ɪd/ Zat cair Vitamin /ˈvɪt.ə.mɪn/ Vitamin Let’s Read! Protein /ˈprəʊ.tiːn/ Protein Read the following words with the right pronunciation! Part 4Part 3
Mineral /ˈmɪn.ər.əl / Mineral Part 1Part 2 Soap /səʊp/ Sabun Candle /ˈkæn.dəl/ Lilin Doormat /ˈdɔː.mæt/ Keset Kaki Propagate / prɒp.ə.ɡeɪt/ Memperbanyak Seed /siːd/ Biji / bibit Flesh /fleʃ/ Daging Expert /ˈek.spɜːt/ Ahli Culture /ˈkʌl.tʃər/ Kebudayaan Plant /plɑːnt/ Tanaman Rope /rəʊp/ Tali Let’s Read! Classify /ˈklæs.ɪ.faɪ/ Menggolongkan Read the following words with the right pronunciation! Part 4Part 3
The Nile River The Nile River is the longest river in the world. Its length is around 4.180 miles. It flows through Uganda, Sudan and Egypt. It has two main tributaries. They are the Blue Nile and the White Nile. The White Nile starts in the Great Lakes region of central Africa. The Blue Nile begins at Lake T’ana in Ethiopia. These two rivers meet near Khartoum the capital city of Sudan. There is another shorter tributary. It’s Atbarah river, or also known as the Black Nile. However, this river flows only while there is rain Ethiopia and dries very fast. The Nile River ends in Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River is important for agriculture, food, transportation and tourism. Farmers grow wheat, sorghum, citrus fruit, sugarcane and cotton along the Nile River., and they use the river to water their crops and plantation. People also fish this river. The river is used to transport goods to different places along its long path. The ships can travel up using the sail, and down using the flow of the river. Tourism is another main advantage of the Nile River. Some special places to visit are Aswan, Luxor, Giza, Cairo and Khartoum. People who like adventure will find traveling this river exciting. (Taken from : Look Ahead for Class XI) A. Read the following text, drag and drop the generic structures and language features of the text on the right box! Options : Try again!Check EXERCISE 2 click
EXERCISE 2 B. Read the conversation and state whether the statements are True (T) or False (F)! Jane : John, which one is longer, the Bengawan Solo or the Musi River? John : Hmm…Why did you ask? Jane : I’m doing my Geography assignment. John : Why don’t you check encyclopedia? Jane : Good idea! Let me see… John : Look! the Bengawan Solo is 540 km and the Musi River is? Jane : Here. It’s 750 km. So, the Musi River is longer than the Bengawan Solo. John : Which one is wider? Jane : I think the Musi River is also wider than the Bengawan Solo. John : And which one is more popular? Jane : Popular? Mmm… I think the Bengawan Solo. John : Why? Jane : Well, the Bengawan Solo is also the title of a famous song, isn’t it? John : Oh, yes. You’re right. Do you know who the composer is? Jane : Mmm… don’t really remember. Let me think. Is it Gesang? John : Yes, that’s right.! 1. John asks Monica about Bengawan Solo and Musi River 2. Monica is doing her biography assignment 3. The width of Musi River is shorter than Bengawan Solo 4. John asks Monica to look up the encyclopedia 5. Monica looks the encyclopedia while John does not. 6. Monica finds out the information that the width of Musi River is 540 km. 7. John thinks that the Bengawan Solo River is more famous than the Musi River 8. Bengawan Solo River is also a title of a famous song 9. Monica almost forgot the composer of Bengawan Solo River 10. The song of Bengawan Solo is created by Gesang
1. John asks Monica about Bengawan Solo and Musi River 2. Monica is doing her biography assignment 3. The width of Musi River is shorter than Bengawan Solo 4. John asks Monica to look up the encyclopedia 5. Monica looks the encyclopedia while John does not. 6. Monica finds out the information that the width of Musi River is 540 km. 7. John thinks that the Bengawan Solo River is more famous than the Musi River 8. Bengawan Solo River is also a title of a famous song 9. Monica almost forgot the composer of Bengawan Solo River 10. The song of Bengawan Solo is created by Gesang Let’s Exercise! IMRIMR B. Read the conversation and state whether the statements are True (T) or False (F)! Monica : John, which one is longer, the Bengawan Solo or the Musi River? John: Hmm…Why did you ask? Monica: I’m doing my Geoghraphy assignment. John: Why don’t you check encyclopedia? Monica: Good idea. Let me see… John: Look! the Bengawan Solo is 540 km and the Musi River is? Monica: Here. It’s 750 km. So, the Musi River is longer than the Bengawan Solo. John: Which one is wider? Monica: I think the Musi River is also wider than the Bengawan Solo. John: And which one is more popular? Monica: Popular? Mmm… I think the Bengawan Solo. John: Why? Monica: Well, the Bengawan Solo is also the title of a famous song, isn’t it? John: Oh, yes. You’re right. Do you know who the composer is? Monica: Mmm… don’t really remember. Let me think. Is it Gesang? John: Yes, that’s right. T T T T T T T T T T F F F F F F F F F F Check Score Try again!
Choose and click one of them! Present Tense Linking Verb Noun Phrase Technical Term
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! The text mainly tells us about…… Natural Disaster Earthquake Landslide TsunamiWave TIME IS UP! 1 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 1-5)
The kind of text above is…… Narrative Text Procedure Text Descriptive Text Recount Text Report Text TIME IS UP! 2 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 1-5) Choose one of the best answers in the following questions!
The social purpose of the text is…… To inform the reader about tsunami To announce the reader about tsunami To explain about Tsunami for the reader To describe the incident of tsunami To amuse the reader about tsunami TIME IS UP! 3 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 1-5)
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! Orientation Identification General Classification IntroductionDescription TIME IS UP! 4 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 1-5) Tsunami is a Japanese word for a seismic sea…(p.1). The paragraph belongs to……
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! Remove Surround Pass ReplaceWhirl TIME IS UP! 5 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 1-5) “The zone encircles the Pacific Ocean. “ (p.2, line 4) The underlined word has the same meaning with….
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! Most Popular Flowers Herbaceous Plant Carnation Fringe-Plated Flowers TIME IS UP! 6 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 6-10) What the text tells about……. Dianthus caryophyllus
A. Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! They are thorny They are narrow TIME IS UP! 7 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 6-10) The carnation leaves like…… They are mostly pinkish-purple They are 80 centimetres long They have sweet scent
A. Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! It can grow up to 80 centimetres TIME IS UP! 8 A D B C E (The following text is for questions number 6-10) These are the characteristics from Carnation, except…… It comes from Mediterranean area It belongs to family of Dianthus caryophyllus It is widely cultivated for its fringe-petaled flowers It is often used for Mother’s Day and wedding
A. Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! Stalks Seeds LeavesFlowers TIME IS UP! 9 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 6-10) “….........borne on wiry, stiffly erect stems. “ (p.2, line 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning to……. Roots
A. Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! Stiffly erect stems The Plants The FlowersGreen Leaves TIME IS UP! 10 A D BC E (The following text is for questions number 6-10) “They vary in colour including pinkish-purple, red, white, yellow and green.” (p.2) The underline word of “They” refers to……. Carnations
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! interest racial ethnicrelative TIME IS UP! 11 A D BC E (For the questions number 11-16, complete the following text with the words provided) modern The (11)…….…groups in the mountain regions of southwest and central Sulawesi (Celebes) are known as Toraja.
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! describes determines needscalls TIME IS UP! 12 A D BC E (For the questions number 11-16, complete the following text with the words provided) chooses Birth (12) …………...…..which status a person will hold.
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! name design featurestructure TIME IS UP! 13 A D BC E (For the questions number 11-16, complete the following text with the words provided) symbol The buffalo is a (13)……………of status, courage, strength and fighting spirit.
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! widely swiftly safelyadversely TIME IS UP! 14 A D BC E ( For the questions number 14-16, complete the following text with the words provided) doubtly It is (14)…………cultivated throughout India and the drier parts of Southeast Asia, Malaya, the east Indies and tropical Africa
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! was covered is covering coverscovered TIME IS UP! 15 A D BC E ( For the questions number 14-16, complete the following text with the words provided) is covered The trunk (15) ……………..by a red-brown bark which later becomes grey.
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! absurd uncertain suitablesturdy TIME IS UP! 16 A D BC E ( For the questions number 14-16, complete the following text with the words provided) definite Under (16)…………conditions the fruit should mature 5 to 7 months after bloom.
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! TIME IS UP! 17 A (The following text is for questions number 17-20) “Tornado destroys many houses in United States.” Many houses were destroyed by Tornado in United States The passive form of the sentence above is…… Many houses are destroyed by Tornado in United States Many houses was destroyed by Tornado in United States Many houses is destroyed by Tornado in United States Many houses destroyed by Tornado in United States B C D E
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! TIME IS UP! 18 A (The following text is for questions number 17-20) “Some archaeologists discover the early human fossils along the river.” The early human fossils discovered by some archaeologists along the river The right change of sentence above in passive form is showed by…… The early human fossils is discovered by some archaeologists along the river The early human fossils were discovered by some archaeologists along the river The early human fossils was discovered by some archaeologists along the river The early human fossils are discovered by some archaeologists along the river B C D E
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! TIME IS UP! 19 A (The following text is for questions number 17-20) “Apple company considers some Indonesia’s companies as the investment.” Some Indonesia’s companies were considered by Apple company as the investment The passive form of the sentence above is…… B C D E Some Indonesia’s companies are considered by Apple company as the investment Some Indonesia’s companies was considered by Apple company as the investment Some Indonesia’s companies is considered by Apple company as the investment Some Indonesia’s companies considered by Apple company as the investment
Choose one of the best answers in the following questions! TIME IS UP! 20 A (The following text is for questions number 17-20) “UNESCO list Komodo National Park as a candidate of new 7 wonders of nature in the world.” Komodo National Park listed by UNESCO as a candidate of new 7 wonders of nature in the world The right change of sentence above in passive form is showed by…… B C D E Komodo National Park is listed by UNESCO as a candidate of new 7 wonders of nature in the world Komodo National Park were listed by UNESCO as a candidate of new 7 wonders of nature in the world Komodo National Park are listed by UNESCO as a candidate of new 7 wonders of nature in the world Komodo National Park was listed by UNESCO as a candidate of new 7 wonders of nature in the world
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