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Presentasi berjudul: "PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN GIGI MASYARAKAT"— Transcript presentasi:

Lisa Prihastari


3 DEFINISI Pendidikan adalah semua usaha atau upaya yang sudah direncanakan untuk mempengaruhi orang lain baik kelompok, individu, maupun masyarakat sehingga mereka akan melakukan apa yang diharapkan oleh pelaku pendidikan. (Notoatmojo, 1997)

4 Pendidikan Kesehatan (Health Education)
“Health education or literacy Represents the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access, to understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health.” WHO Health promotion Glossary, 1998

5 The National Conference on Preventive Medicine [USA]
is a Process which informs, motivate and helps people to adopt and maintain healthy practices and life styles; advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate this goal and conducts professional training and research to the same end. HEALTH EDUCATION The National Conference on Preventive Medicine [USA]

6 The Role Delineation Project, 1981
Pendidikan Kesehatan adalah proses membantu seseorang, dg bertindak secara sendiri-sendiri ataupun secara kolektif, untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan pengetahuan mengenai hal-hal yang mempengaruhi kesehatan pribadinya dan orang lain

7 Larry Green, 1980 Health education is a process related to health decisions and practice. Knowledge, values, perceptions and motivation are of course, causes behavior, but the lingkages between them is a matter of probability menganalisis perilaku manusia dari tingkat kesehatan. Kesehatan seseorang atau masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh 2 faktor pokok: behavior causes non behavior causes.

8 Health Decision + Practice
Health Education Larry Green, 1980 Health Decision + Practice Knowledges Value Perception Motivation Behaviours

9 Pendidikan Kesehatan Gigi
PKG pada Hakekatnya ditujukan kepada seluruh masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan gigi dan mulut ( Depkes RI) Proses belajar mengajar ditujukan kepada individu, kelompok, dan masyarakat untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan gigi yang setinggi-tingginya (Sri Artini, 2001)

10 (Community Oral Health Practice for Dental Hygienist, 2012)
Oral Health Education Oral Health Education Oral Health Education ….Is learning experience directed at Helping people prevent oral disease, can be presented directly to clients through individual or group activities (Community Oral Health Practice for Dental Hygienist, 2012)

11 Health Education Principles and Concepts Aims of Health education
Health promotion and disease prevention. Early diagnosis and management Utilization of available health services Health Education Principles and Concepts

12 DERAJAT KESEHATAN KETURUNAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN PERILAKU LINGKUNGAN Menurut ada 4 faktor yang mempengaruhi status dan derajat kesehatan masyarakat H .L.Blum (1974)

13 objectives Informing people (Cognitive objective)
Motivating people (Affective objective) Guiding into action (Behavioral objective) FINAL GOAL

14 Specific Objectives of HEALTH EDUCATION
To increase knowledge of the factors that affect health. To encourage behavior which promotes and maintains health. To enlist support for public health measures, and when necessary, to press for appropriate governmental action. To encourage appropriate use of health services especially preventive services. To inform the public about medical advances, their uses and their limitations.


PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN FISIK Bagaimana cara menjaga agar gigi tidak berlubang? Bagaimana mengatur pola makan ? Bagaimana menjaga kesehatan gusi? PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN MENTAL SPIRITUAL Bagaimana cara menghilangkan stress ? Bagaimana memanajemen waktu kerja dan istirahat ? Bagaimana menjaga hubungan harmonis dengan lingkungan dan masyarakat di sekitar kita ?

17 Human Biology

PRIMER Kegiatan Peningkatan kesadaran kesehatan Pencegahan Penyakit SEKUNDER Penyembuhan dan rehabilitasi

19 Supported by the latest knowledge from research.
Health Education MATERIAL Supported by the latest knowledge from research. A systematic, comprehensive and consistent activity. Adapted to age, gender, education and particular health, mental or social problems of an individual or community. Encourages personal investment of an individual. Respects environment/culture of an individual.

20 Peran Pendidikan Kesehatan
Komunikasi Dinamika kelompok Pengembangan dan Pengorganisasian Masyarakat Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Pemasaran Sosial Pengembangan Organisasi Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pengembangan Media Perencanaan dan evaluasi pendidikan kesehatan Antropologi Kesehatan Sosiologi Kesehatan Psikologi Kesehatan

21 Approaches To Health Education.
Individual Approach Counseling. Clinic Consultation. On-site Visit. Group Approach Lectures. Group Or Panel Discussion. Workshop, Seminars. Mass Approach Radio, T.V Newspapers. Printed Materials. Internet

22 DAFTAR PUSTAKA George Pickett and others : Public Health : Adsministartiob and Practice, 9et ed., Mosby College Publishing, St. Louis Missouri Green LW and others : Health education planning : a dignostic approach, Palo Alto, CA, 1980, Mayfield Publishing Co. Kathy Voigt G: Community Oral Health Practice For The Dental Hygienist 3rd ed. Elsevier, USA Renyelle Schwantes de Souzaa, Alexandre Baumgartenb, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti Toassib. Revista Odonto Ciência Journal of Dental Science. Dental health education: a literature review. Rev Odonto Cienc 2014; 29(1).

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