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Abdul Hakim Halim Program Studi Teknik Industri ITB Workshop Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Plagiarisme Kopertis Wilayah IV 6 Februari 2018
Pendahuluan Penulis (author) yang disebutkan dalam sebuah makalah (publikasi lain) adalah seseorang yang telah memberikan kontribusi intelektual yang signifikan dan substantif pada makalah yang akan dipublikasikan. Seseorang dihargai sebagi penulis bila memenuhi syarat perlu (necessary condition): Memiliki kontribusi substansial pada konsep, rancangan, serta pengumpulan, pengolahan, analisis dan interpretasi data Menulis draf (article) dan melakukan revisi secara kritis terkait dengan isi dan lainnya yang penting secara intelektual Memberikan persetujuan terhadap versi akhir dari sebuah artikel yang akan dipublikasikan
Tacit dan explicit knowledge
Terdapat dalam kepala experts A little knowledge that acts is worth more than much knowledge that is idle (Khalil Gibran) Pengalaman Tacit knowledge Pengembang-an terbatas, idle Knowledge Explicit knowledge Terbuka, pengembang-an luas Knowledge team, multi-disiplin Data Tercatat, dokumentasi, dilindungi, bisa diakses Komersialisasi
“Perish or publish”(1) Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (Permenristekdikti no. 44/2015) Keterampilan umum Program Magister: publikasi dalam jurnal nasional terakreditasi atau internasional Keterampilan umum Program Doktor: mempublikasikan tulisan pada jurnal internasional bereputasi Pembimbing Program Doktor: professor yang dalam 5 tahun terkahir mempublikasikan makalah pada jurnal nasional terakreditasi atau jurnal internasional bereputasi Dosen adalah pendidik profesional dan ilmuwan dengan tugas utama mentransformasikan, mengembangkan dan menyebarkanluaskan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi melalui Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Pasal 1, UU Dikti 12/2012)
Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
“Perish or publish”(2) Misi dosen: Pendidikan Penelitian Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi sebagai “3 in 1,” Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
“Perish or publish”(3) Issue Pendidikan: Scholarship Penelitian
Discovery Integration Scholar-ship Penelitian Teaching and learning Application Boyer, E. L., 1990, Scholarship reconsidered: priorities of the professoriate, the Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching, New York, USA
“Perish or publish”(4) Penelitian Knowledge Cycle Patent Creation
Syarat langkah selanjutnya dapat dijalankan Pemilik sah Bernilai/kontributif Ada kebutuhan Sharing Commer-cialization 1) Tidak ada plagiarism 2) Proses peer review 3) State of the art (SOTA) Prototyp-ing Patent Berheim, C. T., and Chaui, M. S., 2003, Challenges of the university in the knowledge society, five years after the World Conference on Higher Education, UNESCO Forum Occasional Paper Series, Paper No. 4, Paris
“Perish or publish”(5) Penelitian baru selesai bila sudah dipublikasikan Jabatan akademik dosen: AA, L, LK dan Profesor No Jabatan Kualifikasi Akademik Unsur Utama Unsur Penunjang Pendidikan dan pengajaran Penelitian Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 1 Asisten Ahli Magister ≥ 55% ≥ 25% ≤ 10% 2 Lektor ≥ 45% ≥ 35% 3 Lektor Kepala Doktor ≥ 40% 4 Profesor
“Perish or publish”(6) “Publish or perish”
Tekanan untuk melakukan penelitian dan publikasi ini bisa mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan plagiarism dan pelanggaran integritas akademik lainnya
Moral, etika dan hukum(1)
Moral adalah prinsip benar atau salah (baik atau buruk) yang disetujui oleh suatu kelompok (masyarakat) Etika adalah penerapan prinsip moral dalam perilaku kerja dalam suatu kelompok (masyarakat) Contoh moral: dos and don’ts: Berbicara sopan kepada orang lain Memberi manfaat kepada orang lain … Jangan berbohong Jangan curang Jangan mencuri Jangan menyakiti orang lain
Moral, etika dan hukum(2)
Plagiarism lebih banyak sebagai etika dari pada hukum Etika Sebelum berkata/bertindak Moral Hukum Aktivitas Etika tanya diri sendiri: apakah yang akan dikatakan/dilakukan itu melanggar etika atau tidak Hukum adalah kodifikasi etika yang berlaku
Moral, etika dan hukum(3)
Modal Insani Kinerja Persepsi Reputasi Observasi stakeholders Waktu Integritas akademik
Moral, etika dan hukum(4)
Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing [Alison Kirk ( ), Learning and the marketplace, ISBN ] diakses 23 November 2017 “maintenance of academic standards” Permenristekdikti no. 44/2015 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi 24 Standar
Moral, etika dan hukum(5)
Kinerja Potensi The best Altruism Kelebihan kinerja Kinerja Beyond the call of duty Standar Impas Kinerja Minimalis Kinerja Bermasalah Wajib bayar hutang Hutang Apa arti semua ini? Etika: kerja keras (= do the best), memberi, dan ikhlas
Ketidakjujuran Akademik(1)
The 4 types of acts that would violate academic honesty at NSU. Cheating. NSU Law defines cheating as, “intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.” Code, p. 2. Kundawala, I., Understanding Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism, Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, ( 20Understanding%20Academic%20Integrity.ppt, diakses 4 Des 2014) Catatan: Bagaimana membuktikan pelanggaran kejujuran akademik itu dilakukan secara tidak sengaja? Ketidaktahuan tidak bisa dijadikan alasan terjadinya pelanggaran. Jadi secara praktis, sengaja atau tidak sengaja tetap sebuah pelanggaran
Ketidakjujuran Akademik(2)
Fabrication. NSU Law defines fabrication as, “intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise .” Code, p. 2. Example: In your term paper, you desperately need a source to back-up your claim that smoking has been shown to prevent cancer and promote healthy lung function. Well, you can’t find a source, so you just make one up and cite to it Empirical Study by University of England, (Cambridge, UK) titled, “Smoking Improves Health” by Profs. Dewey, Cheatham and Howe. Don’t get me wrong, we certainly want you to be creative in your writing! But, being creative doesn’t mean you should create your own sources and cite to them! Kundawala, I., Understanding Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism, Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, ( 20Integrity.ppt, diakses 4 Des 2014)
Ketidakjujuran Akademik(3)
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty. NSU Law defines it as, “intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this code.” Code, p. 2. Example: During a final exam, Jane sees her boyfriend Billy copying from her test, but instead of reporting it, she allows him to continue doing so and never reports it. Note here that Jane didn’t cheat! But she knowingly allowed Billy to violate the Code by cheating from her exam. They’re both violating the Code and if caught, they will both face academic discipline, which may include dismissal. Kundawala, I., Understanding Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism, Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, ( 20Integrity.ppt, diakses 4 Des 2014)
Ketidakjujuran Akademik(4)
Plagiarism. NSU Law defines it as, “the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person as one’s own without proper acknowledgment.” Code, p. 2. Let’s look at a few other definitions for this. Being dishonest. Lying. Stealing someone’s idea. Cheating. Disrespecting yourself and the academic community. Copyright infringement (civil penalties) Kundawala, I., Understanding Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism, Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, ( 20Integrity.ppt, diakses 4 Des 2014)
Definisi Plagiarism(1)
Pasal 1, Angka 1, Permendiknas nomor 17/2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Plagiat di Perguruan Tinggi: Plagiat adalah perbuatan secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja dalam memperoleh atau mencoba memperoleh kredit atau nilai untuk suatu karya ilmiah, dengan mengutip sebagian atau seluruh karya ilmiah pihak lain yang diakui sebagai karya ilmiahnya, tanpa menyatakan sumber secara tepat dan memadai
Definisi Plagiarism(2)
Pasal 2, Ayat (1), Permendiknas nomor 17/2010 Plagiat meliputi tetapi tidak terbatas pada: mengacu dan/atau mengutip istilah, kata-kata dan/atau kalimat, data dan/atau informasi dari suatu sumber tanpa menyebutkan sumber dalam catatan kutipan dan/atau tanpa menyatakan sumber secara memadai; mengacu dan/atau mengutip secara acak istilah, kata-kata dan/atau kalimat, data dan/atau informasi dari suatu sumber tanpa menyebutkan sumber dalam catatan kutipan dan/atau tanpa menyatakan sumber secara memadai secara memadai; menggunakan sumber gagasan, pendapat, pandangan, atau teori tanpa menyatakan sumber secara memadai; merumuskan dengan kata-kata dan/atau kalimat sendiri dari suatu sumber kata-kata dan/atau kalimat, gagasan, pendapat, pandangan, atau teori tanpa menyartakan sumber secara memadai; menyerahkan suatu karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan dan/atau telah dipublikasikan oleh pihak lain sebagai karya ilmiahnya tanpa menyatakan sumber secara memadai.
Definisi Plagiarism(3)
Plagiarism means “the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit” (Source: MSU’s Procedures Concerning Allegations of Misconduct in Research and Creative Activities, “Plagiarism,” Dummer, G. M., Department of Kinesiology [grad.msu.edu/researchintegrity/docs/Plagiarism.pptx, diakses 15 Januari 2015] Appropriation means using or taking something that is not yours Plagiarism is stealing by using another person’s words or ideas Plagiarism is academically dishonest because students, scholars, and faculty members are expected to do their own work “Plagiarism,” Dummer, G. M, Department of Kinesiology [grad.msu.edu/researchintegrity/docs/Plagiarism.pptx, diakses 15 Januari 2015]
Definisi Plagiarism(4)
Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else's work and attempting to "pass it off" as your own. This can apply to anything, from term papers to photographs to songs, even ideas!, “Plagiarism: what it is and how to avoid it,” Megan Lowe ( diakses 22 September 2015) Auto-plagiarism atau self plagiarism: “menggunakan/mengambil” kembali karya sendiri (bukan “mencuri” karya orang lain) Sebuah “output” hanya boleh dinilai satu kali
Jenis Plagiarism(1) Plagiarism means taking or using any of the following intellectual property without permission or giving credit: Words … copying more than 4-6 consecutive words, rearranging phrases, or paraphrasing extensively Ideas … using original information learned from conference presentations, confidential reviews, etc. Processes … adopting or using research methods described by another investigator, especially when the research method is not common knowledge Results … using or reporting data, figures, or tables that represent another investigator’s research results “Plagiarism,” Dummer, G. M, Department of Kinesiology [grad.msu.edu/researchintegrity/docs/Plagiarism.pptx, diakses 15 Januari 2015]
Jenis Plagiarism(2) “Plagiarism of words” “Plagiarism of structure”
Menulisan ungkapan orang lain dengan kata-kata yang sama (mengutip) tanpa menggunakan tanda petik dan/atau tanpa menyebutkan sumber “Plagiarism of structure” Melakukan paraphrasing dengan hanya mengganti kata-kata (dan sama dengan konstruksi asal), meskipun dengan menyebutkan sumber “Plagiarism of ideas” Menuliskan ungkapan orang lain dengan paraphrasing (dengan gagasan/idea yang sama) tapi tanpa menyebutkan sumber Menulis makalah tanpa menuliskan acuan atau menulis acuan tapi secara tidak lengkap The Five Types of Plagiarism, Adapted from Instructor Theresa Ireton’s in-class presentation, Info/Plagiarism.pp, diakses 22 September 2015
Jenis Plagiarism(3) “Plagiarism of authorship” “Plagiarism of self”
Mengganti nama penulis sebuah makalah dengan nama sendiri tanpa mengubah sama sekali tulisan/isi makalah tersebut “Plagiarism of self” Melakukan plagiarism kepada diri sendiri Menerbitk sebuah karya ilmiah yang dibuat sendiri di dua atau lebih penerbitan The Five Types of Plagiarism, Adapted from Instructor Theresa Ireton’s in-class presentation, Info/Plagiarism.pp, diakses 22 September 2015
Examples(1) Written text: Original source:
Almost all of Shakespeare’s Hamlet can be understood as a play about acting and the theater. For example, there is Hamlet’s pretense of madness, the “antic disposition”that he puts on to protect himself and prevent his antagonists from plucking out the heart of his mystery. When Hamlet enters his mother’s room, he holds up, side by side, the pictures of the two kings, Old Hamlet and Claudius, and proceeds to describe for her the true nature of the choice she has made, presenting truth by means of a show. Similarly, when he leaps into the open grave at Ophelia’s funeral, ranting in high heroic terms, he is acting out for Laertes, and perhaps for himself as well, the folly of excessive, melodramatic expressions of grief. Original source: From time to time this submerged or latent theater in Hamlet becomes almost overt. It is close to the surface in Hamlet’s pretense of madness, the “antic disposition” he puts on to protect himself and prevent his antagonists from plucking out the heart of his mystery. It is even closer to the surface when Hamlet enters his mother’s room and holds up, side by side, the pictures of the two kings, Old Hamlet and Claudius, and proceeds to describe for her the true nature of the choice she has made, presenting truth by means of a show. Similarly, when he leaps into the open grave at Ophelia’s funeral, ranting in high heroic terms, he is acting out for Laertes, and perhaps for himself as well, the folly of excessive, melodramatic expressions of grief. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Examples(2) Comment for example I. Aside from an opening sentence loosely adapted from the original and reworded more simply, this entire passage is taken almost word-for-word from the source. The few small alterations of the source do not relieve the writer of the responsibility to attribute these words to their original author, Alvin Kernan. A passage from a source may be worth quoting at length if it makes a point precisely or elegantly. In such cases, copy the passage exactly, place it in quotation marks, and cite the author. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Examples(3) Original source Written text:
From time to time this submerged or latent theater in Hamlet becomes almost overt. It is close to the surface in Hamlet’s pretense of madness, the “antic disposition” he puts on to protect himself and prevent his antagonists from plucking out the heart of his mystery. It is even closer to the surface when Hamlet enters his mother’s room and holds up, side by side, the pictures of the two kings, Old Hamlet and Claudius, and proceeds to describe for her the true nature of the choice she has made, presenting truth by means of a show. Similarly, when he leaps into the open grave at Ophelia’s funeral, ranting in high heroic terms, he is acting out for Laertes, and perhaps for himself as well, the folly of excessive, melodramatic expressions of grief. Written text: Almost all of Shakespeare’s Hamlet can be understood as a play about acting and the theater. For example, in Act 1, Hamlet adopts a pretense of madness that he uses to protect himself and prevent his antagonists from discovering his mission to revenge his father’s murder. He also presents truth by means of a show when he compares the portraits of Gertrude’s two husbands in order to describe for her the true nature of the choice she has made. And when he leaps in Ophelia’s open grave ranting in high heroic terms, Hamlet is acting out the folly of excessive, melodramatic expressions of grief. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Examples(4) Comment for example 2. This passage, in content and structure, is taken wholesale from the source. Although the writer has rewritten much of the paragraph, and fewer phrases are lifted verbatim from the source, this is a clear example of plagiarism. Inserting even short phrases from the source into a new sentence still requires placing quotations around the borrowed words and citing the author. If even one phrase is good enough to borrow, it must be properly set off by quotation marks. In the case above, if the writer had rewritten the entire paragraph and used only Alvin Kernan’s phrase “high heroic terms” without properly quoting and acknowledging its source, the writer would have plagiarized. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Examples(5) Written text: Original source:
Almost all of Shakespeare’s Hamlet can be understood as a play about acting and the theater. For example, in Act 1, Hamlet pretends to be insane in order to make sure his enemies do not discover his mission to revenge his father’s murder. The theme is even more obvious when Hamlet compares the pictures of his mother’s two husbands to show her what a bad choice she has made, using their images to reveal the truth. Also, when he jumps into Ophelia’s grave, hurling his challenge to Laertes, Hamlet demonstrates the foolishness of exaggerated expressions of emotion. Original source: From time to time this submerged or latent theater in Hamlet becomes almost overt. It is close to the surface in Hamlet’s pretense of madness, the “antic disposition” he puts on to protect himself and prevent his antagonists from plucking out the heart of his mystery. It is even closer to the surface when Hamlet enters his mother’s room and holds up, side by side, the pictures of the two kings, Old Hamlet and Claudius, and proceeds to describe for her the true nature of the choice she has made, presenting truth by means of a show. Similarly, when he leaps into the open grave at Ophelia’s funeral, ranting in high heroic terms, he is acting out for Laertes, and perhaps for himself as well, the folly of excessive, melodramatic expressions of grief. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Example(6) Comment for example 3. Almost nothing of Kernan’s original language remains in this rewritten paragraph. However, the key idea, the choice and order of the examples, and even the basic structure of the original sentences are all taken from the source. This is another clear example of plagiarism. When paraphrasing, it’s absolutely necessary (1) to use your own words and structure, and (2) to place a citation at the end of the paraphrase to acknowledge that the content is not original. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Example(7) Written program: Original source
diakses 13 Desember 2017
Example(8) Comment for example 1. This example is plagiarism because the student has reproduced the source code almost exactly. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Example(9) Written program: Original source )
diakses 13 Desember 2017
Example(10) Comment for example 2. This example is plagiarism because the student has borrowed the structure of the source code exactly, while changing only inconsequential details (e.g., variable names, order of statements/arguments, equivalent constructs/expressions) that do not affect the meaning of the program. To the untrained eye, the student’s work looks different from the source, but it has exactly the same meaning. The student’s actions can thus be compared to copying a block of text from a reference book or Internet source, rearranging some sentences, and changing some wording. The student has still used an outside source without proper acknowledgment and has violated University standards. diakses 13 Desember 2017
Examples(11) Algorithm Definisi notasi Asumsi Judul
Pencegahan(1) Apakah penulis menggunakan kata-kata sendiri Ya Tidak Ya
Apakah itu ide penulis Apakah menggunakan tanda petik Ya Tidak Ya Tidak Bukan plagiarism Pharaphrasing Bukan plagiarism Plagiarism Beri tanda petik Tuliskan sumber dan daftar pustaka Milforded.org, diakses 22 Sept 2015
Pencegahan(2) Mulai segala aktivitas kampus dengan komitmen pada integritas akademik (kejujuran) Pahami bahwa pendidikan bukan ditujukan untuk memperoleh ijazah atau nilai, tapi untuk memperoleh kompetensi Pahami dengan baik arti (dan contoh-contoh) plagiarism Pahami cara membuat kutipan dan paraphrasing dan cara menuliskan sumber yang tidak termasuk kategori plagiarism Memudahkan untuk membedakan mana gagasan sendiri, dan gagasan mana dari sumber mana Menuliskan semua sumber yang disebut dalam teks pada daftar literatur, dan menyebutkan dalam teks semua sumber yang tertulis dalam daftar literatur
Pencegahan(3) Buat aturan akademik yang tertulis tentang plagiarism
Berikan sanksi yang keras dan tegas bagi pelaku plagiarism: peringatan keras secara lisan peringatan keras secara tertulis dan ditembuskan kepada orangtua/tempat bekerja mahasiswa pemberhentian sementara pemberhentian permanen pencabutan ijazah dan gelar Pemecatan dari jabatan/pekerjaan
Pencegahan(4) Sanksi Tim PAK Prodi Tim PAK Fak. Plagiat? Plagiat?
Yes Yes Yes Tim PAK Prodi Tim PAK Fak. Plagiat? Plagiat? Plagiat? No Dosen No No Sanksi Yes No, AA/L Surat Keputusan Tim PAK Dikti Tim PAK Kop (PTS) Tim PAK Univ. Plagiat? Plagiat? Plagiat? No No, LK/GB No Yes Yes Sanksi
Pencegahan(5) Tulisan dalam makalah hanya berasal dari 3 sumber:
Pendapat (hasil pemikiran) penulis sendiri. Untuk ini perlu penjelasan kenapa berpendapat demikian Diambil dari sebuah literatur (yang dijadikan referensi) persis seperti tertulis dalam referensi tersebut. Ini namanya kutipan: perlu tanda petik, dan penyebutan referensi Diambil dari literatur dan kemudian ditulis ulang (paraphrasing) dengan “bahasa” sendiri sehingga berbeda dengan tulisan awal: perlu penyebutan literatur tersebut
Misi dosen: Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi
Penutup(1) Misi dosen: Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi What is the vision 2045? Menjadi profesor yang memiliki reputasi terbaik di Indonesia (dunia) dalam bidang … [sebutkan bidang spesifik] Reputasi ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil penelitian (dan publikasi) dan lulusan hasil bimbingan pada program sarjana, magister dan doktor, yang memberikan dampak (impact) signifikan bagi pengembangan ilmu dan dunia industri di Indonesia
Observasi stakeholders
Penutup(2) Kompetensi Kinerja Persepsi/ pengakuan Reputasi Observasi stakeholders Waktu panjang Integritas Akademik
Penutup(3) Kinerja seorang dosen terkait secara simultan dengan jenjang pendidikan yang diperoleh, jabatan akademik yang dicapai, dan pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi secara produktif Philip B. Crosby: “Do it right the first time (DIRFT)”
1. Is it Plagiarism? You write: You read:
Nineteen percent of full-time freshmen say they spend only 1 to 5 hours per week preparing for classes. You read: “Nineteen percent of full-time freshmen say they spend only 1 to 5 hours per week preparing for classes…” From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? What Homework? Chronicle of Higher Education, 49 (15).12/6/2002. YES! You need to use quotes and to cite your source diakses 15 Januarti 2016
2. Is it Plagiarism? You read: You write:
"Students are studying about one- third as much as faculty say they ought to, to do well.“ From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? What Homework? Chronicle of Higher Education, 49 (15).12/6/2002 You write: Most students spend about one-third as much time studying as faculty say they Should. Yes! You must credit your source if you paraphrase text. diakses 15 Januarti 2016
3. Is it Plagiarism? You write: You read:
According to George D. Kuh, Indiana University at Bloomington, students study about one-third of the time that is expected by faculty. (Young, 2002) You read: "Students are studying about one- third as much as faculty say they ought to, to do well," said George D. Kuh, director of the survey and a professor of higher education at Indiana University at Bloomington. From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? What Homework? Chronicle of Higher Education, 49 (15).12/6/2002 No. As long as you have included the Young article in your reference list, you have properly cited your source. diakses 15 Januarti 2016
4. Is it Plagiarism? You read: You write:
“The tip given most consistently by professors and college officials is that students should simply do their homework. The most commonly prescribed amount is at least two hours of class preparation for every hour spent in the classroom…” From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? What Homework? Chronicle of Higher Education, 49 (15).12/6/2002 You write: College students should do their homework. No. Commonly known facts or ideas do not have to be cited. (Can you find this information in at least five sources?) diakses 15 Januarti 2016
5. Is it Plagiarism? Presiden George Washington adalah Presiden pertama Amerika Serikat (common knowledge) Presiden George Washington adalah penari yang handal (bukan common knowledge) (Wikipedia, diakses 15 Januari 2016)
Should we or shouldn’t we protect the gray wolf?
6. Is it Plagiarism? Your title page: You find: Should we or shouldn’t we protect the gray wolf? By Ima Lamb Eng 110 Apr. 1, 2004 Gray wolf (Canis lupus). © Jeff Lepore/Photo Researchers Wolf. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 31, 2004, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online. < Yes! You need to credit the source of images and other media as well as text. diakses 15 Januarti 2016
When in doubt, cite it! 6. Is it Plagiarism?
diakses 15 Januarti 2016
What is a direct quote? A word for word repetition of what someone else has said or written. Direct quotes should always be enclosed in quotation marks. “Several influential Hollywood stars and musicians -- from BEN AFFLECK and ELLEN POMPEO to CHRIS DAUGHTRY and GWYNETH PALTROW -- have joined forces with ONE.org and socially conscious fashion label EDUN to help in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty in Africa” (“Stars Come Together As One”). Documenting Sources: Defining & preventing plagiarism plagiarism, Using Direct Quotes, Paraphrasing ( diakses 15 Januari 2016)
What is a paraphrase? When you put something someone else has written
or spoken into your own words. To paraphrase well… Read the passage carefully. Pick out key words and take notes. Rephrase notes into YOUR words. Compare paraphrase to original being sure to use quotes around exact phrases. AND include a citation. Documenting Sources: Defining & preventing plagiarism plagiarism, Using Direct Quotes, Paraphrasing ( diakses 15 Januari 2016)
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