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Presentasi berjudul: "MARKETING MANAGEMENT 14thediti"— Transcript presentasi:

Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs

2 Chapter Questions Bagaimana konsumen melakukan evaluasi harga ?
Bagaimana perusahaan melakukan setting harga awal? Bagaimana perusahaan melakukan perubahan harga sesuai peluang dan kejadian tertentu?

3 Synonyms for Price Special assessment Rent Bribe Tuition Dues Fee
Salary Commission Wage Tax Rent Tuition Fee Fare Rate Toll Premium Honorarium

4 Faktor Harga 1. Apakah perusahaan mampu bersaing dari sisi harga.?
2. Apakah perusahaan mampu memberikan discount? 3. Apakah perusahaan mempunyai hambatan dalam penentuan harga pokok produksi ? 4. Apakah ada konsukuensi yang harus dihadapi dengan harga yang telah ditetapkan? 5. Apakah margin keuntungan telah disepakati ?

5 Common Pricing Mistakes
Tentukan Biaya dan ambil margin industri yang berlaku selama ini Gagal merevisi harga akibat perubahan pasar Menentukan harga secara independen terhadap marketing mix yang lain Gagal menentukan harga yang bervariasi berdasarkan item produk, segmen pasar, saluran distribusi, dan kejadian membeli

6 Consumer Psychology and Pricing
Harga Rujukan Price-quality inferences Price cues

7 Table 14.1 Possible Consumer Harga Rujukan
“Fair price” Typical price Last price paid Upper-bound price Lower-bound price Competitor prices Expected future price Usual discounted price

8 Table 14.2 Consumer Perceptions vs. Reality for Cars
Overvalued Brands Land Rover Kia Volkswagen Volvo Mercedes Undervalued Brands Mercury Infiniti Buick Lincoln Chrysler

9 Price Cues “Left to right” pricing ($299 versus $300)
Harga lebih murah 299 krn krn ada dikisaran 200 Persepsi diskon angka ganjil, ( angka 9 tidak layak dipasang diujung jika ingin dikatakan harganya tinggi ) Persepsi nilai angka genap, Harga tinggi harus berujung genap. Ending prices with 0 or 5 ( angka yang mudah diingat dan diproses) “Sale” written next to price

10 When to Use Price Cues Pelanggan jarang membeli barang Pelanggan baru
Rancangan produk bervariasi Harga berubah sesuai musim Quality or sizes vary across stores

11 Steps in Setting Price Menentukan Permintaan Estimate costs
Memilih Tujuan Penetapan Harga Menentukan Permintaan Estimate costs Analyze competitor price mix Select pricing method Select final price

12 Step 1: Selecting the Pricing Objective
Survival Maximum current profit Maximum market share Maximum market skimming Product-quality leadership

13 Step 2: Determining Demand
Price Sensitivity Estimating Demand Curves Price Elasticity of Demand

14 Figure 14.2 Inelastic and Elastic Demand

15 Step 3: Estimating Costs
Types of Costs Accumulated Production Activity-Based Cost Accounting Target Costing

16 Cost Terms and Production
Fixed costs Variable costs Total costs Average cost Cost at different levels of production

17 Figure 14.4 Cost per Unit as a Function of Accumulated Production

18 Step 5: Selecting a Pricing Method
Markup pricing Target-return pricing Perceived-value pricing Value pricing Going-rate pricing Auction-type pricing

19 Figure 14.6 Break-Even Chart

20 Step 6: Selecting the Final Price
Impact of other marketing activities Company pricing policies Gain-and-risk sharing pricing Impact of price on other parties

21 Differentiated Pricing and Price Discrimination
Customer-segment pricing Product-form pricing Image pricing Channel pricing Location pricing Time pricing Yield pricing

22 Price-Adaptation Strategies
Geographical Pricing Discounts/Allowances Promotional Pricing Differentiated Pricing

23 Price-Adaptation Strategies
Countertrade Barter Compensation deal Buyback arrangement Offset Discounts/ Allowances Cash discount Quantity discount Functional discount Seasonal discount Allowance

24 Promotional Pricing Tactics
Loss-leader pricing Special-event pricing Cash rebates Low-interest financing Longer payment terms Warranties and service contracts Psychological discounting

25 Table 14.5 Profits Before and After a Price Increase

26 Increasing Prices Delayed quotation pricing Escalator clauses
Unbundling Reduction of discounts

27 Figure 14.7 Price-Reaction Program for Meeting Competitor’s Price Cut

28 Auction-Type Pricing English auctions Dutch auctions
Sealed-bid auctions

29 Brand Leader Responses to Competitive Price Cuts
Maintain price Maintain price and add value Reduce price Increase price and improve quality Launch a low-price fighter line

30 Marketing Debate Is the right price a fair price? Take a position:
Prices should reflect the value that consumers are willing to pay. 2. Prices should primarily just reflect the cost involved in making a product.

31 Marketing Discussion As a consumer, which pricing
method do you personally prefer to deal with? Why?

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