Class XII Semester 5 Compiler : SMK Country 7 Bandung

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1 Class XII Semester 5 Compiler : SMK Country 7 Bandung
Konsfigurasi Electron In The Modern Atom And Periodic System For Technological And Agriculture Class XII Semester 5 Compiler : SMK Country 7 Bandung

2 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Elementary Interest Explains difference between atomic theories Bohr and modern atomic theory and electron configuration based on quantum number Explains classification of element and and periodicity is element character and molecule structure Hal.: 2 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Purpose Of Study Student can explain difference of atomic theory Bohr and quantum mechanics atomic theory Student can explain electron configuration based on Bohr atom model Student can explain electron configuration based on Quantum mechanics atom model Student can determine position of electron based on 4 quantum number Student can determine situation of element in periodic system of element Student can explain periodicity of element characte Hal.: 3 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Atom Model Bohr Atom lapped over to core to have positif charge and encircled by electron which haves negative charge. Electron encircles atomic nucleus at certain orbit and stationary ( permanent), with certain energy level Electron at certain orbit can make a move is higher with permeating energy on the contrary, electron can make a move from higher level orbit to low by discharging energy. In the situation normal ( without influence luar),elektron occupies low energy level Atomic theory submitted by Bohr can only explain relation between energy with electron for hydrogen atom but has not gratified for atom larger ones. Hal.: 4 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation Hal.: 5 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

6 Quantum Mechanics Atom Model
Development of newest atom model told by model atom based on quantum mechanics. This explanation based on three theories that is : The dualism theory waving electron particle told by de Broglie in the year 1924 Uncertainty principality that by Heisenberg in tahun1927 The wave equation theory by Erwin Schrodinger in the year 1926 According to this atom model, electron doesn't orbit at certain trajectory so that trajectory told by Bohr is not a truth This atom model explains that electrons stays in orbital orbita with certain energy level where orbital is area with the biggest possibility to find electron around atomic nucleus. Hal.: 6 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation Hal.: 7 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Bilangan Kuantum To determine position an electron in atom, applied 4 quantum number. 1. Principal quantum number ( nitrogen): realizes electron path in atom. n has the price of 1, 2, 3, n = 1 as according to skin Kn = 2 as according to skin Ln = 3 as according to skin M and further Every skin or every energy level occupied by a number of electrons. Number of electrons maksimmm which can occupy the energy level must fulfill formula Pauli = 2n². Hal.: 8 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation Azimuth quantum number ( levator skapula) : shows skin sub where the peripatetic electron at the same time shows skin sub which is compiler an Azimuth quantum number skin has price from 0 up ( n-1)n = 1 ; l = 0 ; according to skin K = 2 ; l = 0, 1 ; according to skin L = 3 l= 0, 1, 2 ; according to skin M = 4 ; l= 0, 1, 2, 3 ; according to skin N and further Skin sub that is the price different this called special: l = 0 ; according to sulfur skin sub ( sulfur = sharp)l = 1 according to skin sub p ( p = principle)l = 2 ; according to skin sub d ( d = diffuse)l = 3 ; according to skin sub f  ( f = fundamental) Hal.: 9 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation Magnetic quantum number ( m): realizes existence of one or some energy levels in one skin subs. Magnetic quantum number ( m) has price (- l) until price (+ l). Untuk:l = 0 ( sulfur skin sub), the price of m =   0 ( has 1 orbital)l = 1 ( skin sub p), the price of m = - 1, O, + 1 ( has 3 orbital)l = 2 ( skin sub d), the price of m = - 2, - 1, O, + 1, + 2 ( has 5 orbital)l = 3 ( sub kwit f) the price of m = - 3, - 2, O, + 1, + 2, + 3 ( has orbital 7) Hal.: 10 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation 4. Spin quantum number ( sulfur): Shows direction of rotation of electron to its(the axis).  In one orbital, maximum can circulate 2 electron and both this rotary electrons passed axis with direction which at the oposite, and each given the price of spin + 1/2 or - 1/2 Hal.: 11 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

12 Konsfigurasi Electron
In every atom has made available orbital, however is not guaranted all this orbital loaded full. How admission filling of electron in the orbital ? Admission filling of electron in orbital fulfills some regulations. inter alia: 1. Principle Aufbau : Electrons starts filling is orbital with low energy level and so. Orbital fulfilling lowest energy level is 1s is continued with 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, and so and water down in making diagram as follows: Hal.: 12 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation Hal.: 13 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation 2. Principle Pauli : not possibly in atom there is 2 electron fourthly the same quantum number. This thing means, if (there are) any two electrons having principal quantum number, azimuth and the same magnetic, hence its(the spin quantum number must at the oposite. Hal.: 14 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation 3. Principle Hund : way of admission filling of electron in orbital at one particular skin sub is that electrons doesn't form electron pairs before orbital each is loaded with an electron Hal.: 15 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

16 Element Periodic Table
Hal.: 16 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Tabel Sistem Periodik Hal.: 17 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

18 The Relation Of Periodic Table With Electron Configuration
Electron having important role is electron residing in at highest energy level or electron at outmost skin ( valence electron) Faction in periodic system expressed number of valence electrons an atom, while period is expressing number of skins an atom With making configuration an atom hence determinable of situation of the atom in periodic table Hal.: 18 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Ending “Thank” Compiler Team: Rochim Muliawan,SPd, Dra. Hj. Nunun Kusworini, Oktaviani Budiarti,SPd SMK Country 7 Bandung Hal.: 19 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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