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Establishment of Scholarship Hunter Palembang- Jan 3rd 2016

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1 Establishment of Scholarship Hunter Palembang- Jan 3rd 2016
M Akmal Adrianza, SE 24 Dec 2015

2 Background Kurangnya Informasi yang Di Dapat Dari Pemuda Tentang Beasiswa “BERSATU KITA TEGUH BERCERAI KITA RUNTUH” Mengumpulkan Semangat belajar dari para awardee dan mengumpulkan pembelajaran dari pendahulu

3 Background Bersama Belajar, Mengumpulkan Informasi dan berbagi kemampuan. Saling mengingatkan dan menyemangati, Membentuk Jiwa Kenegaraan Di Antara para Pencari beasiswa, we need that 

4 MANFAAT, Sharing Before Granted
Saya pernah dalam dilema yang sangat menyiksa, tentang awardee Beasiswa Pertanyaan: Kontribusi, Peran, Dampak Sosial, itu menjebak dan dilematis Sudikah anda? You Before SS – You and your Soc Project After SS – You and your The Awarder SS Selection You

5 Sharing Before Granted
What does Government said, “ Imam Gunawan, Asdep Pengembangan Wawasan Menpora” = Kami Maklum bahwa mereka,yang hidupnya belum mapan, dan melaksanakan keg sosial suatu saat mencari kemapanan diri dengan melandaskan keg sosial itu. Kami, negara, berterima kasih atas jasa yang mereka berikan, terutama yang berlandaskan pada pengembangan masyarakat. (First Justification) What does ‘Turun Tangan’ Said = itulah balasan kami kepada mereka (Second Justification)

6 Sharing Before Granted
What are your opinions? Education is enlightement, Education is the way we change the world And i want to give something before given the advantages So... What should we do?

7 Sharing Before Granted
I want to be honest to the awardee... So we conduct this community as our dedication and the fundament of our society it to seek the different POV of the world and Indonesia We will not lie to them,we are honest! We come from many different social movements, so we will broad our perspectives

8 Sharing Before Granted-Activities
You are above the averages You are beyond the boundaries We are diverse, but have a same vision we will developed into the direction together Become smart and kindhearted together

9 Bismillahirrohmanirrohim...
Learning Sharing and Inspiring! To the rural community! orphanage, meet the eldest, we are caring to learn! Kelas Inspirasi, Save Street Child, Dompet Dhuafa, JEANS II- U Read, Volunteer Jumat IBGK Overcome the obstacles herewith, IELTS

10 Potential Member Supervisor:
Suhendro Oktanto, SH. LLM ( ) Fida Muthia Vinny Member: M Akmal Adrianza ( ) Meilani ( ) Isma ( ) Ovinda ( ) Rido aprianda ( ) Joni – Akademi Berbagi ( ) Nais Saraswati Ekik ( )

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