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Historical Perspectives on Sexuality Sesi II

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Presentasi berjudul: "Historical Perspectives on Sexuality Sesi II"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Historical Perspectives on Sexuality Sesi II
Matakuliah : L0452/Psikologi Seksualitas Tahun : 2009 Historical Perspectives on Sexuality Sesi II

2 Tujuan Instruksional Khusus
Mahasiswa dapat menerangkan evolusi seksualitas manusia dari masa ke masa dan perkembangan teori psikologi yang menyoroti seksualitas manusia BINA NUSANTARA


4 “ A major obstacle to understanding our own sexuality is realizing we are prisoners of past societal attitudes toward sex.” (Bullough, 1976) BINA NUSANTARA

5 Momentous Period Early times Eastern thought
Medieval and Renaissance thought The 18th and 19th century The 20th century BINA NUSANTARA

6 The 20th Century Sigmund Freud Havelock Ellis Alfred C. Kinsey
William H. Masters & Virginia E. Johnson BINA NUSANTARA

7 The 21st Century ?????? BINA NUSANTARA


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