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Curriculum Vitae 1. Nama Lengkap Jonrinaldi, ST, MT, Ph.D, IPM 2.
IDENTITAS PRIBADI 1. Nama Lengkap Jonrinaldi, ST, MT, Ph.D, IPM 2. N I P baru / lama / 3. Fakultas Teknik 4. Jurusan Teknik Industri 5. Tempat/Tanggal Lahir Galoro, 26 Februari 1977 6. Bidang Ilmu/Spesifikasi Teknik Industri / Rekayasa dan Pemodelan Rantai Pasok ( Inventori) 7. HP 8 Alamat Kantor Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Andalas, Kampus Limau Manis, Padang 25163 PENDIDIKAN No TINGKAT NAMA LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN JURUSAN IJAZAH TH. TEMPAT 1. SMA SMAN 2 Padang Ilmu-ilmu Fisika 1996 Padang, Sumbar 2. Sarjana Universitas Andalas Teknik Industri 2001 3. Magister (S2) Institut Teknologi Bandung Teknik dan Manajemen Industri 2004 Bandung, Jawa Barat 4. Doktor (S3) University of Exeter Engineering (Engineering and Management) 2012 United Kingdom (UK) RIWAYAT JABATAN No JABATAN STRUKTURAL WAKTU INSTITUSI KETERANGAN 1. Sekretaris Jurusan Teknik Industri UNAND Terakreditasi B 2. Ketua Prodi S2 Teknik Industri 2013-sekarang UNAND Terakreditasi B
Curriculum Vitae -continued
Keanggotaan Profesi PII (Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia) sekarang ISTMI (Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Industri dan Manajemen Indonesia) sekarang Riwayat Pekerjaan Profesi Penghargaan No Nama WAKTU INSTITUSI KETERANGAN 1. Reviewer 2011 International Journal of production Economics Penerbit: Elsevier 2. 2012 International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theory and Application Penerbit: Balikesir University, Turki 3. 2013 Omega, The International Journal of Management Science 4. 2014 European Journal of Operational Research Penerbit Elsevier 5. Journal of Cleaner Production Penerbit Elsevier 6. International Journal of Production Research Penerbit Taylor and Francis No. Jenis Penghargaan Institusi Pemberi Penghargaan Tahun 1 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest Articles in Omega Journal Period October-December Elsevier-ScienceDirect 2012 2 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest Articles in Omega Journal Period January-March 2013
Manajemen Operasi/Produksi
Dosen Pengasuh: 1. Dr. Alizar Hasan, MSc, MSIE 2. Jonrinaldi, ST, MT, PhD Deskripsi Kuliah: Tujuan Kuliah ini adalah memberikan kepada mahasiswa gambaran tentang manajemen Operasi. ‘Operasi’ merupakan bagian dari organisasi yang bertanggung jawab untuk menghasilkan produk, baik berupa barang maupun jasa. Operasi adalah proses di mana SDM, kapital serta material (sebagai input) dikombinasikan untuk menghasilkan produk (output). Mata kuliah ini membahas pilihan strategi dalam operasi, pengelolaan proyek, disain produk, perencanaan proses dan kapasitas, perencanaan material/ inventori hingga manajemen rantai pasok. Gambaran materi ini diharapkan memperkaya cara pandang manejer dalam pengambilan keputusan yang akan mempengaruhi kinerja organisasi, baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Tujuan Pembelajaran Mata kuliah Memahami peranan operasi dalam organisasi baik jasa maupun manufaktur Memahami bagaimana operasi dapat digunakan untuk menciptakan keuanggulan kompetitif bagi organisasi Memahami elemen-elemen kunci yang berkaitan dengan perancangan operasi Memahami elemen-elemen kunci yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan dan pengelolaan operasi
Materi Manajemen Operasi/Produksi
1 Pengantar Manajemen Operasi 2 Lingkungan Global dan Strategi Operasi 3 Pengelolaan Proyek 4 Peramalan Permintaan 5 Perancangan Produk 6 Perencanaan Proses dan Kapasitas 7 Pengelolaan Kualitas (Mutu) 8 Ujian Tengah Semester 9 Keputusan Lokasi Fasilitas 10 Keputusan Tata letak Fasilitas 11 Perencanaan Pekerjaan dan Pengukuran Kerja 12 Perencanaan Agregat dan Penjadwalan Jangka Pendek 13 Manajemen Inventori, MRP dan ERP 14 JIT dan Lean Operations 15 Manajemen Rantai Pasok 16 Ujian Akhir Semester
Buku Referensi Jay Heizer and Barry Render, 2011, Operation Management, Global Edition, 10th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Heizer and Render, 2004,Operation Management, Seven edition.Pearson Education,Inc Upper Saddle River .New Jersey. Russel and Taylor, 2000, Operation Management, Prentice Hall Inc. Buffa, E.S Operations Management: Problems and Models. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Chase, R.B Production and Operation Management.McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York. Davis, H.P and W. Smith Fundamentals of Operation Management. McGraw-Hill Co, New York. Murdick, R G., B. Render, R-S- Russel 1990 Service Operations Management. Allyn & Bacon, London. Schmenner, R-W Service Operation Management. Prentice-Hall, International, Inc. New York. Stevenson, W-J Production/Operatiion Management Irwin, Chicago. Scroeder, R-G Operation Management McGraw- Hill Book Co. New York.
Evaluasi Nilai mata kuliah didasarkan pada evaluasi:
Kehadiran/Partisipasi Kelas (Bonus) Ujian Tengah Semester (30%) Tugas-tugas/ Studi Kasus (30%) Ujian Akhir Semester (40%)
Pengantar Manajemen Operasi Minggu 1
At this point: 1. Introduce yourself - your students are likely to want to know something about your qualifications and interests - overall, where you are coming from. 2. Have students introduce themselves. Ask why they are taking this class. If you are fortunate enough to have a Polaroid camera, take pictures of each student for later posting on a class “board” so both they and you get to know each other. 3. Discuss both choice of textbook and development of syllabus. 4. If you are expecting students to work in teams, at east introduce the choice of team members. If at all possible, have students participate in a team building or team study exercise. It works wonders. Most student have been told to work in teams in prior classes, but have never examined exactly what a team is and how it works. One hour spent in a team building/examination exercise saves many hours and avoids many problems later on.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah menyelesaikan materi ini mahasiswa mampu untuk: Mengidentifikasi dan mengdefinisikan: Produksi dan produktivitas Manajemen Operasi (MO) Apa yang Manajer Operasi Lakukan Sektor-sektor Jasa
Tujuan Pembelajaran - Lanjutan
Setelah menyelesaikan materi ini mahasiswa mampu untuk : Menggambarkan atau menerangkan: Sejarah singkat dari Manajemen Operasi Peluang karir dalam Manajemen Operasi Masa depan dari Ilmu Manajemen Operasi Pengukuran Produktivitas
Apa itu Manajemen Operasi?
Produksi adalah menghasilkan suatu barang dan jasa Manajemen Operasi adalah sekumpulan aktivitas yang menghasilkan nilai dalam bentuk barang dan jasa dengan merubah (transforming) input menjadi output Operasi (istilah umum) = Manufaktur (istilah teknik) Manajemen Manufaktur adalah sekumpulan aktivitas yang menghasilkan nilai dalam bentuk barang (goods) dengan merubah (transforming) input menjadi output Two additional points: 1. Any activity is an “operation” 2. No company produces only “goods” - service is a greater or lesser part of any product. (Discuss this in more detail later)
Definisi Manufaktur CIRP (International Conference on Production Engineering), 1983: Serangkaian aktivitas dan operasi yang saling berhubungan meliputi desain, pemilihan material, perencanaan, aktivitas produksi, penjaminan mutu, manajemen dan pemasaran produk-produk dari suatu industri manufaktur
Sistem Produksi Bahan Mesin Tenaga kerja Dana Manajemen Barang
Siklus Manufaktur
Manajemen Manufaktur Manajemen manufaktur adalah proses pengelolaan aktivitas dan operasi yang dimulai dari proses transformasi/konversi keinginan (needs) konsumen menjadi produk jadi yang berkualitas tinggi sampai produk tersebut diterima konsumen dengan biaya yang seoptimal mungkin. Keinginan konsumen diketahui dari studi pasar, yang kemudian keinginan ini diterjemahkan menjadi desain produk, dan kemudian menjadi desain proses Komitmen terhadap kualitas produk harus dimiliki oleh setiap level dalam perusahaan pada setiap tahap proses produksi Dalam proses transformasi ini terjadi pertambahan nilai
Manajemen Produksi Manajemen produksi adalah proses pengelolaan transformasi atau konversi bahan mentah menjadi produk jadi dengan kualitas tinggi dan sesuai dengan desain produk yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan keinginan konsumen Dalam proses transformasi ini terjadi pertambahan nilai sehingga produk jadi mempunyai nilai yang lebih tinggi dari pada nilai bahan mentah
Mengelola untuk Menghasilkan Produk (Barang dan Jasa)
Mengelola untuk Menghasilkan Produk (Barang dan Jasa)
Fungsi-fungsi penting dalam organisasi: Pemasaran – Menghasilkan permintaan (demand) Operasi – Menciptakan/ menghasilkan produk Keuangan/Akuntansi – memonitor kinerja organisasi, membayar gaji/tagihan, mengumpulkan dana
Fungsi-fungsi Organisasi
Pemasaran Mendapatkan konsumen Operasi Menciptakan/menghasilkan produk (barang atau jasa) Here is the point at which you can add to your discussion of the three business functions. In an effort to encourage student participation, you might allow students to lead the discussion as to the nature of each function, while you lead the discussion as to the relationship of the individual functions to the larger business. Initiate a class discussion about how these functions expand as the firm grows and how new activities have become important (i.e., MIS and Human Resources) © 1995 Corel Corp. Keuangan/Akuntansi Memperoleh dana Memonitor atau menelusuri uang
Contoh Fungsi Organisasi Bank
Operations Finance/ Accounting Marketing Check Clearing Teller Scheduling Transactions Processing Security Commercial Bank © T/Maker Co.
Fungsi-fungsi – Perusahaan Penerbangan
Operations Finance/ Accounting Marketing Ground Support Flight Facility Maintenance Catering Airline © T/Maker Co.
Fungsi-fungsi – Manufaktur/Pabrik
Operations Finance/ Accounting Marketing Production Control Manufacturing Quality Purchasing
Peta Organisasi Commercial Bank Operations Finance Accounting Auditing
Teller Scheduling Check Clearing Transactions processing Facilities design/layout Vault operations Maintenance Security Finance Investments Real Estate Accounting Auditing Marketing Loans Commercial Industrial Financial Personal Mortgage Trust Department
Peta Organisasi Airline Operations Finance & Accounting Marketing
Ground support equipment Maintenance Ground Operations Facility maintenance Catering Flight Operations Crew scheduling Flying Communications Dispatching Management science Finance & Accounting Accounting Payables Receivables General Ledger Finance Cash control International exchange rates Marketing Traffic administration Reservations Schedules Tariffs (pricing) Sales Advertising
Peta Organisasi Manufacturing Operations Finance & Accounting
Facilities: Construction:maintenance Production & inventory control Scheduling: materials control Supply-chain management Manufacturing Tooling, fabrication,assembly Design Product development and design Detailed product specifications Industrial engineering Efficient use of machines, space, and personnel Process analysis Development and installation of production tools and equipment Finance & Accounting Disbursements/credits Receivables Payables General ledger Funds Management Money market International exchange Capital requirements Stock issue Bond issues and recall Marketing Sales promotions Advertising Sales Market research
Kenapa Belajar Manajemen Operasi (MO)?
Kenapa Belajar MO? MO adalah satu dari tiga fungsi utama (pemasaran, keuangan dan operasi) dari setiap organisasi Kita ingin (dan butuh) mengetahui bagaimana barang dan jasa dihasilkan/ diproduksi Kita ingin memahami apa yang manajer operasi lakukan MO adalah bagian yang banyak membutuhkan biaya dari suatu organisasi One might ask students to consider: - marketing => deciding what is needed - finance => securing resources - operations => doing it! What are the limitations of this perspective?
Pilihan untuk Meningkatkan Kontribusi
Students can do the math! It may be useful to show a more detailed breakdown of cost-of-goods-sold, and illustrate the contribution to cost-of-goods sold of marketing, finance/accounting, and operations. It may also be helpful to use this data to introduce and illustrate fixed and variable costs and their relationship to net contribution.
Apa yang Manajer Operasi Lakukan
This is the typical breakdown one finds in many business courses. It may be helpful to the students if you discuss each of these elements in relationship to something you or they have done. Work on a group project, for example, can provide a useful vehicle for the discussion. Merencanakan – Mengorganisir – Staff - Memimpin – Mengontrol/Mengendalikan
10 Keputusan Kritis Desain Produk dan Jasa………………… Ch. 5
Manajemen Mutu/Kualitas………………. Desain Proses dan Kapasitas…………. Lokasi …………….………………………… Desain Tata Letak………………………… Pengukuran Kerja, Desain Pekerjaan… Manajemen Supply-chain ………………. Manajemen Persediaan (Inventory)…… Perencanaan Agregat dan Penjadwalan Pemeliharaan …………..………………. Ch. 5 Ch. 6, 6S Ch. 7, 7S Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10, 10S Ch. 11,11s Ch. 12, 14, 16 Ch. 3, 13, 15 Ch. 17 This slide introduces the 10 decision areas of Operations Management. These decision areas form the structure of the text. You may either go through this list quickly, and hold an enriched discussion using some of the slides that follow; or ask the students to give you examples of specific decisions from each area. As mentioned before - you may forego looking for precise answers at this point - and simply try to get them thinking and involved.
10 Keputusan Kritis Manajemen Mutu/Kualitas Desain Produk dan Jasa
Siapa yang bertanggung jawab untuk kualitas? Bagaimana mendefinisikan kualitas? Desain Produk dan Jasa Produk atau jasa apa yang seharusnya dijual/ditawarkan ke konsumen? Bagaimana seharusnya mendesain produk dan jasa? Using this and subsequent slides, you might go through in more detail the decisions of Operations Management. While greater detail is provided by these slides than the earlier one, you may still decide to have the students contribute examples from their own experience.
10 Keputusan Kritis - Lanjutan
Desain Proses dan Kapasitas Proses apa yang seharusnya dibutuhkan untuk produk tersebut dan apa urutan pengerjaannya? Peralatan dan teknologi apa yang perlu untuk proses tersebut? Lokasi Dimana seharusnya kita menempatkan suatu fasilitas? Berdasarkan kriteria apa kita seharusnya memutuskan lokasi tersebut?
10 Keputusan Kritis - Lanjutan
Desain Tata Letak Bagaimana seharusnya kita menyusun fasilitas? Berapa besar suatu fasilitas dibutuhkan? Pengukuran Pekerjaan dan Desain Pekerjaan Bagaimana kita memberikan suatu lingkungan kerja yang nyaman? Berapa banyak kita mengharapkan pekerja menghasilkan produk?
10 Keputusan Kritis - Lanjutan
Manajemen Supply chain Seharusnya kah kita membuat atau membeli komponen tertentu? Siapa saja pemasok kita dan berapa pemasok seharusnya kita miliki? Persediaan, Perencanaan Kebutuhan Material (MRP) Berapa banyak persediaan setiap komponen seharusnya kita miliki? Kapan kita harus memesan kembali?
10 Keputusan Kritis - Lanjutan
Penjadwalan Jangka Menengah, Pendek dan Proyek Apa produksi subkontrak adalah suatu ide yang bagus? Apakah lebih baik merumahkan pekerja selama permintaan menurun? Pemeliharaan Siapa yang bertanggung jawab untuk pemeliharaan? Kapan kita melakukan aktivitas pemeliharaan?
Dimana Pekerjaan Manajemen Operasi
Dimana Pekerjaan Manajemen Operasi
Dimana Pekerjaan Manajemen Operasi?
Teknologi/Metode-metode Utilisasi Fasilitas/Ruang Isu-isu strategis Waktu respons Pengembangan pekerja/tim Customer service Kualitas Pengurangan Biaya Pengurangan Persediaan Perbaikan Produktivitas Ask your students for input here. Look for positions that they or their parents have filled. You might also ask them (a) what positions they are seeking upon graduation; and (b) to “predict” how demand for workers in each of these areas is likely to change over time, and why. Finally, have them consider the skills required of the occupants of each position
Asal-usul (sejarah) Manajemen Operasi
Peristiwa Penting dalam Sejarah Manajemen Operasi
You should stress that the time-based historical perspective is only one way to look at the development of Operations Management, outcome focus is another.
Asal-usul Managemen Operasi
Pembagian Kerja (Adam Smith 1776 and Charles Babbage 1852) Komponen yang distandarkan (Whitney 1800) Scientific Management (Taylor 1881) Lintasan Perakitan terkoordinasi (Ford/Sorenson/Avery 1913) Peta Gantt (Gantt 1916) Studi Gerakan (Frank and Lillian Gilbreth 1922 Pengendalian Kualitas (Shewhart 1924; Deming 1950) Komputer (Atanasoff 1938) CPM/PERT (DuPont 1957)
Asal-usul Managemen Operasi - Lanjutan
Material requirements planning (Orlicky 1960) Computer aided design (CAD 1970) Flexible manufacturing system (FMS 1975) Baldrige Quality Awards (1980) Computer integrated manufacturing (1990) Globalization(1992) Internet (1995)
Eli Whitney © 1995 Corel Corp. Born 1765; died 1825 Tahun 1798, menerima kontrak pemerintah untuk membuat 10,000 senapan kuno Menunjukkan bahwa alat-alat mesin dapat membuat komponen yang distandarkan untuk spesifikasi tertentu Komponen2 senapan dapat digunakan untuk bermacam2 tipe senapan You might ask students why standardization is so important. If their answers do not raise the issue, here is a good time to introduce the concept of “setup.” Discussion of Whitney also raises issues of quality control, and even worker training.
Frederick W. Taylor Born 1856; died 1915
Dikenal sebagai ‘ Bapak scientific management’ In 1881, sebagai kepala teknik untuk Midvale Steel, mempelajari bagaimana suatu pekerjaan dilakukan Permulaan studi waktu dan gerakan Prinsip-prinsip efisien dihasilkan Some students argue that Taylor’s main objective was to get more from the workers. You might discuss the difference between trying to get more out of the workers and trying to improve their efficiency. © 1995 Corel Corp.
Taylor: Manajemen seharusnya lebih bertanggung jawab untuk
Mencocokkan pekerja dengan pekerjaan Memberikan pelatihan yang tepat dan lengkap Memberikan metode dan peralatan kerja yang tepat dan lengkap Menetapkan insentif yang sah untuk pekerjaan yang diselesaikan There are several issues which can be raised here: - the individual nature of individuals (not everyone is suited to the same job) - how does one decide what is “proper” training? - perhaps “a poor workman blames his tools;” but a workman may only be as good as his tools - “a day’s pay for a day’s work” - what is a “day’s work”? How do we decide? How do we arrive at a monetary value for this day’s work?
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth
Husband-and-wife engineering team Mengembangkan lebih lanjut metode-metode pengukuran pekerjaan Menerapkan metode-metode efisiensi untuk rumah dan 12 anaknya! (Book & Movie: “Cheaper by the Dozen,” book: “Bells on Their Toes”) © 1995 Corel Corp. Ask the students: So what? Get them to think about task performance at various levels of detail. - How does one determine the most efficient motions to be used? - How does one “balance” the performance of a task so that one limb does not bear an excessive load? - How can one “design a job” before actually performing a task? You might also wish to discuss the book and movies about the Gilbreths and their children.
Henry Ford Born 1863; died 1947 In 1903, menciptakan Ford Motor Company In 1913, pertama menggunakan lintasan perakitan yang bergerak untuk membuat model T Produk yang belum selesai dipindahkan oleh conveyor melewati stasiun kerja Membayar pekerja sangat baik tahun 1911 ($5/day!) © 1995 Corel Corp. ‘Buat mereka semua serupa Assembly lines are widely accepted and used. Are they actually “God’s gift to repetitive manufacturing?” Have students consider the Volvo experiment where teams were used to build automobiles.
W. Edwards Deming Born 1900; died 1993 Engineer & physicist
Dihargai dengan mengajar kan Jepang metode pengendalian kualitas setelah WW2 Menggunakan statistik untuk menganalisis proses Metode-metodenya melibatkan pekerja dalam pengambilan keputusan Have students consider why Dr. Deming’s popularity was so great in Japan, but took such a long time to develop in the U.S.
Kontribusi-kontribusi dari
Human factors (ergonomi) Teknik Industri Ilmu Manajemen Ilmu Biologi Ilmu-ilmu Fisik Ilmu Informasi (teknologi informasi) Here you might try to make two points: - there are many contributions from outside the OM/business disciplines (one of the most important characteristics of an Operations Manager is the ability to work with or within multiple disciplines) - the greater contribution from the information sciences is not to make things occur faster (automation) but to enable the operations manager to look at problems from a different perspective.
Peristiwa-peristiwa penting dalam MO
Pembagian Kerja (Smith, 1776) Komponen yang distandarkan (Whitney, 1800) Scientific management (Taylor, 1881) Lintasan perakitan yang terkoordinasi (Ford 1913) Peta Gantt (Gantt, 1916) Studi Gerakan (the Gilbreths, 1922) Pengendalian Kualitas (Shewhart, 1924) Gives you a chance to summarize some of the critical events in the evolution of OM.
Peristiwa-peristiwa penting dalam MO
CPM/PERT (Dupont, 1957) MRP (Orlicky, 1960) CAD Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Manufacturing automation protocol (MAP) Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)
Tantangan Baru dalam MO
Dari Ke Fokus Lokal atau nasional Pengiriman Batch Low bid purchasing Lengthy product development Standard products Job specialization Fokus Global Just-in-time Supply chain partnering Rapid product development, alliances Mass customization Empowered employees, teams Use this and the subsequent slide to get students thinking about some of the changes taking place in OM. Try to help them understand both the causes of the changes and the implications. In particular, have them consider the role of information and of information technology.
Operasi dalam Sektor Jasa
Karakteristik Produk Produk dapat dilihat Definisi produk tetap
Produksi biasanya terpisah dari konsumsi Dapat disimpan Interaksi dgn konsumen yang rendah © 1995 Corel Corp. You might pick a company that produces a physical product that will be familiar to the students, ask students to identify the product, and discuss its characteristics. Once the students have identified the physical characteristics of the product, you can ask “What other characteristics does the company believe its product possesses?” This question will often raise the issue of “service.” Companies which might it be helpful to consider include: Xerox - an information management company (not just copiers) McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys - either compare the viewpoints of the three companies, or contrast them to a gourmet restaurant Volkswagen versus Volvo, Mercedes or Rolls Royce.
Karateristik Jasa/ Servis
Produk tidak dapat dilihat Diproduksi dan dikonsumsi pada waktu yang sama Seringnya unik Interaksi dgn konsumen tinggi Definisi produk tidak konsisten Seringnya berdasarkan pengetahuan Seringnya dispersed © 1995 Corel Corp. Here it is probably useful to look to the students to identify both company and product. You might use the approach of taking one characteristic at a time and asking the students to identify a service that has that characteristic: Unique - wedding planning High customer interaction - health care Inconsistent definition - “consulting” etc.
Ekonomis Sektor Jasa Proporsi Pekerjaan dalam Sektor Jasa
Barang versus Jasa Dapat dijual kembali Dapat disimpan
Barang Jasa Dapat dijual kembali Dapat disimpan Beberapa aspek kualitas dapat diukur Penjualan terpisah dari produksi Menjual kembali tidak biasa Sulit untuk menyimpan Sulit untuk mengukur kualitas Penjualan adalah bagian dari jasa At this point, you might approach this and the next several slides by asking students to identify a product (good or service as appropriate) that illustrates each characteristic. You might also ask them to identify products that violate one or more of these distinctions between goods and services.
Barang versus Jasa - Lanjutan
Barang Jasa Produk dapat dibawa Lokasi fasilitas penting untuk biaya Seringnya mudah untuk otomasi Pendapatan dihasilkan utamanya dari produk Pemberi dapat dibawa bukan produk Lokasi fasilitas penting untuk kontak dengan konsumen Seringnya sulit untuk otomasi Pendapatan dihasilkan utamanya dari jasa yang diberikan
Barang mengandung Jasa / Jasa mengandung Barang
Automobile Computer Installed Carpeting Fast-food Meal Restaurant Meal Auto Repair This slide should help you make the point that a “product” is seldom only a “good” or only a “service” but usually includes some of each. You might also raise the point that as companies are reaching the limit of evolution of the physical (good), they are tending to add information (a service) to their product. Finally, it is important that the student be able to cite examples illustrating each of the ranges shown in the slide. Hospital Care Advertising Agency Investment Management Consulting Service Counseling 25 50 75 100 Percent of Product that is a Good Percent of Product that is a Service
Organisasi dalam Sektor Jasa – Table 1.4
Contoh % dari Seluruh Pekerjaan Professional services, education, legal, medical New York City PS108, Notre Dame University, San Diego Zoo 24.3 Trade (retail, wholesale) Walgreen’s, Wal-Mart, Nordstroms 20.6 Utilities, transportation Pacific Gas & Electric, American Airlines, Santa Fe R.R, Roadway Express 7.2
Organisasi dalam Sektor Jasa – Table 1.4
Contoh % dari Seluruh Pekerjaan Business & Repair Services Snelling & Snelling, Waste Management, Pitney-Bowes 7.1 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Citicorp, American Express, Prudential, Aetna, Trammel Crow 6.5 Food, Lodging, Entertainment McDonald’s, Hard Rock Café, Motel 6, Hilton Hotels, Walt Disney Paramount Pictures 5.2 Public Administration U.S., State of Alabama, Cook County 4.5
Organisasi dalam Sektor Jasa – Table 1.4
Sektor Manufaktur Contoh % dari seluruh pekerjaan General General Electric, Ford, U.S. Steel, Intel 14.8 Construction Bechtel, McDermott 7.0 Agriculture King Ranch 2.4 Mining Homestake Mining 0.4
Organisasi dalam Sektor Jasa – Table 1.4 Rangkuman
% dari seluruh pekerjaan Jasa 75.4% Manufaktur 24.6%
Tantangan Baru dalam Manajemen Operasi
Tantangan Perubahan untuk Manajer Operasi
Tantangan Perubahan untuk Manajer Operasi
Tantangan Produktivitas
Sistem Ekonomi Mengubah Input Menjadi Output
The economic system transforms inputs to outputs at about an annual 2.5% increase in productivity (capital 38% of 2.5%), labor (10% of 2.5%), management (52% of 2.5%) Land, Labor, Capital, Management Goods and Services Feedback loop Inputs Process Outputs Ask your students to consider why the rate of growth of productivity in the U.S. is so low. As they identify factors, have them link these factors to the resources of capital, labor, and management. This may also be a good point at which to introduce the notions of efficiency (doing a job well), and effectiveness (doing the right job). It may be especially helpful to discuss the conditions under which efficiency or effectiveness becomes the more important.
Dampak khusus dari Perbaikan Kualitas
As productivity improved Costs were pared Wages increased Parts per man hour 95 100 105 110 115 Year A Year B Year C Cost per unit decreased $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 Year A Year B Year C Average worker's annual cash compensation increased 24000 25000 26000 27000 Year A Year B Year C This slide may help explain why an increasing productivity is so important if one wishes an increased standard of living.
Produktivitas Jml Unit dihasilkan Produktivitas = Input digunakan
Mengukur Perbaikan proses Menggambarkan output relatif terhadap input Hanya melalui peningkatan produktivitas standar hidup kita dapat ditingkatkan/diperbaiki Produktivitas Jml Unit dihasilkan Input digunakan = The productivity discussion can continue with this slide. One question for students might be: Why is the present rate of productivity improvement in the U.S. less than in the period 1889 to 1973? You might also ask them to consider what happens as the rate of productivity improvement approaches zero. Does this simply mean that the standard of living ceases to rise, or are there more ominous manifestations?
Produktivitas Multi-Produk
Output Labor + material + energy + capital + miscellaneous This slide can be used to introduce multi-factor productivity.
Masalah-masalah pengukuran
Kualitas bisa berubah pada saat jumlah dari input dan output tetap Elemen eksternal bisa menyebabkan peningkatan atau penurunan produktivitas Precise units dari pengukuran bisa jadi kurang Ask the students to think about why productivity is so difficult to measure. Have them identify several tasks or jobs, and help them identify some possible productivity measures. Ask them how they would go about making these measurements. Student and faculty productivity certainly provide examples that can generate discussion! You might ask your students if they believe “grades” measure student productivity.
Variabel Produktivitas
Labor – berkontribusi sekitar 10% dari peningkatan tahunan Capital - berkontribusi sekitar 32% dari peningkatan tahunan Management - berkontribusi sekitar 52% dari peningkatan tahunan Here again, faculty and student productivity make useful discussion generators. Students can certainly look at the role of both capital and management in the classroom - and they are likely to be able to tie the three productivity variables to the presentation or teaching methodologies of different faculty.
Variabel Kunci puntuk peningkatan produktivitas Tenaga Kerja
Pendidikan dasar yang tepat untuk tenaga kerja Diet dari tenaga kerja Biaya social yang membuat ketersediaan tenaga kerja Menjaga dan meningkatkan keahlian di tengah-tengah perubahan teknologi dan pengetahuan yang cepat You might first ask students to consider the conditions under which each of the key variables is most important. Once the conditions are identified, you might list the conditions on the board or screen and ask students to develop a method for comparing various countries on the basis of these conditions. Where would they place the U.S.? Developing countries? Etc.
Pekerjaan di U.S You might ask the students, how, in general, they might expect the figures shown in this graph to change over the next twenty years. In addition, initiate a discussion of how we have moved from “hunting and gathering” to “agriculture” to “manufacturing” to “service.”
Perbandingan Produktivitas
Investasi dan Produktivitas dalam Beberapa Negara
Produktivitas Jasa Typically labor intensive
Frequently individually processed Often an intellectual task performed by professionals Often difficult to mechanize Often difficult to evaluate for quality You can use this slide to frame a discussion of service productivity. Ask students to provide examples of services having each characteristic. Once they have done this, ask if they can think of a way to overcome or change the characteristics for that service so as to increase productivity.
Tantangan Tanggung jawab Sosial
Meningkatkan tekanan pada bisnis and tanggung jawab sosial
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