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Presentasi berjudul: "PEMROGRAMAN WEB 03. OPERATOR"— Transcript presentasi:

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2 PEMROGRAMAN WEB 00. Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP)
01. Pengantar Pemrograman Web 02. Tipe Data, Variabel, Konstanta 03. Operator 04. Basic Logic Strukture 05. Array 06. Function 07. Form & Exception Handling 08. Koneksi Database MySQL 09. Cookies Session 10. Template Parsing 11. Implementasi (Login, CRUD) 12. Javascript

3 03. OPERATOR Pendahuluan Arithmetic operators (aritmatika)
Assignment operators (Penugasan) Comparison operators (Perbandingan) Increment/Decrement operators (++ / --) Logical operators (Logika) String operators (Karakter) Array operators (Larik)

4 1) Pendahuluan

5 Pendahuluan Operator Pengoperasi pada variable dan nilainya.
Umumnya digunakan untuk melogika kondisi pada struktur logika perulangan dan percabangan.

6 2) Arithmetic operators (aritmatika)

7 Arithmetic operators (aritmatika)
Used with numeric values.

8 Arithmetic operators (aritmatika) addition
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = 10; $y = 6; echo $x + $y; ?> </body> </html>

9 Arithmetic operators (aritmatika) subtraction
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = 10; $y = 6; echo $x - $y; ?> </body> </html>

10 Arithmetic operators (aritmatika) multiplication
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = 10; $y = 6; echo $x * $y; ?> </body> </html>

11 Arithmetic operators (aritmatika) division
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = 10; $y = 6; echo $x / $y; ?> </body> </html>

12 Arithmetic operators (aritmatika) modulus
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = 10; $y = 6; echo $x % $y; ?> </body> </html>

13 Arithmetic operators (aritmatika) exponentiation
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = 2; $y = 3; echo $x ** $y; ?> </body> </html>

14 3) Assignment operators (Penugasan)

15 Assignment operators (Penugasan)
used with numeric values to write a value to a variable.

16 4) Comparison operators (Perbandingan)

17 Comparison operators (Perbandingan)
used to compare two values (number or string)

18 5) Increment/Decrement operators (++ / --)

19 Increment/Decrement operators (++ / --)
used to increment / decrement a variable's value

20 6) Logical operators (Logika)

21 Logical operators (Logika)
used to combine conditional statements.

22 7) String operators (Karakter)

23 String operators (Karakter)
two operators that are specially designed for strings.

24 8) Array operators (Larik)

25 Array operators (Larik)
used to compare arrays.

26 TUGAS Buat contoh program dalam bentuk bahasa PHP dan C++ untuk operator : Assignment operators (penugasan) Comparison operators (perbandingan) Increment/Decrement operators (++ / --) Logical operators (logika) String operators (karakter) Array operators (array) Ketentuan: Kirim ke Subjek : pweb_03operator_nim_namalengkap, Misal : pweb_03operator_ _Teguh Pribadi Attach/lampirkan file isi tugas. Maksimal pengumpulan H-1 sebelum perkuliahan selanjutnya.

27 Referensi (1) Andrea Tar. 2012. PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer
Brett McLaughlin PHP & MySQL- The Missing Manual. USA-Brett McLaughlin. USA-O'REILLY Media Brett McLaughlin PHP & MySQL- The Missing Manual, 2nd Edition. USA-Brett McLaughlin. USA-O'REILLY Media Fadila, Armando dkk. Pro PHP Application Performance Gilmore, W. Jason Beginning php and mysql from novice to professional, 4th edition Head First PHP & MySQL Kroenke, David Database Processing 12th Edition Lamandi, BB dkk AJAX and PHP Building Modern Web Applications, 2nd Edition Loka Dwiartara. Menyelam dan Menaklukan Samudra PHP Michcel, Lorna Jane. PHP Web Services Mysql Official MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual-en Official. php_manual_en PHP6 and MySQL Bible by Steve Suehring Power, David. PHP Solutions, 3rd Edition Rochkin Mark Expert PHP and MySQL

28 Referensi (2) Rosihanari. Basic PHP Tutorial
Ruehning, dkk. php_mysql_javascript__html5_all-in-one_for_dummies Sams.Sams.Teach.Yourself.PHP.MySQL.and.Apache.All-in-One.ISBN Solichin, Achmad. Pemrograman Web dengan PHP MySQL Tatro, Kvein, dkk Programming PHP, 3rd Edition. USA-O'REILLY Media - mysql tutorial Valade, Janet. PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies. CanadaWiley Publishing,Inc W3Schools Offline 2016 Welling, Luke and Laura Thomson Welling php mysql web 3rd. USA - Sam Publishing Widigdo, Anon Kuncoro php dan mysql Wahono, Romi Satria. dasar-php Zandstra, Matt. PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice, 4th Edition

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