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Kemenarikan Destinasi Pariwisata
From the commercial point of view....
A touristic product is a combination of tangible and intangible items that meet the needs and motivation of a certain consumer. TOURIST ATTRACTIONS INFRASTRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENTS SERVICES IMAGE AND SYMBOL VALUES
Key point: segmentation
In order to attract visitors, the different components of the tourist industry have to combine to create specific products targetting an specific consumer. The destination is the umbrella under we have to offer a wide range of produtcs: segmented and with a theme
Segmented products To get together what exists to make it more attractive and/or introduce as a new thing. Add little elements: activities, services, some equipments,... Positioning Based in marketing techniques IMAGINATION AND COORDINATION
Kriteria Penilaian Atraksi Wisata
KRITERIA UTAMA KRITERIA TAMBAHAN Atraksi Alam Aksesibilitas Keindahan Alam Tidak terlalu jauh dari bandara atau pelabuhan laut Keragaman flora Durasi dan kenyamanan perjalanan cukup memadai Keragaman fauna Atraksi penunjang Kemudahan untuk mengamati kehidupan satwa liar Ketersediaan atraksi alam lain di kawasan ekowisata Ketersediaan informasi yang akurat tentang Vegetasi Atraksi Budaya Ketersediaan ekosistem yang belum terjamah manusia Tempat warisan atau peninggalan sejarah Kesempatan untuk berenang Kebudayaan Lokal Keunikan objek Akomodasi Peluang untuk lintas alam Ketersediaan atau kemingkinan pengembangan akomodasi yang memenuhi standar higienis Objek megalitik Ketersediaan menu makanan yang praktis dan higienis Suhu dan kelembaban udara yang nyaman Prasyarat dasar Curah hujan yang normal Jaminan keamanan wisatawan Ketersediaan bangtuan dan oerawatan medis
Sekuat apakah daya tarik atraksi yang tersedia
Kesimpulan Prioritas Daya tarik tinggi Unsur produk (aksesibilitas, fasilitas, atraksi) Estimasi jumlah pengunjung Profitabilitas Perlu pengendalian Daya tarik sedang Unsur produk tersedia namun masih perlu pembenahan Perlu antisipasi persaingan produk Daya tarik rendah Unsur produk tidak memadai
Unsur dan variabel yang dinalisis
Atraksi Alam Lokasi, jenis, Jumlah, mutu, masalah, daya tarik Atraksi Budaya Lokasi, jenis, jumlah, mutu, masalah, daya tarik Dampak lingkungan yang potensial Perubahan lingkungan fisik, ekologis, daya dukung Aksesibilitas Daya angkut, akses, mutu, frekuensi, ongkos Pasar Daerah asal, tipe perjalanan, tipe kegiatan Informasi wisata Mutu peta, buku panduan wisata, pemaparan, akurasi, dan autentisitas informasi Promosi Efektifitas advertensi, publisitas, kehumasan, insentif, moda promosi Organisasi dan kelembagaan Organisasi terkait, hubungan kerja, kemitraan, teamwork pengembangan Komitmen pelaku wisata Dukungan riil berbagai sector, sikap public dan masyarakat local terhadap pengembangan atraksi
Requirements Knowledge of the market Compatible mix products/markets
Initiative and innovation Creativity Organising and coordination Correct channels of commersialisation Add value to the product It doesn’t exist a magical receipt We have to work on it constantly
Generic Trips Wide range market Popular destinations
Mid-low level clients Easy packages Standard services Advertising based on price Controled by big tour operators Buy through travel agents
Actual Task Please asses one of tourism attraction according to your personal need
Index of resident satisfaction with current services and facilities
Satisfaction from current services and facilities Industrial Adjustment Survey findings indicate that health care, education, and declining income are residents’ main concerns. Index of resident satisfaction with current services and facilities
Tourism development in the last 5 years
Satisfaction with tourism development Dis-satisfied Neutral Satisfied Tourism development in the last 5 years Proposed tourism projects 35 % 16 % 33 % 27 % 32 % 56%
Acceptable level of tourism development in the future
Rural Development Model
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