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Manajemen Proyek Kusmayadi@unindra2013.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Manajemen Proyek Kusmayadi@unindra2013."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Manajemen Proyek

2 Pertemuan 9 memahami proses perencanaan proyek khususnya pada area pengetahuan manajemen komunikasi dalam proyek (Project Communication Management)

3 Variable Tingkat Interaksi
Grup Proses Variable Tingkat Interaksi Inisialisasi Perencanaan Eksekusi Monitor dan Kontrol Penutupan Variable Waktu Awal Akhir

4 9 Area Pengetahuan 6

5 Communication Management
Meliputi proses yang dibutuhkan untuk memastikan informasi proyek terkelola dengan baik. Sebagian besar waktu Manajer Proyek dihabiskan untuk berkomunikasi dengan tim proyek dan para stakeholder

6 Dimensi aktivitas Komunikasi
Internal dan eksternal Formal dan informal Vertical dan Horizontal Official dan unofficial Tertulis dan oral Verbal dan nonverbal (body language)

7 Communication Skills Listening ectively and effectively
Questioning, probing ideas and situations to ensure better understanding Educating to increase team’s knowledge so that they can be more effective Fact-finding to identify or confirm information Setting and managing expectations Persuading a person or organization to perform action Negotitiating to achieve mutual acceptable agreements between parties Resolving conflict to prevent disruptive impact Summarizing, recapping and identifying the next steps

8 Communication Management
Identify Stakeholders Plan Communications Distribute Information Manage Stakeholder Expectations Report Performance

9 Intisari PM (PG vs KA) Identify Stakeholders Plan Communications
Close Procurement s Administer Procurements Conduct Procurements Plan Procurement 9. Project Procurement Management Monitor and Control Risks Plan Risk Management, Identify Risks Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Plan Risk Responses 8. Project Risk Management Report Performance Distribution Information Manage Stakeholder Expectations Plan Communications Identify Stakeholder 7. Project Communication Mgm Acquire Project Team Develop Project Team Manage Project Team Develop Human Resource Plan 6. Project Human Resource Management Perform Quality Control Perform Quality Assurance Plan Quality 5. Project Quality Mgm Control Costs Estimate Cost Determine Budget 4. Project Cost Management Schedule Control Defince Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Activity Resources Estimate Activity Durations Develop Schedule 3. Project Time Management Scope Verification Scope Control Collect Requirement Define Scope Create WBS 2. Project Scope Management Close Project or Phase Monitor and control Project work Integrated Change Control Direct and Manage Project Execution Develop Project Management Plan Develop Project Charter 1. Project Integration Management 5. Penutupa n 4. Monitor & Kontrol 3. Eksekusi 2. Perencanaan 1. Inisialisasi PG/KA Identify Stakeholders Plan Communications Distribute Information Manage Stakeholder Expectations Report Performance

10 1. Identify Stakeholder Sudah dibahas pada tahap inisialisasi

11 Contoh Level Ketertarikan Stakeholder
Keep Satisfied Manage Closely Monitor (minimum effort) Keep Imformed Power Interest >>

12 Contoh Stakeholder Analysis Matrix.
Stakeholder Interest(s) in Project Assesment of Impact Potential Strategies for gaining Support or reducing Obstacles

13 2. Plan Communication Proses mendefinisikan kebutuhan informasi dari para stakeholder dan menentukan pendekatan komunikasinya Siapa yang membutuhkan informasi, kapan dibutuhkannya, kapan diberikan padanya dan oleh siapa

14 Komunikasi Efektif : informasi diberikan dalam format yang tepat, waktu yang tepat dan dampak yang tepat Komunikasi Efisien : hanya memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan

15 Plan Communication Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs
Communication requirement analysis Communication technology Communication models Communication methods Outputs Stakeholder register Stakeholder management strategy Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Communication management plan Project document update

16 Communication Channel
N(n-1)/2 Contoh : 10(10-1)/2

17 Plan Communication Output
Stakeholder communication requirements Information to be communicated, including language, format, content and level of detail Reason for the distribution of that information Time frame and frequency for the distribution or required information Person responsible for communicationg the information

18 Plan Communication Output
Methods or technologies used to convey the information, such as memos, , and/or press releases Resources allocated to communication activities, including time and budget Escalation process identifying time frames and the management chain (names) for escalation of issues that can not be resolved at lower staff level ....

19 Plan Communication Output
Methods for updating and refining the communications managemet plan as the project progress and develops Glosarry of commin terminology Flow charts of the information flow in the project, workflow with posible sequence of authorization, list of reports and meeting plans, etc Communication constrains, usually derived from specific legislation or regulation, technology and organizational policies, etc.

20 Kesimpulan Project CommunicationManagement khususnya pada tahap perencanaan proyek : Identify Stakeholders Plan Communications

21 Terimakasih

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