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Kelompok 6 Bu nisa Norman Yuni. JOURNAL OF TISSUE VIABILITY VOL 13 NO. 3 JULY 2003 Intermittent pneumatic compression pump settings for the.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Kelompok 6 Bu nisa Norman Yuni. JOURNAL OF TISSUE VIABILITY VOL 13 NO. 3 JULY 2003 Intermittent pneumatic compression pump settings for the."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Kelompok 6 Bu nisa Norman 20170606056 Yuni

2 JOURNAL OF TISSUE VIABILITY VOL 13 NO. 3 JULY 2003 Intermittent pneumatic compression pump settings for the optimum reduction of oedema Sue Grieveson Senior I Physiotherapist and Moving and Handling Advisor, Moving and Handling Department, Salford NHS Primary Care Trust, Salford

3 Definisi Oedem Oedema may be defined as a 'pathological accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissues'S. Fluid, which collects around the feet and ankles as a result of the effect of gravity during the day, is reabsorbed overnight or on limb elevation. Oedema originating from distended and circuitous superficial veins is known as chronic venous insufficiency.

4 What is IPC? Variables : Constant Intermitent Sequential – number of chambers Duration, intensity (preassure), rest phase

5 IPC Definition Units assist in venous and lymphatic drainage creating a preasure gradient that forces fluid out of the extremity through the venous system and spreads solid matter proximally along lymphatic ducts.

6 apparatus The equipment consisted of: IPC pump for treatment (Flowtron, Flowpac, Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd, Luton, UK) (Figure 2). A mini Dopplex ultrasound Doppler (Huntleigh Healthcare Diagnostics Division, Cardiff) for assessment of ABPI A sphygmomanometer (Accoson, Southern Syringe, Southgate) to find systolic blood pressure A tape measure for limb measurement The equipment consisted of: IPC pump for treatment (Flowtron, Flowpac, Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd, Luton, UK) (Figure 2). A mini Dopplex ultrasound Doppler (Huntleigh Healthcare Diagnostics Division, Cardiff) for assessment of ABPI A sphygmomanometer (Accoson, Southern Syringe, Southgate) to find systolic blood pressure A tape measure for limb measurement

7 Participant 24 Treatment grup n=12 Control grup n=12

8 External intermitten compresision Venous system Mechanical preassure waves Lymphatic system Relative reduction in capilary filtration preassure Spreads solid matter allowing exposure to more lyhphatic ducts Increased uptake of interstitial fluids Increased uptake by lymphatic ducts Distal to proximal preassure gradient Moves swelling out of extremity


10 kesimpulan Tekanan di atas 40 mmHg tidak mengurangi edema secara signifikan. 84% dari semua setting IPC memberikan hasil yang tidak mengurangi ekstremitas edema dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Inflasi dan deflasi yang cepat menghasilkan lebih banyak pengurangan tungkai edema daripada pengaturan lebih lambat. Perbedaan antara pengurangan optimal volume tungkai pada tahap 1 (2,7%) sampai pada tahap 3 (3,5%), ketika tekanan di kedua tahap adalah 40 mmHg, menunjukkan bahwa waktu penerapan tekanan membuat perbedaan untuk khasiat pengobatan. Pengaturan optimal tampaknya pada tekanan 30 atau 40 mmHg, 10 detik waktu deflasi 10 dan 15 detik waktu inflasi.

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