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Systems Analysis and Design with UML

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1 Systems Analysis and Design with UML
Object-Oriented Programming Systems Analysis and Design with UML Romi Satria Wahono

2 Romi Satria Wahono SD Sompok Semarang (1987) SMPN 8 Semarang (1990)
Object-Oriented Programming Romi Satria Wahono SD Sompok Semarang (1987) SMPN 8 Semarang (1990) SMA Taruna Nusantara, Magelang (1993) S1, S2 dan S3 (on-leave) Department of Computer Sciences Saitama University, Japan ( ) Research Interests: Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems Founder dan Koordinator IlmuKomputer.Com Peneliti LIPI ( ) Founder dan CEO PT Brainmatics Cipta Informatika

3 Learning Design Educational Objectives (Benjamin Bloom)
Cognitive Affective Psychomotor Criterion Referenced Instruction (Robert Mager) Competencies Performance Evaluation Minimalism (John Carroll) Start Immediately Minimize the Reading Error Recognition Self-Contained

4 Learning Design Pretest dan Posttest untuk Mengukur Kompetensi Kognifif Penyajian Materi dengan Model Minimalism berbasis Konsep Amati-Tiru-Modifikasi Latihan Secara Iteratif untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Kognitif dan Psikomotorik Penugasan berbasis Self-Contained Project dan Literatur Review

5 Pre-Test Sebutkan tahapan system development life cycle (SDLC)?
Object-Oriented Programming Pre-Test Sebutkan tahapan system development life cycle (SDLC)? Sebutkan beberapa model atau metode pengembangan system yang anda kenal? Gambarkan requirement di bawah dengan use case diagram Buat program yang menampilkan tulisan "Halo Jakarta" di layar monitor, dengan bahasa pemrograman yang anda kuasai SISTEM ELIBRARY Sistem elibrary memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan registrasi dan login Setelah menjadi member, pengguna dapat mencari dan mendownload koleksi buku dan paper elibrary Admin sistem elibrary melakukan approval terhadap registrasi dan menampilkan laporan aktifitas pengguna secara individual maupun total

6 Textbook Object-Oriented Programming

7 Object-Oriented Programming References Alan Dennis et al, Systems Analysis and Design with UML 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2013 Kenneth E. Kendall and Julie E Kendall, Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010 Hassan Gomaa, Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software Architectures, Cambridge University Press, 2011 Gary B. Shelly and Harry J. Rosenblatt, Systems Analysis and Design 9th Edition, Course Technology, 2011 Howard Podeswa, UML for the IT Business Analyst 2nd Edition, Thomson Course Technology, 2009 Jeffrey A. Hoffer et al, Modern Systems Analysis and Design 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010

8 Course Contents Introduction Project Planning System Analysis
System Design System Implementation

9 Introduction Object-Oriented Programming

10 Object-Oriented Programming Learning Objectives Understand the system analysis and design and the term of analyst Understand the system development life cycle and its four phases Understand the evolution of system development methodologies Be familier with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) version 2.0 Understand the characteristics of object-oriented paradigm

11 Object-Oriented Programming Key Ideas More than half of all systems development projects Fail (42% - Standish Group, 53% - General Accounting Office) Canceled before completion System is never used once finished Doesn't provide the expected benefits Most of the ones that don't fail: Are delivered late Are over budget Don't provide the features promised

12 Object-Oriented Programming Key Ideas Many fail because analysts try to build wonderful systems without understanding the organization The primarily goal is to create value for the organization

13 Recent Significant IT Failures
Object-Oriented Programming Recent Significant IT Failures Company Year Outcome Hudson Bay (Canada) 2005 Inventory system problems lead to $33.3 million loss UK Inland Revenue 2004/5 $3.45 billion tax-credit overpayment caused by software errors Avis Europe PLC (UK) 2004 Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system cancelled after $54.5 million spent Ford Motor Co. Purchasing system abandoned after deployment costing approximately $400 M Hewlett-Packard Co. ERP system problems contribute to $160 million loss AT&T Wireless Customer relations management (CRM) system upgrade problems lead to $100M loss

14 Object-Oriented Programming

15 Is it Possible? Object-Oriented Programming

16 Systems Analyst and Its Roles
Object-Oriented Programming Systems Analyst and Its Roles

17 Analyst Related Role Business analyst System analyst
Infrastructure analyst Change management analyst Project manager

18 Object-Oriented Programming

19 Focuses on business issues surrounding the system
Object-Oriented Programming Business Analyst Focuses on business issues surrounding the system The business value of the system Improvements in business processes New business processes needed with new system Requires business skills and professional training

20 Object-Oriented Programming System Analyst The systems analyst is a key person analyzing the business, identifying opportunities for improvement, and designing information systems to implement these ideas Focuses on Information System (IS) Issues How IS can improve business processes Designs new information system Ensures IS quality standards are maintained Requires training & experience in design analysis, programming, business (to lesser degree)

21 Infrastructure Analyst
Object-Oriented Programming Infrastructure Analyst Focuses on interfaces between new system & existing infrastructure Makes sure new system follows organizational standards Identifies required infrastructure changes Requires experience in network & database administration Requires knowledge of hardware systems

22 Change Management Analyst
Object-Oriented Programming Change Management Analyst Focuses on system installation Documentation & support for users Coordinate training of users Strategies to overcome resistance Requires experience in organizational behavior Requires experience in change management

23 Project Manager Responsible for schedule and budget
Object-Oriented Programming Project Manager Responsible for schedule and budget Ensures promised benefits are delivered Manages team members Responsible for project plan and reporting progress Requires project management experience

24 Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Object-Oriented Programming Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

25 Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Object-Oriented Programming Planning Analysis Design Implementation

26 Project Phases Planning: Why build the system?
Object-Oriented Programming Project Phases Planning: Why build the system? System request, feasibility analysis, project size estimation Analysis: Who, what, when, where will the system be? Requirement gathering, business process modeling Design: How will the system work? Program design, user interface design, data design Implementation: System construction and delivery System construction, testing, documentation and installation

27 Planning Identifying business value (System Request)
Object-Oriented Programming Planning Identifying business value (System Request) Lower costs Increase profits Analyze feasibility Technical Feasibility Economic Feasibility Organizational Feasibility Develop workplan and staffing (WBS) (System Proposal)

28 Analysis Requirement gathering by answering the questions:
Object-Oriented Programming Analysis Requirement gathering by answering the questions: Who will use the system? What will the system do? When will it be used? Investigate the current system Identify possible improvements Develop a concept for new system (Business Process Model)

29 Design (System Specification) Program Design (UML Diagrams)
Object-Oriented Programming Design Program Design (UML Diagrams) What programs need to be written Exactly what each program will do User Interface Design How users interact with system Forms / reports used by the system Data Design (ER Diagrams) What data is to be stored What format the data will be in Where the data will be stored (System Specification)

30 Implementation Construction Testing Installation
Object-Oriented Programming Implementation Construction New system is built and tested Often testing is the longest part Testing Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing User Acceptance Test Installation Old system is turned off New system is turned on

31 Processes and Deliverables
Object-Oriented Programming Processes and Deliverables Process Product Planning Analysis Design Implementation System Proposal System Specification New System with Testing/Maintenance Plan

32 Systems Development Methodologies
Object-Oriented Programming Systems Development Methodologies

33 Object-Oriented Programming What Is a Methodology? A formalized approach to implementing the SDLC (series of steps and deliverables) Writing code without a well-thought-out system request may work for small programs, but rarely works for large ones

34 Major Methodologies Structured Design RAD Development
Object-Oriented Programming Major Methodologies Structured Design Waterfall method Parallel development RAD Development Phased Development Prototyping Throw-away Prototyping Agile Development Extreme Programming (XP) Scrum

35 Structured Design Methodology
Object-Oriented Programming Structured Design Methodology Projects move methodically from one to the next step Generally, a step is finished before the next one begins

36 Waterfall Method

37 Pros - Cons of the Waterfall Method
Object-Oriented Programming Pros - Cons of the Waterfall Method Pros Cons Design must be specified on paper before programming begins Identifies systems requirements long before programming Begins, it minimizes change to the requirements as the project proceed (mature) Long time between system proposal and delivery of new system Rework is very hard

38 Object-Oriented Programming Parallel Development Addresses problem of time gap between proposal and delivery General process: Breaks project into parallel subproject Integrates them at the end

39 Parallel Development
Object-Oriented Programming Parallel Development

40 Rapid Application Development
Object-Oriented Programming Rapid Application Development Phased development A series of versions Prototyping System prototyping Throw-away prototyping Design prototyping

41 Rapid Application Development
Object-Oriented Programming Rapid Application Development Critical elements to speed up the SDLC: CASE tools Visual programming languages Code generators

42 RAD: Phased Development
Object-Oriented Programming RAD: Phased Development Break overall system into a series of versions Each version has Analysis, Design, and Implementation Output from on version is the input to the next Incorporate ideas, issues, lessons learned in one version into the next version

43 Object-Oriented Programming

44 RAD: Phased Development
Object-Oriented Programming RAD: Phased Development Pros Cons Gets useful system to users quickly Most important functions tested most Initial system is intentionally incomplete System requirements expand as users see versions

45 Object-Oriented Programming RAD: Prototyping Analysis, Design, Implementation are performed concurrently Start with a "quick-and-dirty" prototype Provides minimal functionality Repeat process, refining the prototype each time Stop when prototype is a working system

46 RAD: Prototyping Object-Oriented Programming

47 RAD: Prototyping Pros Cons
Object-Oriented Programming RAD: Prototyping Pros Cons Fast paced. Hard to conduct careful, methodical analysis Gets working system to users quickly Reassures users that the project is progressing Initial design decisions have long term staying power Problems may come to light late in design, requiring re-design Quickly refines true requirements

48 RAD: Throw-Away Prototyping
Object-Oriented Programming RAD: Throw-Away Prototyping Use prototypes only to understand requirements Example: use html to show UI Prototype is not a working design Once requirements are understood, the prototypes are thrown away The system is then built using SDLC

49 RAD: Throw-Away Prototyping
Object-Oriented Programming RAD: Throw-Away Prototyping

50 Agile Development Just a few rules that are easy to learn and follow
Object-Oriented Programming Agile Development Just a few rules that are easy to learn and follow Streamline the SDLC Eliminate much of the modeling and documentation Emphasize simple, iterative application development Examples include: Extreme Programming (XP) Scrum Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM)

51 Extreme Programming (XP)
Object-Oriented Programming Extreme Programming (XP) “Core Values” of XP Communication – All to All Simplicity – KISS, refactoring Feedback – Embrace Change Courage – Quality First, test and efficient coding

52 Extreme Programming (XP)
Object-Oriented Programming Extreme Programming (XP) User Stories about system do Code small program using defined standards Naming conventions Coding practices User Feedback Repeat

53 Extreme Programming (XP)
Object-Oriented Programming Extreme Programming (XP)

54 Selecting the Appropriate Methodology
Object-Oriented Programming Selecting the Appropriate Methodology Clarity of User Requirements Familiarity with Technology System Complexity System Reliability Short Time Schedules Schedule Visibility

55 Selecting the Right Methodology
Object-Oriented Programming Selecting the Right Methodology

56 Exercise: Selecting Methodology
Object-Oriented Programming Exercise: Selecting Methodology Suppose you are an analyst for the Roanoke Software Consulting Company (RSCC), a large consulting firm with offices around the world. The company wants to build a new knowledge management system that can identify and track the expertise of individual consultants anywhere in the world based on their education and the various consulting projects on which they have worked. Assume that this is a new idea that never done before been attempted in RSCC or elsewhere. RSCC has an international network, but the offices in each country may use somewhat different hardware and software. RSCC management wants the system up and running within a year.

57 The Unified Modelling Language (UML)
Object-Oriented Programming The Unified Modelling Language (UML)

58 Analysis Design Paradigm and Diagrams
Data-oriented  DFD Process-oriented  Flowchart Object-oriented (data + process)  UML

59 Booch, Jacobson, Rumbaugh
Sejarah UML In the 90s many people creating OO diagramming languages Three different ones created by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, James Rumbaugh Joined forces with Rational (company) to create Unified Modeling Langauge (UML) Booch, Jacobson, Rumbaugh

60 Sejarah UML  UML 2.0

61 What is the UML? UML: Unified Modeling Language
UML can be used for modeling all processes in the development life cycle and across different implementation technologies (technology and language independent) UML is the standard language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system

62 What is the UML? UML is an object-oriented modeling language
semi-formal (UML 2.0 added much more formality) process independent UML can be used with a variety software development process models customizable and extensible model structure (static) and behavioral (dynamic) aspects of a system UML is a communication tool – for the team, and other stakeholders A standard way to create a visual model

63 Why Modeling? Business Process Computer System
Modeling captures essential parts of the system (James Rumbaugh) Business Process Computer System Visual Modeling is modeling using standard graphical notations

64 The Triangle of Success in Software Dev.
Notation: Standard Tools: Support Standard and Process Process: Customer-Oriented Methodology

65 UML Tools Rational Rose Visual Paradigm Enterprise Architect
Microsoft Visio Star UML Netbeans UML Plugin

66 Collaboration Diagram Forward and Reverse Engineering
UML Diagrams Use-Case Diagram Statechart Diagram The point to be made is that the UML is the langua ge we use to visuall y model. Since it is a widely adopte d standa rd, it facilitat es the unders tandin g and comm unicati on of the visual model s we create. Activity and object diagrams are not shown on this slide. These diagrams can be used to model workflows in business process engineering. Class Diagram Use Case 1 GrpFile read( ) open( ) create( ) fillFile( ) rep Repository name : char * = 0 readDoc( ) readFile( ) (from Persistence) FileMgr fetchDoc( ) sortByName( ) DocumentList add( ) delete( ) Document name : int docid : int numField : int get( ) close( ) sortFileList( ) fillDocument( ) fList 1 FileList File read() fill the code.. Actor A Actor B Use Case 2 Use Case 3 Deployment Diagram Collaboration Diagram 9: sortByName ( ) Document FileManager GraphicFile File Repository DocumentList FileList mainWnd : MainWnd Window95 Windows95 1: Doc view request ( ) Windows95 L 2: fetchDoc( ) 4: create ( ) gFile : GrpFile ¹®¼­°ü¸® Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ®.EXE ¹®¼­°ü¸® ¾ÖÇø´ 8: fillFile ( ) Windows user : Clerk NT Solaris fileMgr : FileMgr ¹®¼­°ü¸® ¿£Áø.EXE 6: fillDocument ( ) 3: create ( ) Alpha Windows UNIX NT ÀÀ¿ë¼­¹ö.EXE 5: readDoc ( ) 7: readFile ( ) Mainframe IBM repository : Repository document : Document µ¥ÀÌŸº£À̽º¼­¹ö Component Diagram mainWnd fileMgr : FileMgr document : Document gFile repository user Target System Visual modeling with the UML makes application architecture tangible, permitting us to assess it in multiple dimensions. How portable is it? Can it exploit expected advances in parallel processing? How can you modify it to support a family of applications? We have discussed the importance of architectural resilience and quality. The UML enables us to evaluate these key characteristics during early iterations — at a point when design defects can be corrected before threatening project success. Advances in forward and reverse engineering techniques permit changes to an application’s model to be reflected automatically in its source code, and changes to its source code to be automatically reflected in its model. This is critical when using an iterative process, in which we expect such changes with each iteration. »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ¿äûÇÑ´Ù. ƯÁ¤¹®¼­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ º¸±â¸¦ 1: Doc view request ( ) 2: fetchDoc( ) 3: create ( ) 4: create ( ) 5: readDoc ( ) È­ÀÏ°ü¸®ÀÚ´Â Àоî¿Â °´Ã¼¿¡ ¼³Á¤À» ¿äûÇÑ´Ù. ¹®¼­ÀÇ Á¤º¸¸¦ ÇØ´ç ¹®¼­ 6: fillDocument ( ) 7: readFile ( ) 8: fillFile ( ) Forward and Reverse Engineering °´Ã¼µé¿¡ ´ëÇØ À̸§º°·Î È­¸é °´Ã¼´Â ÀоîµéÀÎ Á¤·ÄÀ» ½ÃÄÑ È­¸é¿¡ º¸¿©ÁØ´Ù. 9: sortByName ( ) Sequence Diagram Module 1 - Best Practices of Software Engineering

67 UML 2.0 UML version 2.0 has 14 diagrams in 2 major groups:
Object-Oriented Programming UML 2.0 UML version 2.0 has 14 diagrams in 2 major groups: Structure Diagrams Behavior Diagrams

68 UML 2.0 Diagram

69 UML Structure Diagrams
Represent the data and static relationships in an information system Class Diagram Object Diagram Package Diagram Deployment Diagram Component Diagram Composite Structure Diagram

70 Structure Diagrams Class Diagrams Object Diagrams Package Diagrams
Common vocabulary used by analyst and users Represent things (employee, paycheck,…) Shows the relationships between classes Object Diagrams Similar to class diagrams Instantiation of a class diagram Relationships between objects Package Diagrams Group UML elements together to form higher level constructs

71 Structure Diagrams Deployment Diagrams Component Diagrams
Shows the physical architecture and software components of system For example, network nodes Component Diagrams Physical relationships among software components Example – Client/Server (Which machines run which software) Composite Structure Illustrates internal structure of a complex class

72 UML Behavior Diagrams Depict the dynamic relationships among the instances or objects that represent the business information system Activity Diagram Timing Diagram Sequence Diagram Behavior State Machine Communication Diagram Protocol State Machine Interaction Diagram Use Case Diagrams

73 Behavior Diagrams Activity Diagrams Interaction Diagrams
Model processes in an information system Example: Business workflows, business logic Interaction Diagrams Shows interaction among objects Sequence Diagrams Time-based ordering of the interaction Communication Diagrams Communication among a set of collaborating objects of an activity

74 Behavior Diagrams Interaction Diagrams Timing Diagrams State Machines
Overview of flow of control of a process Timing Diagrams Show how an object changes over time State Machines Examines behavior of one class Models the different states and state transitions an object can experience Use-Case Diagrams Shows interaction between the system and environment Captures business requirements

75 UML Problems UML is modeling notation, it is not a development process or a methodology UML driven development process? UML is too complex, difficult to understand quickly Should we use all UML diagrams?

76 UML Process (Simple Version)
Object-Oriented Programming UML Process (Simple Version) Model the organization’s business process with activity diagram Display the boundary of a system and its major functions using use cases and actors Illustrate use case realizations with sequence diagrams Model the behavior of objects with activity diagrams Represent a static structure of a system using class diagrams Reveal the physical implementation architecture with deployment diagrams

77 UML Process (Simple Version)
Object-Oriented Programming UML Process (Simple Version) Activity Diagram (Business Process) Use Cases Diagram Sequence Diagram Activity Diagram Class Diagram Deployment Diagrams

78 (Kendall and Kendall, 2011)

79 Case Study: ATM System
Object-Oriented Programming Case Study: ATM System

80 ATM System Object-Oriented Programming

81 ATM System Layar Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi
Object-Oriented Programming ATM System Layar Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

82 Masukkan PIN: Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi
Object-Oriented Programming Masukkan PIN: Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

83 Menu Utama Melihat Saldo Mengirim Uang Mengambil Uang Logout
Object-Oriented Programming Menu Utama Melihat Saldo Mengirim Uang Mengambil Uang Logout Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

84 Saldo anda adalah …. Menu Melihat Saldo Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu
Object-Oriented Programming Menu Melihat Saldo Saldo anda adalah …. Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

85 No Account Penerima: Menu Mengirim Uang Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu
Object-Oriented Programming Menu Mengirim Uang No Account Penerima: Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

86 Jumlah uang yang dikirim:
Object-Oriented Programming Menu Mengirim Uang Jumlah uang yang dikirim: Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

87 Uang berhasil terkirim
Object-Oriented Programming Menu Mengirim Uang Uang berhasil terkirim Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

88 Jumlah uang yang diambil:
Object-Oriented Programming Menu Mengambil Uang Jumlah uang yang diambil: Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

89 Uang berhasil diambil Menu Mengambil Uang Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu
Object-Oriented Programming Menu Mengambil Uang Uang berhasil diambil Kotak Uang Kotak Kartu Kotak Kuitansi

90 Activity Diagram (Business Process)


92 Use Case Diagram

93 Use Case Diagram (Alternatif)

94 Use Case Diagram (Alternatif)

95 Sequence Diagram: Memasukkan Kartu

96 Type of Class Boundary Class Control Class Entity Class
Object-Oriented Programming Type of Class Boundary Class Class yang berhubungan dengan actor (user interface) Control Class Class yang berhubungan dengan pemrosesan, komputasi, penghitungan, dsb Entity Class Class yang berhubungan dengan data (flat file or database)

97 Sequence Diagram: Memasukkan PIN

98 Sequence Diagram: Melihat Saldo

99 Sequence Diagram: Mengirim Uang

100 Sequence Diagram: Mengambil Uang

101 Sequence Diagram: Melakukan Logout

102 Activity Diagram: Memasukkan Kartu

103 Activity Diagram: Memasukkan PIN

104 Class Diagram

105 Deployment Diagram (2 Tier)

106 Deployment Diagram (3 Tier)

107 Data Model

108 Object-Oriented Paradigm
Object-Oriented Programming Object-Oriented Paradigm

109 Konsep Dasar Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek
Object-Oriented Programming Konsep Dasar Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek Class , Object, Method, Attribute

110 Berorientasi Objek? Attribute: Topi, Baju, Jaket,
Object-Oriented Programming Berorientasi Objek? Attribute: Topi, Baju, Jaket, Tas Punggung, Tangan, Kaki, Mata Behavior: Cara Jalan ke Depan Cara Jalan Mundur Cara Belok ke Kiri Cara Memanjat

111 Berorientasi Objek? Attribute (State): Behavior:
Object-Oriented Programming Berorientasi Objek? Attribute (State): Ban, Stir, Pedal Rem, Pedal Gas, Warna, Tahun Produksi Behavior: Cara Menghidupkan Mesin Cara Manjalankan Mobil Cara Memundurkan Mobil Attribute  Variable(Member) Behavior  Method(Fungsi)

112 Perbedaan Class dan Object
Object-Oriented Programming Perbedaan Class dan Object Class: konsep dan deskripsi dari sesuatu Class mendeklarasikan method yang dapat digunakan (dipanggil) oleh object Object: instance dari class, bentuk (contoh) nyata dari class Object memiliki sifat independen dan dapat digunakan untuk memanggil method Contoh Class dan Object: Class: mobil Object: mobilnya pak Joko, mobilku, mobil berwarna merah

113 Perbedaan Class dan Object
Object-Oriented Programming Perbedaan Class dan Object Class seperti cetakan kue, dimana kue yg dihasilkan dari cetakan kue itu adalah object Warna kue bisa bermacam-macam meskipun berasal dari cetakan yang sama (object memiliki sifat independen)

114 Class = Method + Variable
Object-Oriented Programming Class = Method + Variable Class Sepeda gir kecepatan variable tampilkan kecepatan ubah gir method

115 Object = Method + Variable yg Memiliki Nilai
Object-Oriented Programming Object = Method + Variable yg Memiliki Nilai Object Sepedaku gir = 3 instance variable kecepatan = 10km/jam tampilkan kecepatan () kecepatan = 10 km/jam instance method ubah gir (2) gir = 5

116 Object-Oriented Programming Attribute Variable yang mengitari class, dengan nilai datanya bisa ditentukan di object Variable digunakan untuk menyimpan nilai yang nantinya akan digunakan pada program Variable memiliki jenis (tipe), nama dan nilai Name, age, dan weight adalah atribute (variabel) dari class Person

117 Membuat Class, Object dan Memanggil Atribut
Object-Oriented Programming Membuat Class, Object dan Memanggil Atribut public class Mobil { String warna; int tahunProduksi; } public class MobilBeraksi{ public static void main(String[] args){ // Membuat object Mobil mobilku = new Mobil(); /* memanggil atribut dan memberi nilai */ mobilku.warna = "Hitam"; mobilku.tahunProduksi = 2006; System.out.println("Warna: " + mobilku.warna); System.out.println("Tahun: " + mobilku.tahunProduksi); }

118 Latihan: Membuat Program dg Netbeans
Object-Oriented Programming Latihan: Membuat Program dg Netbeans Buka Netbeans IDE Ikuti langkah berikut

119 Object-Oriented Programming

120 Object-Oriented Programming

121 Object-Oriented Programming

122 Object-Oriented Programming

123 Object-Oriented Programming

124 Object-Oriented Programming

125 Object-Oriented Programming

126 Object-Oriented Programming

127 Object-Oriented Programming

128 Method Method adalah urutan instruksi yang mengakses data dari object
Object-Oriented Programming Method Method adalah urutan instruksi yang mengakses data dari object Method melakukan: Manipulasi data Perhitungan matematika Memonitor kejadian dari suatu event

129 Method Object-Oriented Programming

130 Membuat dan Memanggil Method
Object-Oriented Programming Membuat dan Memanggil Method public class Mobil2{ String warna; int tahunProduksi; void printMobil(){ System.out.println("Warna: " + warna); System.out.println("Tahun: " + tahunProduksi); } public class Mobil2Beraksi{ public static void main(String[] args){ Mobil2 mobilku = new Mobil2(); mobilku.warna = "Hitam"; mobilku.tahunProduksi = 2006; mobilku.printMobil(); }

131 Latihan Buat class Handphone yang berisi empat method: hidupkan()
Object-Oriented Programming Latihan Buat class Handphone yang berisi empat method: hidupkan() lakukanPanggilan() kirimSMS() matikan() Isi masing-masing method dengan tampilan status menggunakan System.out.println() Buat class HandphoneBeraksi, dan panggil method-method diatas dalam class tersebut

132 Latihan: Hasil Tampilan
Object-Oriented Programming Latihan: Hasil Tampilan Handphone hidup … Kring, kring, kring … panggilan dilakukan Dung, dung … sms berhasil terkirim Handphone mati …

133 Jenis Method: Mutator dan Accessor
Object-Oriented Programming Jenis Method: Mutator dan Accessor

134 Object-Oriented Programming Parameter Sepeda akan berguna apabila ada object lain yang berinterasi dengan sepeda tersebut Object software berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan object lain dengan cara mengirimkan message atau pesan Pesan adalah suatu method, dan informasi dalam pesan dikenal dengan nama parameter

135 Pengiriman Pesan dan Parameter
Object-Oriented Programming Pengiriman Pesan dan Parameter You  object pengirim YourBicycle  object penerima changeGears  pesan berupa method yang dijalankan lowerGear parameter yang dibutuhkan method (pesan) untuk dijalankan

136 Object-Oriented Programming

137 Object-Oriented Programming public class Sepeda{ int gir; // method (mutator) dengan parameter void setGir(int pertambahanGir) { gir= gir+ pertambahanGir; } // method (accessor) int getGir() { return gir;

138 Object-Oriented Programming public class SepedaBeraksi{ public static void main(String[] args) { // Membuat object Sepeda sepedaku = new Sepeda(); // Memanggil method dan menunjuk nilai parameter sepedaku.setGir(1); // menset nilai gir = 1 System.out.println(“Gir saat ini: “ + sepedaku.getGir()); sepedaku.setGir(3); // menambahkan 3 pada posisi gir saat ini (1) System.out.println(“Gir saat ini: “ + sepedaku.getGir()); }

139 Latihan: Class Matematika dan Parameter
Object-Oriented Programming Latihan: Class Matematika dan Parameter Buat Class bernama Matematika, yang berisi method dengan dua parameter: pertambahan(int a, int b) pengurangan(int a, int b) perkalian(int a, int b) pembagian(int a, int b) Buat Class bernama MatematikaBeraksi, yang mengeksekusi method dan menampilkan: Pertambahan: = 40 Pengurangan: 10-5 = 5 Perkalian: 10*20 = 200 Pembagian: 21/2 = 10

140 Object-Oriented Programming Variasi Tampilan pertambahan(int a, int b){ System.out.println(a + “ + “ + b + “ = “ + (a+b)) } System.out.println(“Hasil = “ + (a+b)) int hasil = a + b; System.out.println(“Hasil = “ + hasil)

141 Object-Oriented Programming Konstruktor -1- Method yang digunakan untuk memberi nilai awal pada saat object diciptakan Dipanggil secara otomatis ketika new digunakan untuk membuat instan class Sifat konstruktor: Nama konstruktor sama dengan nama class Tidak memiliki nilai balik dan tidak boleh ada kata kunci void

142 Konstruktor -2-
Konstruktor -2- Object-Oriented Programming public class Mobil { String warna; int tahunProduksi; public Mobil(String warna, int tahunProduksi){ this.warna = warna; this.tahunProduksi = tahunProduksi; } public void info(){ System.out.println("Warna: " + warna); System.out.println("Tahun: " + tahunProduksi); public class MobilKonstruktor{ public static void main(String[] args){ Mobil mobilku = new Mobil(“Merah”, 2003);; }

143 Object-Oriented Programming Kata Kunci this Digunakan pada pembuatan class dan digunakan untuk menyatakan object sekarang public class Mobil{ String warna; int tahunProduksi; void isiData(String aWarna, int aTahunProduksi){ warna = aWarna; tahunProduksi = aTahunProduksi; } public class Mobil{ String warna; int tahunProduksi; void isiData(String warna, int tahunProduksi){ this.warna = warna; this.tahunProduksi = tahunProduksi; }

144 Latihan Buat class Bank
Object-Oriented Programming Latihan Buat class Bank Buat konstruktor class Bank dengan parameter: saldo Buat method: simpanUang, ambilUang, dan getSaldo Buat class BankBeraksi, tetapkan saldo awal lewat konstruktur Rp , jalankan 3 method di atas, dan tampilkan proses sebagai berikut: Selamat Datang di Bank ABC Saldo awal: Rp Simpan uang: Rp Saldo saat ini: Rp Ambil uang: Rp Saldo saat ini: Rp

145 Karakteristik Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek
Object-Oriented Programming Karakteristik Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism

146 Object-Oriented Programming Abstraction Cara kita melihat suatu sistem dalam bentuk yang lebih sederhana, yaitu sebagai suatu kumpulan subsistem (object) yang saling berinteraksi. Mobil adalah kumpulan sistem pengapian, sistem kemudi, sistem pengereman Alat meng-abstraksikan sesuatu adalah class Object bersifat modularity. Object dapat ditulis dan dimaintain terpisah (independen) dari object lain

147 Object-Oriented Programming

148 Object-Oriented Programming

149 Object-Oriented Programming Encapsulation Mekanisme menyembunyikan suatu proses dan data dalam sistem untuk menghindari interferensi, dan menyederhanakan penggunaan proses itu sendiri Tongkat transmisi (gigi) pada mobil Tombol on/off/pengaturan suhu pada AC Class access level (public, protected, privat) adalah implementasi dari konsep encapsulation Enkapsulasi data dapat dilakukan dengan cara: mendeklarasikan instance variable sebagai private mendeklarasikan method yang sifatnya public untuk mengakses variable tersebut

150 Object-Oriented Programming

151 Encapsulation dan Access Modifier
Object-Oriented Programming Encapsulation dan Access Modifier Modifier Dalam Class yang Sama Dalam Package yang Sama Dalam SubClass Dalam Package Lain private tanpa tanda protected public   

152 Encapsulation Enkapsulasi data juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara:
Object-Oriented Programming Encapsulation Enkapsulasi data juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara: mendeklarasikan instance variable sebagai private mendeklarasikan method yang sifatnya public untuk mengakses variable tersebut

153 Object-Oriented Programming public class Sepeda{ int gir; void setGir(int pertambahanGir) { gir= gir+ pertambahanGir; } int getGir() { return gir;

154 Object-Oriented Programming public class SepedaBeraksi{ public static void main(String[] args) { Sepeda sepedaku = new Sepeda(); sepedaku.setGir(1); /* Variabel bisa diubah atau tidak sengaja diubah. Hal ini berbahaya dan sering menimbulkan bug. Berikan access modifier private pada instance variable */ sepedaku.gir = 3; System.out.println(“Gir saat ini: “ + sepedaku.getGir()); }

155 Object-Oriented Programming public class Sepeda{ private int gir; // access modifier private pada instance variable void setGir(int pertambahanGir) { gir= gir+ pertambahanGir; } int getGir() { return gir;

156 Inheritance (Pewarisan)
Object-Oriented Programming Inheritance (Pewarisan) Suatu class dapat mewariskan atribut dan method kepada class lain (subclass), serta membentuk class hierarchy Penting untuk Reusability Java Keyword: extends

157 Object-Oriented Programming public class Sepeda{ private int gir; void setGir(int pertambahanGir) { gir= gir+ pertambahanGir; } int getGir() { return gir;

158 Class SepedaGunung Mewarisi Class Sepeda
Object-Oriented Programming Class SepedaGunung Mewarisi Class Sepeda public class SepedaGunung extends Sepeda{ private int sadel; void setSadel (int jumlah) { sadel = getGir() - jumlah; } int getSadel(){ return sadel; public class SepedaGunungBeraksi { public static void main(String[] args) { SepedaGunung sg=new SepedaGunung(); sg.setGir(3); System.out.println(sg.getGir()); sg.setSadel(1); System.out.println(sg.getSadel()); }

159 Latihan: Inheritance Matematika
Object-Oriented Programming Latihan: Inheritance Matematika Buat class MatematikaCanggih yang merupakan inherit dari class Matematika Tambahkan method modulus(int a, int b) yang menghitung modulus dari a dan b Operator modulus adalah % Buat class MatematikaCanggihBeraksi yang memanggil method pertambahan, perkalian dan modulus

160 Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism Kemampuan untuk memperlakukan object yang memiliki perilaku (bentuk) yang berbeda Implementasi konsep polymorphism: Overloading: Kemampuan untuk menggunakan nama yang sama untuk beberapa method yang berbeda parameter (tipe dan atau jumlah) Overriding: Kemampuan subclass untuk menimpa method dari superclass, yaitu dengan cara menggunakan nama dan parameter yang sama pada method

161 Polymorphism – Overloading
Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism – Overloading class Mobil { String warna; int tahunProduksi; public Mobil(String warna, int tahunProduksi){ this.warna = warna; this.tahunProduksi = tahunProduksi; } public Mobil(){ void info(){ System.out.println("Warna: " + warna); System.out.println("Tahun: " + tahunProduksi); public class MobilKonstruktor{ public static void main(String[] args){ Mobil mobilku = new Mobil(“Merah”, 2003);; Mobil mobilmu = new Mobil();; }

162 Polymorphism – Overloading
Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism – Overloading class Lingkaran{ void gambarLingkaran(){ } void gambarLingkaran(int diameter){ ... void gambarLingkaran(int diameter, int x, int y){ ... void gambarLingkaran(int diameter, int x, int y, int warna, String namaLingkaran){ ...

163 Polymorphism - Overriding
Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism - Overriding public class Sepeda{ protected int gir; void setGir(int pertambahanGir) { gir= gir+ pertambahanGir; } int getGir() { return gir;

164 Polymorphism - Overriding
Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism - Overriding public class SepedaGunung extends Sepeda{ void setGir(int pertambahanGir) { super.setGir(pertambahanGir); gir = 2*getGir(); } public class SepedaGunungBeraksi { public static void main(String[] args) { SepedaGunung sg=new SepedaGunung(); sg.setGir(2); System.out.println(sg.getGir()); sg.setGir(3); }

165 Latihan: Overloading pada Matematika
Object-Oriented Programming Latihan: Overloading pada Matematika Kembangkan class Matematika, MatematikaCanggih dan MatematikaBeraksi Lakukan overloading pada Method yang ada (pertambahan, pengurangan, perkalian, pembagian, modulus) Tambahkan method baru bertipe data double (pecahan) dan memiliki 3 parameter: double a, double b, double c Uji di kelas MatematikaBeraksi dengan parameter pecahan: 12.5, 28.7, 14.2 Misalnya: pertambahan(12.5, 28.7, 14.2) pertambahan(12, 28, 14) pertambahan(23, 34) pertambahan(3.4, 4.9)

166 Object-Oriented Programming public class Matematika{ void pertambahan (int a, int b){ int hasil= a + b; System.out.println(“hasil:” + hasil); } void pertambahan (double a, double b, double c){ int hasil= a + b + c; ...

167 Object-Oriented Programming Summary -1- The systems analyst is a key person analyzing the business, identifying opportunities for improvement, and designing information systems to implement these ideas There are five major team roles: Business analyst Systems analyst Infrastructure analyst Change management analyst Project manager

168 Object-Oriented Programming Summary -2- The Systems Development Lifecycle consists of four stages: Planning, Analysis, Design, and Implementation The major development methodologies: Structured design Waterfall method Parallel development RAD development Phased Development Prototyping Throw-away Prototyping Agile development Extreme Programming

169 Summary -3- UML concepts are based on object-oriented paradigm
Object-Oriented Programming Summary -3- UML is the standard language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system UML version 2.0 has 14 diagrams in 2 groups: Structure Diagrams Behavior Diagrams UML concepts are based on object-oriented paradigm

170 Object-Oriented Programming Referensi Alan Dennis et al, Systems Analysis and Design with UML 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2013 Kenneth E. Kendall and Julie E Kendall, Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010 Hassan Gomaa, Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software Architectures, Cambridge University Press, 2011 Gary B. Shelly and Harry J. Rosenblatt, Systems Analysis and Design 9th Edition, Course Technology, 2011 Howard Podeswa, UML for the IT Business Analyst 2nd Edition, Thomson Course Technology, 2009 Jeffrey A. Hoffer et al, Modern Systems Analysis and Design 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012

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