Evolution of Educational Technology

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1 Evolution of Educational Technology
IMPACT Internet: Greatest impact TIME TIME 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

2 Rationale for using technology
Increased teacher productivity Freeing time to work with students Provide more accurate information quickly Produce more “student-friendly” materials (use of multimedia elements) Support for new instructional approaches Cooperative learning Shared Intelligence and knowledge Problem solving and higher-level skills Penggunaan teknologi secara rasional Dukungan Pendekatan Instruksional Baru:1. pembelajaran kooperatif 2. keseimbangan Intelegensi dan pengetahuan 3. keahlian tingkat tinggi dlm pemecahan masalah Peningkatan produktivitas guru: 1. Penyediaan waktu kerjasama antara guru dg siswa dlm pmbljaran 2.Penyediaan informasi dg cpt & akurat 3. Mmbuat bhn2 ajar yg menarik bgi siswa 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

3 Rationale for using technology
Motivation Gain learner attention Engage learner through productive activity Increased perception of control Unique instructional capabilities Link learners to information resources Help learners visualize problems and solutions through images and animation Track learners progress Link learners to learning tools Enggage = mengajak 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

4 Definitions of e-learning
'E-learning refers to learning activities that involve computers and networks. (The Internet and intranets are considered networks.) E-learning does not require learning materials to be delivered by computer, but computers and networks must be involved in this type of learning. (Becta, UK) 'DEL (distributed and electronic learning) can be represented as a spectrum ranging from Internet-supported distance learning in which the learner has limited physical contact with the tutor or other learners, to teacher-led, classroom-based activity which is interspersed with occasional computer-delivered or facilitated assignments.‘ (Edna, Australia) Involve=melibatkan 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

5 Traditional and Technology-based approaches Traditional Classroom
Physical – limited size Synchronous Unlimited Anytime, anywhere Content Using Power Point/ transparency/etc Textbooks/library Video Collaboration Multimedia / simulation Digital library On demand Syn & Asynchronous Communication Personalisation One learning path Learning path and pace determined by learner 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

6 The Role of the Teacher/Instructor
PERANAN GURU/INSTRUKTUR KONSTRUKTIV:1.Fasilitatormncoba memberi ksmptn& smber daya kpd siswa utk mencari & mmbangun konsep pembelajaran 2. hal terpenting pd pemberian instruksi adlh membuat siswa mau berpikir ttg mteri ajar 3. dya trik & usaha:Biarkn siswa kritis& trtarik mngerjakn tgs akdemik. Dya trik siswa & usahanya jauh lbh penting darpd materi pljran itu sendiri TRADISIONAL: 1. Sbg “explainer”, sbnrnya siswa tdk mau belajar samapai guru menuntun materi tsb, menunjukkan dan melatih scr khusus 2. Isi kurikulum adlh hal terpenting dan menunjukan apa yg diinginkan oleh siswa utk diketahui dan dilakukan 3.Motivasi jg penting bt siswa 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

7 The Challenges of Education Today
Liberal arts education to vocational education and human resource development creating “knowledge workers” in science and technology Theoretical to practical Single discipline to Multidisciplinary to Integrated Knowledge Knowledge as Truth to Knowledge as Relative Childhood to Adult to Lifelong learning Education for a few to Education for all (democratization of education) Learning as an individual process to Learning as an institutional phenomenon (learning organizations) Teacher-centred to Student-centred Rote learning to Learning as reflection and application Face-to-face to Distance to E-learning to Mobile learning TANTANGN PENDIDIKAN SKRG: 1. PNDIDIKAN YG CNDERUNG BBS PD SMK & PENGEMBANGAN SDM (memciptakan tenaga ahli yg paham dg iptek). 2. teori menuu praktek 3. disiplin tunggal menuju multi-didiplin utk kesatuan ilmu pengetahuan 4. pengetahuan sbg suatu kebenaran mnuju pengetahuan sbg hal yang relatif (msh bs brkmbng dinamis) 5 Anak2 mnju dewasa dan pmbljrn seumur hidup 6. Pendidikan bt sgelintir org mnuju semua org (demokrasi pendidkn) 7. pmbljrn individu mnuju gabungan 8.guru yg terpusat mnuju fokus ke siswa skrg 9. mnuju aplikasi Pembelajarn 10.face to face mnuju pmbljrn jrk jauh dan pmbljrn yg brgerak mobile dan dinamis 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

8 Conclusion Integrating educational technology refers to the process of determining which electronic tools and which methods for implementing them are appropriate for a given situation and problem Direct technology resources to specific problems and needs Instructional technology resources for students Productivity applications for teachers Anticipate and plan for change Separate fad from fact Kesatuan teknologi pendidikan artinya proses pmbljran yg mggunankn alat2 elektronik dan metode2 yg sesuai dg isi bhn ajar sesuai dg sikon, 1.Sumber daya teknologi scr lngsung mnuju pokok prmslahan: teknolgi instruksonal pd siswa dan aplikasi roduktif pd guru 2.Antisipatif dan Perencanaan mnghadapi perubahan 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

9 ? The Premise Today ICT Information and Communication Technologies
9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

10 The Problem Most assumes single learner, self-paced learning
Often little more than textbooks online? Content centric, transmission model of education what is the implied pedagogy? MASALAH:1. Kbnyakan siswa menganggap hanya mempelajari materi yg diajarkan oleh guru 2.Kdg2 terkesan cm textbook belaka 3.Terlalu pd bahn ajar tanpa mengembangkan klbih lnjut,nah…apak implikasinya dg pedagogik? 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

11 Academic shovelware…. “The extent to which a student gains the same pedagogical benefit from a printout of your Web resources as from the resources themselves is the extent to which you have done nothing of the pedagogical value of using the Web.” (Fraser, 1999) Akan terjadi peningkatan secra pedagogik atas apa yang dikembangkan oleh siswa mlalui sumber2 pmbljarn lain sprti Web dan berkembangnya nilai2 pedagogik yg telah Anda lakukan dg Web 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

12 What is needed in e-learning?
A rethinking of learning activities and interactions: Learner engagement A meaningful and authentic context for learning A setting that challenges learners A provision for practice Choice of the right tool for the pedagogical task (Boud & Prosser, 2002) Apa yang diperlukan dlm E-learning? Suatu pemikiran ulang pd interaksi aktivitas belajar:1. pelajar belajar berkesinambungn 2.Konteks pmbljaran yg bermanfaat 3. Menciptakan tantangn pd peljar 4.gambaran pd penerapan materi ajar 5.Pilihan alat tepat guna untuk tgs2 pedagogik 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

13 Technology affordances
Enable visual and oral information display within a software Supports constructivist, problem-focused philosophical orientation Increased recognition of social collaboration as part of learning Computer Mediated communication allows collaboration breaking the nexus of time and location Increasing modularisation of individual elements that are retrieved from databases and employed in varied contexts. Penyajian informasi yang bisa sec visual dan oral dlm software 2. beorientasi pd pemecahn pokok permasalhan 3. meningkatkan kolaborasi sosial untuk mendukung pmbljrn 4. komputer utk tujuan komunikasi menghemat jarak dan waktu 5. Pegmbangan modul dlm konteks beragam 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

14 Introducing Learning Design
Learning Design is a name given to a new field of e-learning technology Learning Design = Sequence of Collaborative Learning Activities Learning Design can incorporate single learner content, but also collaborative tasks or activities such as discussion, voting, small group debate etc. “Wraps” a single-learner Learning Objects with a sequence of collaborative tasks “Design Pembelajaran” adlh sebuah nama yg diberikan utk bidang baru pd teknlgi e-learning 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

15 Anatomy of e-learning Outcome Digital Asset (LO) Learning Design
Support Assessment Create Evaluate Synthesize Analyze Apply Recall Photograph Diagram/ Map Text Simulation Animation Video clip Audio clip Musical score Journal (blog) Tutorial Case study Presentation Games WebQuest Experiment Role-playing Trouble shooting Problem solving Composing E-portfolio FAQ Checklists Self checking Collaboration with others Links to other resources Filing system/ briefcase Self test, Quiz, Essay, Report Journal, Plan/Blueprint, Visual Representation, Hypothesis/ Prognosis, Presentation, Peer critique 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

16 Definitions of Learning Object
“Any digital resource that can be reused to support learning.” (Wiley, 2002) “ Learning objects are sometimes defined as being educational resources that can be employed in technology-supported learning.” McGreal (2004) “Learning objects are digital materials used to create online courses where these materials are modular, interoperable, reusable and discoverable.” Downes, Stephen(2004) “A learning object is “an aggregation of one or more digital assets, incorporating metadata, which represents an educationally meaningful stand-alone unit.’ Dalziel (2003) 4. “A learning object is a self-contained block of learning that fulfills a single, stated learning objective.”– American Society for Training & Development.[1] [1] See Next 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

17 e-Learning Model 9/17/2018 Seminar LKS-2008

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