Judul Penelitian Oleh:.

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1 Judul Penelitian Oleh:

2 Latar Belakang Fenomena apa yang menjadi ketertarikan peneliti?
Apa pentingnya meneliti topik penelitian yang diajukan? The basic idea of sampling is that by selecting some of the elements in a population, we may draw conclusions about the entire population. A population element is the individual participant or object on which the measurement is taken. It is the unit of study. It may be a person but it could also be any object of interest. A population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to make some inferences. A census is a count of all the elements in a population. A sample frame is the listing of all population elements from which the sample will be drawn.

3 Tujuan Penelitian Bukti empiris/alternatif solusi terhadap permasalahan seperti apakah yang hendak ditelaah melalui penelitian yang akan dilakukan The basic idea of sampling is that by selecting some of the elements in a population, we may draw conclusions about the entire population. A population element is the individual participant or object on which the measurement is taken. It is the unit of study. It may be a person but it could also be any object of interest. A population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to make some inferences. A census is a count of all the elements in a population. A sample frame is the listing of all population elements from which the sample will be drawn.

4 Model Penelitian Manfaat finansial Kemudahan Transaksi Reputasi
promo merchant gebyar bca suku bunga e-banking Cdm flazz Kemudahan Transaksi Reputasi Jumlah merchant kolega Transaksi- Lokal/internasional This slide lists the reasons researchers use a sample rather than a census. Keluasan Transaksi

5 Hipotesis Penelitian H1 : Persepsi manfaat finansial berdampak positif
pada reputasi H2 : Kemudahan transaksi berdampak positif H3 : Keluasan transaksi finansial berdampak positif This slide lists the reasons researchers use a sample rather than a census.

6 Metodologi Penelitian
Objek Penelitian Jumlah sampel dan teknik sampling Operasionalisasi variabel Teknik analisis data This slide lists the reasons researchers use a sample rather than a census.

7 Hasil Analisis Uji validitas dan reliabilitas pengukuran Faktor
indikator Muatan faktor Cronbach alpha Manfaat finansial promo merchant 0,727 (valid) 0,646 (cukup reliabel) gebyar bca 0,695 (valid) suku bunga 0,877 (valid) Kemudahan transaksi e-banking 0,714 (valid) 0,6 cdm 0,751 (valid) flazz 0,609 (valid) Keluasan transaksi jumlah merchant 0,715 (valid) 0,556 (kurang reliabel) kolega 0,867 (valid) Transaksi lokal internasional 0,641 (valid)

8 Hasil Analisis Coefficient of determination 0,357  35,7% variasi variabel bebas dapat dijelaskan oleh model penelitian F-test, F=6,513 (p-value 0,001)  secara keseluruhan model penelitian berpengaruh pada variabel bebas variabel p-value Kesimpulan Manfaat finansial 0,727 (valid) H1 tidak didukung data Kemudahan transaksi 0,609 (valid) H2 didukung data Keluasan transaksi 0,715 (valid) H3 tidak didukung data Semua nilai VIF dibawah 5 yang berarti tidak ada indikasi multicollinearity

9 Kesimpulan Jawaban atas tujuan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan pada bagian awal penelitian

10 Contoh Uji Validitas Reliabilitas

11 Contoh hasil analisis regresi

12 Contoh hasil analisis regresi

13 Contoh hasil uji beda One sample t-test Independent sample t-test

14 Contoh hasil uji beda Paired sample t-test

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