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MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK Dosen Pengajar Fauzan Asmara.

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1 MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK Dosen Pengajar Fauzan Asmara

2 Buku-buku Manajemen Strategik
Strategic Management, Pearce & Robinson Strategic Management, Hill & Jones Strategic Management, A. Hitt ; ireland; Hoskisson Managing the Strategy Process, Cakravarthy Concept of Strategic Management, Fred R. David Strategic Management, Arnold C. Hax Strategic Management, Concept and Casas, Arthur Thompson Manajemen Strategik, Suwarsono

3 The Nature and Value of Strategic Management
(Hakekat dan Manfaat Manajemen Strategik)

4 The History of Strategic Management
􀂾 Basic Financial Management - to meet the budget, 􀂾 Forecast based planning – predict the future, 􀂾 Externally oriented planning – think strategically, 􀂾 Strategic management – create the future.

5 Strategic Management Is defined as the set of decisions and actions that result in the formulation and implementation of strategic designed to achieve a company’s objectives

6 Dimensi- dimensi Keputusan Strategik
Membutuhkan keputusan manajemen puncak. Membutuhkan alokasi sumber daya perusahaan dalam skala besar. Mempengaruhi kesejahteraan perush dalam jangka panjang Berorientasi kemasa depan Mempunyai konsekuensi multifungsional/ multibisnis Harus mempertimbangkan lingkungan eksternal

7 3 Tingkatan Manajemen Strategik
Corporate Level (Dewan Direksi, Presdir) - Merumuskan visi dan misi perusahaan - Analisis internal dan eksternal - Analisis pilihan-pilihan strategik Business Level (Direktur, Direks, GM) - Menyusun rencana jangka panjang - Merumuskan Grand Strategy Functional Level (Manager) - Menyusun rencana jangka pendek - Merumuskan strategi fungsional dan implementasi

8 Manfaat Manajemen Strategik
Memperkuat kemampuan perusahaan mencegah masalah Formulasi keputusan berdasarkan kelompok menghasilkan pilihan strategi terbaik Mempertinggi motivasi SDM Mengurangi tumpang tindih kegiatan Penolakan terhadap perubahan berkurang

9 Strategic Management Model
COMPANY MISSION What is Posible External Enviraonment Operting Industry And Multinational Analysis COMPANY PROFILE Feed Back What is Desired? Feed Back Strategic Analysis and Choice Long – Term objectives Grand Strategies Policies Annual Objectives Functional Strataegies Institutionalizing the Strategies Legend: Major Impact Minor Impact Control and Evaluation

Company mission (misi perusahaan) Company profile (profil perusahaan) External environment (lingkungan eksternal) Strategic analysis and choice (analisis dan pilihan strategik) Long-term objectives (sasaran jangka panjang) Grand strategy (strategi umum) Annual objectives (sasaran tahunan) Functional strategies (strategi fungsional) Policies (kebijakan) Institutionalizing the strategy (melembagakan strategi) Control and evaluation (pengendalian dan evaluasi)

11 3 (tiga) Bentuk Proses Berpikir
Berpikir sistem mekanik intuisi Berpikir strategik Bentuk masalah Proses Berpikir pemecahan Optimalisasi lokal atau melihat pohon tidak hutannya Penyusunan kembali elemen- elemen Perubahan atau pergantian bentuk

12 How The Process of Strategic Decision have been made?
Strategic Management How The Process of Strategic Decision have been made? Copyright 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

13 Karunia Allah Kepada Manusia Sebagai Khalifah di muka bumi
Architecture of Human Brain Karunia Allah Kepada Manusia Sebagai Khalifah di muka bumi Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

14 NEURONS TRICELL Sinaps Neutrotransmitter
Pyotr Anokhin Manusia memiliki ratusan milyar neuron. Kepandaian tidak ditentukan volume otak, tetapi ditentukan oleh INTERCONECTION antar neuron atau CIRCUIT. TRICELL Sinaps Neutrotransmitter asetilkolin, serotonin, norepinefrin CIRCUIT Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

15 Orang pintar : interconection otak rapat, banyak dan jauh.
Neuron berkembang sejak bayi dalam kandungan Setelah lahir berada pada tahap pematangan Exposure stimulus perlu dirancang sejak dini Orang pintar : interconection otak rapat, banyak dan jauh. Orang bodoh: interconection otak renggang, jarang dan pendek. Otak harus mengkonsumsi banyak ilmu agar sehat, awet dan bugar. Copyright, 2005, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.


17 Sisanya dipengaruhi oleh EQ dan SQ
KESUKSESAN BISNIS Daniel Goleman, Ph.D Pengaruh IQ hanya % Sisanya dipengaruhi oleh EQ dan SQ Copyright 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

18 Neocortex Otak berfikir dan berbahasa (alam sadar)
Brain Mapping Neocortex Otak berfikir dan berbahasa (alam sadar) Limbic Pusat emosi Amigdala Gudang ingatan emosional Pengendali alam sadar Kabel pemicu syaraf Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

19 Alam Bawah Sadar menjalankan super program, menghasilkan out-put :
Sukses Bisnis Citra Diri dan Perusahaan Nasib Perusahaan Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

20 Copyright 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.
Gelombang Otak Herz Beta Sadar 14 Herz Alfa Sadar+relax 7 Theta 3,5 - 7 Herz 1/2 Sadar 4 0,5 - 3,5 Herz Delta tidur Copyright 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

21 Hemisphere of Human Brain
logic imaginative SISI EKSPERIMEN SISI RASIONAL analitic intuitive numeric holistic empiric creativity verbal synthesising Strategic plan emotional intrapersonal organize interpersonal control kinestetic sequential music, artistic adversity detail SISI PELINDUNG SISI EMOSIONAL IQ EQ

22 Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.
KINERJA PUNCAK OTAK Strategic 1O X COHERENCE Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

MUSIC ARTISTIC PANORAMIC PICTURE RELIGIOUS RITUAL GOOD ATMOSPHERE JOKE & FUN LOVE Otak Maksimal dlm gelombang Alfa Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

24 Energy and Emotion Robert E. Thayer (California State University)
Tense – Energy Calm – Energy Tense – Tiredness Calm - Tiredness Mental & Emotional Overdrive increase EQ (C x E) - (T x F) = M C = Calmness; E = Energy; T = Tension; F = Fatigue

25 Spiritual Quotient Kemampuan memberi makna puncak spiritual (ultimate meaning) bersumber dari suara hati ilahiah (fitrah) dan menjadikan Tuhan sebagai pusat orbit dan kita senantiasa berada di garis orbit- Nya. Spiritual Experience (Pare-line) Osilasi 40 Herz Copyright, 2005, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

26 SUARA HATI ILAHIAH dari Pusat Orbit
Pengasih sesama Berhati jernih Menguasai diri Cinta Damai Kejujuran Kreatif Pemaaf Murah hati Empati Objektif Berilmu Adil Mensyukuri Bersikap mulia Berhati lapang Kebenaran Komitmen Konsisten Mandiri Inovatif Bersikap terpuji Memiliki skill Enerjik Selalu Menghargai Sinergis Ikhlas Pemberi manfaat Inspirator Estetis Pendelegasi Sabar Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu mengeluarkan dari bani Adam keturunannya dari sulbinya, dan Allah mengambil kesaksian terhadap jiwa mereka (seraya berkata): “Bukankah Aku ini Tuhanmu?”. Mereka menjawab: “Betul (Engkau Tuhan kami) kami bersaksi.” Al- A’raaf 172

27 Copyright, 2005, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.
Jernihkan GOD SPOT ZERO MIND PROCESS Prasangka negatif Prinsip Hidup Pengaruh God Spot Pengalaman Pengaruh Prioritas Pengaruh Copyright, 2005, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

28 Rumus ZMP Bangkitkan “Raksasa tidur” dalam diri Anda 1/0 = ~
Jika Anda ikhlas dan jernih (=0) maka Anda akan mendekati yang Maha Tak Terhingga yaitu Tuhan Bersihkan diri Anda dari Belenggu (Zero Mind Process) Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

29 ESQ Processing System EQ SQ IQ Orientasi Materialisme
Orientasi Spiritualisme Emosi tdk terkendali Emosi terkendali Marah, sedih, cemas Tenang, damai, ikhlas God Spot terbelenggu God Spot terbuka Suara hati bekerja Suara hati tertutup Logika tdk bekerja normal IQ, EQ, SQ terpisah Split personality IQ, EQ, SQ terintegrasi Personality Balance EQ SQ IQ Logika bekerja normal

30 Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.
4 tipe Manusia Hasil IQ EQ SQ Low Low Buta Hati High High High Low Koruptor Low Low Petapa High Manusia Paripurna High High High Copyright, 2006, Fauzan Asmara & Associates, Inc.

31 Management Strategic Comprehensive Strategic Model
The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis Internal Analysis/Company Profile Fauzan Asmara

32 Strategic Management Model
COMPANY MISSION What is Possible External Environment Operating Industry And Multinational Analysis COMPANY PROFILE Feed Back What is Desired? Feed Back Strategic Analysis and Choice Long – Term objectives Grand Strategies Policies Annual Objectives Functional Strategies Institutionalizing the Strategies Legend: Major Impact Minor Impact Control and Evaluation

33 The External Environment:
Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson 1

34 Components of the General Environment
Political/Legal Economic Technological Global Demographic Sociocultural Competitive Environment Industry Environment Components of the General Environment 10

35 Components of the General Environment

36 External Environmental Analysis
Scanning Monitoring Forecasting Assessing Identifying early signals of environmental changes and trends Detecting meaning through ongoing observations of environmental changes and trends Developing projections of anticipated outcomes based on monitored changes and trends Determining the timing and importance of environmental changes and trends for firms' strategies and their management 10

37 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Porter’s Five Forces Model of Competition Threat of New Entrants Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Suppliers Rivalry Among Competing Firms in Industry Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of Substitute Products 23

38 Competitor Analysis Identifying the company’s competitor
Assessing competitors’ objectives, strategies, strengths, and weaknesses, and reaction patterns Selecting which competitors to attack or avoid 38

39 The Internal Environment:
Resources, Capabilities and Core Competencies Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson ©2000 South-Western College Publishing 1

40 Sustainable Competitive Advantage
External Environment What the Firm Might Do? Sustainable Competitive Advantage Internal Environment What the Firm Can Do? 5

41 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

42 The purpose of SWOT Analysis
It is an easy-to-use tool for developing an overview of a company’s strategic situation It forms a basis for matching your company’s strategy to its situation

43 Strengths A STRENGTH is something a company is good at doing or a characteristic that gives it an important capability. Possible Strengths: Name recognition Proprietary technology Cost advantages Skilled employees Loyal Customers

44 Weaknesses A WEAKNESS is something a company lacks or does poorly (in comparison to others) or a condition that places it at a disadvantage Possible Weaknesses: Poor market image Obsolete facilities Internal operating problems Poor marketing skills

45 Strengths and Weakness form a basis for INTERNAL analysis
By examining strengths, you can discover untapped potential or identify distinct competencies that helped you succeed in the past. By examining weaknesses, you can identify gaps in performance, vulnerabilities, and erroneous assumptions about existing strategies.

46 Discovering Core Competencies
Resources * Tangible Intangible Capabilities Teams of Sources of Core Competencies Competitive Advantage Strategic Competitiveness Above-Average Returns Gained through Core Competencies Discovering Criteria of Sustainable Advantages Valuable Rare Costly to Imitate Nonsubstitutable * 7

47 Core Competencies What a firm Does... that is Strategically Valuable
Core Competencies must be: Valuable Capabilities that either help a firm to exploit opportunities to create value for customers or to neutralize threats in the environment Rare Capabilities that are possessed by few, if any, current or potential competitors Costly to Imitate Capabilities that other firms cannot develop easily, usually due to unique historical conditions, causal ambiguity or social complexity Nonsubstitutable Capabilities that do not have strategic equivalents, such as firm-specific knowledge or trust-based relationships 42

48 Key Issues of Business-Level Strategy
What good or service to offer customers How to manufacture or create the good or service How to distribute the good or service in the marketplace

49 The Central Role of Customers
In selecting a business-level strategy, the firm determines 1. who it will serve? 2. what needs those target customers have that it will satisfy? 3. how those needs will be satisfied ?

50 Quality Dimensions of Goods & Services
Product Quality Dimensions: Perceived quality Subjective assessment of characteristics (product image) Performance Operating characteristics Features Important special characteristics Flexibility Meeting operating specifications over time Durability Amount of use before performance deteriorates Conformance Match with pre-established standards Serviceability Ease and speed of repair or normal service Aesthetics How a product looks and feels 54

51 Quality Dimensions of Goods & Services
Service Quality Dimensions: Timeliness Performed in promised period of time Courtesy Performed cheerfully Consistency Giving all customers similar experiences Convenience Accessibility to customers Completeness Fully serviced, as required Accuracy Performed correctly each time 54

52 Strategy Implementation
Strategies in Action Long-Term Objectives Grand Strategies Strategy Implementation Fauzan Asmara

53 Nature of Long-Term Objectives
Strategies in Action Nature of Long-Term Objectives (Results expected from pursuing certain strategies; time line 2 to 5 years) Quantitative Measurable Realistic Understandable Challenging Hierarchical Obtainable Congruent among organizational units © 2001 Prentice Hall

54 Nature of Long-Term Objectives
Strategies in Action Nature of Long-Term Objectives Objectives are associated with a time line and stated in terms: Growth in assets Growth in sales Profitability Market share HRD Increasing Capability Social responsibility © 2001 Prentice Hall

55 Nature of Long-Term Objectives
Strategies in Action Nature of Long-Term Objectives Objectives are the basis for: Designing jobs Organizing activities Providing direction Organizational synergy Standards for evaluation © 2001 Prentice Hall

56 Grand Strategies Vertical Integration Strategies Forward integration
Backward integration Horizontal integration © 2001 Prentice Hall

57 Grand Strategies Forward Integration Example Defined
General Motors mengakuisisi 10 persen saham dealer Forward Integration Defined Memperoleh kepemilikan atau meningkatkan kendali atas distributor atau dealer © 2001 Prentice Hall

58 Grand Strategies Backward Integration Example Defined
Hotel membeli perusahaan biro perjalanan; mebel;etc. Backward Integration Defined Mendapatkan kepemilikian atau meningkatkan kendali atas pemasok © 2001 Prentice Hall

59 Horizontal Integration
Grand Strategies Horizontal Integration Example Hotel Hilton membeli Hotel Promus Defined Mendapatkan kepemilikan atau mengambil alih perusahaan pesaing © 2001 Prentice Hall

60 Grand Strategies Intensive Strategies Market penetration
Market development Product development © 2001 Prentice Hall

61 Grand Strategies Market Penetration Example Defined
Unilever membelanjakan uang untuk iklan TV sebesar 1.2 Trilyun sepanjang tahun 2005 Defined Meningkatkan pangsa pasar dengan produk dan jasa yang ada pada pasar yang ada dengan usaha-usaha pemasaran © 2001 Prentice Hall

62 Memperkenalkan produk atau jasa yang ada pada daerah atau pasar baru
Grand Strategies Market Development Example Fren pemain seluler CDMA sekarang mulai merambah ke Makasar dan palembang setelah Jawa, Madura dan Bali Defined Memperkenalkan produk atau jasa yang ada pada daerah atau pasar baru © 2001 Prentice Hall

63 Apel mengembangkan Chip G4 yang memiliki kecepatan 500 megahertz.
Grand Strategies Product Development Example Apel mengembangkan Chip G4 yang memiliki kecepatan 500 megahertz. Defined Merubah atau memodifikasi produk perusahaan dan dijual pada pasar yang sudah ada © 2001 Prentice Hall

64 Grand Strategies Diversification Strategies Concentric diversification
Conglomerate diversification © 2001 Prentice Hall

65 Grand Strategies Concentric Diversification Defined Example
Sebuah bank membeli perusahaan asuransi. Defined Menambah produk atau jasa baru, yang masih berkaitan (pasar, produk, dan teknologi) © 2001 Prentice Hall

66 Grand Strategies Conglomerate Diversification Defined Example
PT. Sampoerna mulai melirik bisnis properti untuk kelangsungan hidup grup sampoerna Defined Menambah produk atau jasa baru yang tidak berkaitan © 2001 Prentice Hall

67 Grand Strategies Defensive Strategies Joint venture Retrenchment
Divestiture Liquidation © 2001 Prentice Hall

68 Grand Strategies Joint Venture Defined Example
Lucent Technologies and Philips Electronic NV formed Philips Consumer Communications to make and sell telephones. Defined Dua atau lebih perusahaan mensposnori untuk membentuk perusahaan baru terpisah dengan tujuan yang sama © 2001 Prentice Hall

69 Grand Strategies Retrenchment Turn Around Defined Example
Perusahaan Perkebunan Negara merampingkan organisasi; melakukan rasionalisasi; pengurangan perjalanan dinas dan fasilitas mewah untuk menekan kerugian. Defined Mengubah pengelompokan melalui pengurangan biaya dan aset untuk memperbaiki penjualan dan laba yang menurun. © 2001 Prentice Hall

70 Selling a division or part of an organization
Grand Strategies Divestiture Example Harcourt General, the large US publisher, is selling its Neiman Marcus division. Defined Selling a division or part of an organization © 2001 Prentice Hall

71 Grand Strategies Liquidation Defined Example
Bank Summa menjual seluruh asetnya untuk menutup kewajibannya Defined Selling all of a company’s assets, in parts, for their tangible worth © 2001 Prentice Hall

72 Contoh Soal Toyota mendirikan AUTO 2000 untuk mendukung penjualan dan jaringan service di seluruh Indonesia. Indofood mengakuisisi PT. Bogasari untuk menjamin kelancaran pasokan gandumnya. SCTV mendirikan ScFm di Surabaya. Kartu kredit city Bank yang tadinya dijual ke pengusaha sekarang juga merambah ke kalangan mahasiswa. Indofood yang sudah memiliki produk Indomie akhirnya juga mengakuisisi Sarimie dan Supermie

73 Michael Porter’s Generic Strategies
Cost Leadership Strategies Differentiation Strategies Focus Strategies © 2001 Prentice Hall

74 Five Generic Strategies
Competitive Advantage Cost Uniqueness Cost Leadership Differentiation Broad target Integrated Cost Leadership/ Differentiation Competitive Scope Narrow target Focused Cost Leadership Focused Differentiation © 2001 Prentice Hall

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