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Jalur pendidikan UU no 20 tahun 2003
Formal (Belajar di sekolah) Nonformal (Belajar di masyarakat) Informal ( Belajar di Keluarga) Belajar di Masyarakat Pendidikan TK, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK, PT Belajar di Masyarakat PKBM SKB LKP MAJELIS TAKLIM KELOMPOK BELAJAR RUMAH PINTAR LEMBAGA PAUD Belajar di keluarga Pendidikan di keluarga Home schooling (belajar di rumah) Dikelola, dididik oleh PTK yg terorganisasi serta terstruktur untuk anak, remaja, pemuda dan mahasiswa Dikelola, dididik dan untuk anak dan anggota keluarga Dari oleh dan untuk masyarakat Yg masih perlu di tata agar tidak menyimpang dengan UU adalah : sekolah rumah, sekolah alam, home schooling yg di masyarakat (alias PKBM Home schooling), pembelajaran online. Tidak dimatikan tetapi dicarikan jalan keluar agar legalitasnya jelas
WHAT IS HOMESCHOOLING ? Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home. Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor.[1] Many families that start out with a formal school structure at home often switch to less formal ways of imparting education outside of school.[2] "Homeschooling" is the term commonly used in North America, whereas "home education" is more commonly used in the United Kingdom,[3] elsewhere in Europe, and in many Commonwealth countries.
Motivations for Homeschooling
Parents cite two main motivations for homeschooling their children: dissatisfaction with the local schools and the interest in increased involvement with their children's learning and development. Parents' dissatisfaction with available schools includes concerns about the school environment, the quality of academic instruction, the curriculum, and bullying as well as lack of faith in the school's ability to cater to their child's special needs. Some parents homeschool in order to have greater control over what and how their children are taught, to better cater for children's individual aptitudes and abilities adequately, to provide a specific religious or moral instruction, and to take advantage of the efficiency of one-to-one instruction, which allows the child to spend more time on childhood activities, socializing, and non-academic learning.
Structured versus Unstructured
All other approaches to homeschooling are subsumed under two basic categories: structured and unstructured homeschooling. Structured homeschooling includes any method or style of home education that follows a basic curriculum with articulated goals and outcomes. This style attempts to imitate the structure of the traditional school setting while personalizing the curriculum to fit the parents' world view. Unstructured homeschooling is any form of home education where parents to not construct a curriculum at all. Unschooling, as it is known, attempts to teach through the child's daily experiences and focuses more on self-directed learning by the child, free of textbooks, teachers, and any formal assessment of success or failure.[23]
Unschooling and natural learning
"Natural learning" refers to a type of learning-on-demand where children pursue knowledge based on their interests and parents take an active part in facilitating activities and experiences conducive to learning but do not rely heavily on textbooks or spend much time "teaching", looking instead for "learning moments" throughout their daily activities. Parents see their role as that of affirming through positive feedback and modeling the necessary skills, and the child's role as being responsible for asking and learning.[citation needed]
Autonomous learning Autonomous learning is a school of education which sees learners as individuals who can and should be autonomous i.e. be responsible for their own learning climate. Autonomous education helps students develop their self-consciousness, vision, practicality and freedom of discussion. These attributes serve to aid the student in his/her independent learning. However, a student must not start their autonomous learning completely on their own. It is said, that by first having interaction with someone who has more knowledge in a subject, will speed up the student's learning, and hence allow them to learn more independently.[29] Some degree of autonomous learning is popular with those who home educate their children.In true autonomous learning the child usually gets to decide what projects they wish to tackle or what interests to pursue. In home education this can be instead of or in addition to regular subjects like doing math or English.
Belajar dirumah Orang tua sebagai pengelola dan pendidik Dapat meminta tutor utk memberi tambahan materi Peserta didik adalah anaknya sendiri Tidak ada istilah pendaftaran Tidak ada bayar membayar Orang tua berhak memberikan materi tambahan (otonom) Ada pembelajaran terstruktur dan ada yang tidak terstruktur ANAK NO 2 ANAK NO 1 AYO BELAJAR Yg perlu diperhatikan : Kompetensi Orang Tua Jenis pendidikan tergantung dari orang tua Apabila ingin di setarakan maka harus memiliki kurikulum yang relevan Evaluasi yang dilaksanakan Home Schooling yang menyelenggarakan program Kesetaraan wajib izin dan harus dikatergorikan sebagai satuan pendidikan terkecil (UU no 20 tahun 2003), dan dirintis masuk Dapodik
YANG ADA SAAT INI Pengelola adalah masyarakat (satuan pendidikan PNF)
Peserta didik dari beberapa masyarakat (anak-anak usia sekolah dan masyarakat) Mereka membayar Masuk sesuai keinginan Tutor dibayar seperti formal Materi belajar sama Ada waktu pembukaan pendaftaran dan membayar beraya pendaftaran Menggunakan istilah Homeschooling Ujian mengikuti kesetaraan Home Schooling yang kategori di atas perlu dibahas kembali karena masih dianggap izin PKBM karena menggunakan nama Home schooling tetapi izinnya PKBM, perlu dicari cara pemecahan penamaan dan posisinya dalam jalur pendidikan
Penafsiaran di permen Mana yang harus di beri NPSN
Ranah informal Ranah Forum komunikasi HS Majemuk HS Tunggal Ranah Pendidikan Nonformal ANAK NO 2 ANAK NO 1 AYO BELAJAR HS Majemuk HS komunitas HS Tunggal ANAK NO 2 ANAK NO 1 AYO BELAJAR HS Tunggal HS Majemuk ANAK NO 2 ANAK NO 1 AYO BELAJAR Model di atas akan menjadikan double NPSN dan NISN serta tidak sesuai dengan amanat UU no 20 tahun 2003
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