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Diterbitkan olehYohanes Iskandar Telah diubah "6 tahun yang lalu
Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education
GDLN Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education Sub Center UNUD
Topik 5: Acceptance sampling Control Analysis
Control Analysis
Control Analysis
Control Analysis
Control Analysis
Acceptance sampling Topik 5: PENDAHULUAN ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING Control
Why do we need Acceptance Sampling?
Topik 5: Acceptance sampling Why do we need Acceptance Sampling? If process improvement initiatives such as Six Sigma and gurus such as W. Edwards Deming, Ph.D., emphasize process control to ensure quality to customers, then Analysis
Objectives: to: Protect the consumer; Protect the producer;
Accumulate quality history; Provide feedback information for process control; Provide economic, political and psychological pressure on the producer to improve quality; and Foster process control by providing a climate in which the process can run and be improved while producing imperfections. Control Analysis
Produksi massal food manufacturing
A. PENDAHULUAN Produksi massal food manufacturing Pengendalian dan pengawasan mutu untuk mengetahui kesesuaian dengan standar tidak dapat diterapkan pada semua produk karena jumlah produk sangat banyak
Pengalengan ikan Control Analysis Retort
Sampling: adalah proses penarikan contoh atau unit sampel baik dari suatu lot barang maupun dari suatu proses produksi.
Pengukuran ktiteria mutu dilakukan hanya terhadap unit contoh yang ditarik dari lot atau proses produksi Pengukuran tebal Penimbangan Analisa lainnya
Compliance Analisis dan pengukuran terhadap contoh yang ditarik menghasilkan informasi yang digunakan untuk perbandingan dengan standar guna memutuskan status: penerimaan (accept) penolakan (reject) negosiasi (negotiate) terhadap barang atau proses dari mana contoh tersebut diperoleh
B. Acceptance Sampling “Acceptance sampling” adalah prosedur sampling berdasarkan tabel yang memuat ukuran contoh (sample size) dan kriteria penerimaan (acceptance criteria) Tabel tersebut memuat: Acceptance quality level Inspection level Lot size Sample size Acceptance number atau acceptance criteria
B. Acceptance Sampling
Suatu lot barang yang jumlahnya 4801 s/d 24000, harus ditarik sampel dari padanya sebanyak 13
Lot ditolak bilamana setelah analisis 13 sampel tersebut, terdapat lebih dari 2 sampel yang tidak sesuai standar mutu
Daftar Istilah Acceptance sampling plan
A plan (usually a table) stating the number of sample units to be included in the sample as well as the corresponding acceptance and rejection criteria Lot A collection of units (products) that are offered for examination for determination of compliance during a single work shift and are of the same item description, weight range, date of acceptance, etc.
Sample The collective number of sample units for the examination of a lot
Sample-size (n) The number of sample units which are to be included in the sample Sample-unit An individual item (roast, chop, steak, etc.) or designated quantity of product to be part of a sample Defect Any nonconformance of any unit of product with specified requirements
Random-sampling A process of selecting a sample from a lot whereby each unit in the lot has an equal chance of selection Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) The maximum number of defects per defined quantity that, for the purposes of sampling inspection, can be considered satisfactory as a process average. Acceptance-number (c) The number in a sampling plan that indicates the maximum number of defects permitted in a sample in order to consider a lot as meeting a specific AQL.
Contoh Penerapan: Example 1: A lot consists of 1200 cases, packed 12 x 2.0 lb primary containers per case. A decision is made to use Inspection Level I with AQL = 6.5, since the goods are not in dispute and there is no history of controversy over quality. A container is taken to be the sample unit (2.0 lb each sample) Lot Size (N) = 1200 x 12 or 14,400 units Container Size = 2.0 lb
packed 12 x 2.0 lb per case (secondary container)
2.0 lb primary container Example 1: packed 12 x 2.0 lb per case (secondary container) A lot consists of 1200 cases
KESIMPULAN : Accept the Lot
Sample size (n) = 13 Acceptance Number (c) = 2 Hasil Analisa = 2 tidak sesuai standar. Decision criteria: if there are no more than two (2) “defectives” in a sample size of 13 containers the entire lot (14,400 unit) is considered acceptable. KESIMPULAN : Accept the Lot
“defectives” = non-conformance with standard
SEANDAINYA 3 YANG TIDAK SESUAI STANDAR ? If, however, there are three (3) or more “defectives” in the sample the lot is considered as failing to meet the requirements A “defective” as used in the sampling plans should be defined very clearly, for example: “defectives” = non-conformance with standard
Contoh penarikan contoh acak menggunakan Excel
Jumlah sampel yang ditarik (n=13) dari lot (N=14400),ditarik secara acak Contoh penarikan contoh acak menggunakan Excel N = Nomor 1 s/d
Seperti yang direkomendasikan ICMSF (1986).
Example 2: Acceptance sample plan untuk uji mikrobiologi produk hasil laut seperti: Fresh and frozen fish Precooked breaded fish Frozen raw crustaceans Frozen cooked crustaceans Seperti yang direkomendasikan ICMSF (1986).
Recommended microbiological limits for
fish and fish products (ICMSF, 1986). Product n1 c2 Bacteria/g or / cm2 m3 M4 Fresh and frozen fish 5 3 5 x 105 107 Precooked breaded fish 2 Frozen raw crustaceans 106 Frozen cooked crustaceans
Number of representative sample units
= Number of representative sample units c2 Maximum number of acceptable sample units with bacterial counts between m and M m3 Maximum recommended bacterial counts for good quality products M4 Maximum recommended bacterial counts for marginally acceptable quality products
No. Sampel Jumlah bakteri 1 10E4 2 5x 10E5 3 10E6 4 5 10E3 Example 2:
Dalam pemeriksaan mutu mikrobiologi frozen fish, dilakukan penarikan contoh dari suatu lot produksi. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium menunjukkan hasil sbb: No. Sampel Jumlah bakteri 1 10E4 2 5x 10E5 3 10E6 4 5 10E3
Example 2: Decision criteria berdasarkan Acceptance sampling ICMSF: n = 5 c = 3 m = 5 x 10E5 M = 10E7 Pertanyaan: Apakah produk tersebut pass ataukah reject ? Jika produk tersebut pass termasuk kelas mutu apakah produk tersebut, good quality products ataukah marginally acceptable quality ?
Example 2: Jawab: Produk tersebut pass atau dapat diterima dan memenuhi standar Produk tersebut termasuk kelas mutu good quality products karena terdapat 3 sampel yang kandungan bakterinya tidak lebih besar dari 5 x 10E5, yaitu sampel no. 1, 2 dan 5 Example 3: Apabila analisa mikrobiologi memberikan hasil seperti tabel berikut :
No. Sampel Jumlah bakteri 1 10E4 2 5x 10E5 3 10E6 4 5 10E7
Maka, produk tersebut pass atau dapat diterima dan memenuhi standar namun termasuk kelas mutu marginally acceptable quality products karena terdapat 3 sampel yang kandungan bakterinya tidak lebih besar dari 10E7 namun lebih besar 5x10E5, yaitu sampel no. 3, 4 dan 5
Tabel Jumlah sampel (n) kategori Cjenis pangan
Free, non Free Flowing Food serta Minyak :
Tabel Jumlah sampel (n) makanan kaleng
(kaleng tidak dikemas dalam kemasan sekunder atau kotak kardus) : Tiap sampel = 1 Kaleng:
Tabel Jumlah sampel (n) makanan kaleng
(kaleng dikemas dalam kemasan sekunder atau kotak kardus) :
terima kasih
Daftar Pustaka ICMSF, Recommended microbiological limits for fish and fish products. MIL-STD-1916 : 1 April 1996 MIL-HDBK-1916: 10 February 1999
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