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BIJAK RUANG Spatial Sense

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1 BIJAK RUANG Spatial Sense
WAJ 3105 LITERASI NOMBOR BIJAK RUANG Spatial Sense Download lecture slides at: Dr. Lee Wai Heng & Dr. Ng Kok Fu

2 Bentuk-bentuk 2D Sekitar Kita
Segitiga (triangle) Segiempat tepat (rectangle) Segiempat sama (square) Bulatan (circle) dan banyak lagi…

3 Pepejal-pepejal 3D Sekitar Kita
Kuib/kuboid cube/ cuboids Prisma prisms Piramid pyramid Selinder cylinder Kon cone Hemisfera hemisphere Sfera sphere

4 ISL minggu ini Dalam kumpulan kecil, kenalpasti dan kumpulkan contoh-contoh bentuk 2D dan pepejal 3D yang wujud di dalam persekitaran kita Persembahkan hasil koleksi dalam kelas tutorial anda

5 Exploring 2D & 3D Shapes ks2/maths/3d/index.htm

6 Polygon (special 2D shapes)
A polygon is a closed figure in a plane whose sides are formed by 3 or more straight lines

7 Names of Polygon triangle or trigon (3 sides)
quadrilateral or tetragon (4 sides) pentagon (5 sides) hexagon (6 sides) heptagon (7 sides) octagon (8 sides) nonagon / enneagon (9 sides) decagon (10 sides)

8 Names of Polygon 1 monogon 2 digon 3 trigon, triangle
4 tetragon, quadrilateral 5 pentagon 6 hexagon 7 heptagon 8 octagon 9 enneagon 10 decagon 11 hendecagon 12 dodecagon 13 triskaidecagon 14 tetrakaidecagon, tetradecagon 15 pentakaidecagon, pentadecagon 16 hexakaidecagon, hexadecagon 17 heptakaidecagon 18 octakaidecagon 19 enneakaidecagon 20 icosagon 21 icosikaihenagon, icosihenagon 22 icosikaidigon 23 icosikaitrigon 24 icosikaitetragon 25 icosikaipentagon 26 icosikaihexagon 27 icosikaiheptagon 28 icosikaioctagon 29 icosikaienneagon 30 triacontagon 31 triacontakaihenagon 32 triacontakaidigon 33 triacontakaitrigon 34 triacontakaitetragon 35 triacontakaipentagon 36 triacontakaihexagon 37 triacontakaiheptagon 38 triacontakaioctagon 39 triacontakaienneagon 40 tetracontagon 41 tetracontakaihenagon 42 tetracontakaidigon 43 tetracontakaitrigon 44 tetracontakaitetragon 45 tetracontakaipentagon 46 tetracontakaihexagon 47 tetracontakaiheptagon 48 tetracontakaioctagon 49 tetracontakaienneagon 50 pentacontagon ... 60 hexacontagon ... 70 heptacontagon ... 80 octacontagon ... 90 enneacontagon ... 100 hectogon, hecatontagon 1000 chiliagon 10000 myriagon

9 3D Solids Solids are 3-dimensional figures which are made up of flat or curved surfaces. Solids are classified in terms of their various properties. number and shape of faces number of vertices number of edges

10 Exploring 3D Solids’ Properties

11 Mystery in Mathematics
Euler's formula states, the number of faces (F) and vertices (V) added together is exactly two more than the number of edges (E) This can be written as F + V - E = 2    or     F + V - 2 = E.

12 Testing Euler’s Formula

13 2D Shapes from 3D Solids Explore 2D faces from prisms at:

14 Nets of Polyhedron In geometry, the net of a polyhedron (solid with flat faces and straight edges) is an arrangement of edge-joined polygons in the plane which can be folded (along edges) to become the faces of the polyhedron

15 3D Solids from Nets

16 Practical Task: Constructing a pull-up cube
Source: The Maths Coordinator's File - issue 21


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