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A. History of Adobe Photoshop In 1987, Thomas Knoll, PhD student at the University of Michigan, began writing a program on his Macintosh Plus to display grayscale images on a monochrome screen. This program, called Display, caught the attention of his brother John Knoll, an employee at Industrial Light & Magic, who recommended Thomas to turn his program into a full-featured image editor. Thomas took a six-month break from a study in 1988 to collaborate with his brother on the program, which has been renamed ImagePro. After that year, Thomas changed the name of his program to Photoshop and worked in the short term with Barneyscan scanner manufacturers to distribute copies of the program with slide scanners; "A total of about 200 copies of Photoshop have been delivered" this way. During that time, John traveled to Silicon Valley in California and gave a demonstration of the program to engineers at Apple Computer Inc. and Russell Brown, art director at Adobe. Both demonstrations were successful, and Adobe decided to purchase a license to distribute in September 1988. While John worked on plug-ins in California, Thomas remained in Ann Arbor to write program code. Photoshop 1.0 was released in 1990 specifically for the Macintosh.
Adobe Photoshop is one of the graphics programs used for manipulate image. In terms of images managed by Photoshop devoted as an image management app for the often-called bitmap type images with the term raster. Raster is an image consisting of color grids. Grid is a basic element of an image that can be called a unit of pixels. B. Understanding Photoshop
C. Photoshop Interface 1. Menu Bar Contains a command line of menus, such as file menu, edit, image, etc. 2. ToolBox Contains an icon representing the tool or device used to create or editing images and objects. 3. Option Line Contains an icon row that is used for additional settings according to which toolbox is currently selected. 4. Status bar Displays information about the object being selected. 5. Working Windows Is a window used to work and edit images. 6. Windows Used to organize all the menus used to modify the image.
D. Main Menu Photoshop 1. Adjust, is a coloring manipulation in the image. 2. Duplicate, used to duplicate images. 3. Image size, is a tool used to zoom in or outreduce the image. 4. Canvas size, used to change paper size. 5. Filter, used to give effect to the picture.
E. Use of Photoshop Selection Tool 1. Use Selection Tool Selection tool is one of the tools used to select the image. Some selection menu include Rectangular marquee tool, Elliptical marquee tool, Single Row marquee tool, Single Column marquee tool. 2. Use of Lasso Lasso tool is a form of irregular selection according to our wishes. There is several kinds of motive choices are used to select objects with using lasso tool including lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool, magnetic lasso tool. 3. Use of Magig Wand Magic wand tool will select areas of equal or similar color. The selected area will include the clicked spot and the surrounding area which has almost the same color. 4. Use Selection Menu Multiple selection menu to optimize selection: All, to complete all images. Deselect, to eliminate selection. Reselect, bringing back the removed selection. Inverse, reversing the selection area. Color range, to extract the desired color. Modify, to change the selection made. Grow, to enlarge the selection area. Transform selection, to change the selection. Save selection, save selection.
F. Know the Layer Layer is the layer of an object, where every single layer can consist of one object. At the time of making the object image or writing should be placed on the layer different, so at the time of modifying the object then the object change is not affect the image object between one another. 1. Layer Visibility, used to show or hide each layer. 2. Active Layer, dugunakan to determine at which layer we will work. 3. Lock, useful to lock the layer. 4. Opacity, used to determine the level of transparency of a layer against layer. 5. Mode, contains various layer models and their effects on other layers. 6. New Layer, used to create a new layer. 7. Deleta Layer, used to remove the layer. 8. Merge, to merge multiple layers.
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