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Workflow Project Management Software
This is the first in a series of articles discussing how web-based project management solutions have revolutionized enterprise project management. The series will address how the latest software platforms have significantly improved the enterprise project management office’s ability to successfully execute the various project, program, and portfolio management processes. The series will also explain how these platforms provide for accurate, real-time reporting of a project’s status, health, and performance.
When it comes to managing major construction projects, it’s essential to have a Project Management Office (PMO) in place to create and oversee an effective management system to facilitate the successful execution of the various project and program management activities. A PMO’s functions will vary depending on the type of PMO in place. Common PMO types include Supportive, Controlling, Directive, Strategic, and Blended PMOs. A Blended PMO covers all of the functions offered by the other PMO types and is also known as an Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO).
To know more, contact us today… Our Contacts: Tel: 617-207-7080 Fax: 978-246-0248 Email: sales@pmweb.com Address: 1 Pope St. Wakefield MA, 01880 Also visit: https://pmweb.com/products/visual- workflow/ https://pmweb.com/products/visual- workflow/
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